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Choralsongster's Shop

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Infant teacher - shortlisted for TES Resource Contributor of the Year 2014 & 2015. All my resources have been made for my class, so have been tried and tested before uploading them to share with others. I hope you find my resources useful.




Infant teacher - shortlisted for TES Resource Contributor of the Year 2014 & 2015. All my resources have been made for my class, so have been tried and tested before uploading them to share with others. I hope you find my resources useful.
My bottom social story

My bottom social story

A social story about bottoms being a private part of the body. It explains when it is OK for a key person to see your bottom. It also explains why not to touch other people’s bottoms.
How to deal with children stealing

How to deal with children stealing

A powerpoint designed to be used in assembly or in class for PSHE/PSED. Discussion point on what stealing is, to consider the consequences of stealing, and think of others’ feelings.
Fur, feathers and scales - pet skin sorting

Fur, feathers and scales - pet skin sorting

Pet cards and skin texture boards. Children to sort the cards onto the correct board, depending on which skin type they have. Can provoke discussion around why animals have certain skins (temperature regulation, protection, sensory needs). Could also introduce camouflage.
How to observe a child training

How to observe a child training

Powerpoint presentation on how to Observe children in the Early Years. Designed mainly for classroom assistants, but could be tweaked to present to parents and other staff at school. Additional word document case study. Suggest staff go through the training, then look at any observations they have already completed, as well as complete a joint/paired observation, and then discuss what is exactly required.
Biting social story

Biting social story

A social story to explain why biting is not socially acceptable and strategies/ actions to take when a child needs to bite.
Euro 2016 - I am following...

Euro 2016 - I am following...

Children to each research a country playing in the Euro 2016 tournament. To complete the sheet with the name of the country they are following, the capital city and any languages spoken. Also to draw and colour the national flag, colour in where the country is on the map and colour in the country's Euro 2016 football strip.
We're going on a sound hunt

We're going on a sound hunt

To be used alongside a practical sound hunt, listening to sounds in the environment. Using sound vocabulary, such as quiet and loud, other words can easily be substituted. A short song/rhyme has been included at the end, to recap that sounds are heard by the ears, one of the 5 senses.