Infant teacher - shortlisted for TES Resource Contributor of the Year 2014 & 2015. All my resources have been made for my class, so have been tried and tested before uploading them to share with others. I hope you find my resources useful.
Infant teacher - shortlisted for TES Resource Contributor of the Year 2014 & 2015. All my resources have been made for my class, so have been tried and tested before uploading them to share with others. I hope you find my resources useful.
A PowerPoint designed to teach/recap the /igh/ phoneme. Differentiated to fit in with Phase 3 and 4 teaching.\n1. Blending for reading\n2. Oral segmentation\n3. Segmentation for spelling\n4. Reading sentences incl tricky words
A short assembly/tutorial on World Thinking Day, an annual day that Guides and Scouts celebrate across the world. 2014 focus is on access to primary education for all.
A PowerPoint designed to cater for a mixed Phase 3 & 4 lesson focusing on the /oo/ phoneme. 1. Blend to read: Examples of words to read for both pronunciations, as well as a couple of nonsense 'alien&' words. 2. Oral segmentation. 3. Segmentation for spelling. 4. Reading sentences
Cards contain either squares, circles, triangles, crosses or stars and also a numeral 1-13. The dealer deals 6 cards to each player, putting the rest in the centre and turning the first card over. The aim of the game is to lose all your cards by following the suit or the same numeral. If you do not have either, you have to pick up a card from the centre pile. Joker 'WHOT&' cards are placed down so you change to a new suit. When a player has no cards left, the game ends and scores are added up. The score of any left over star cards are doubled; a WHOT card left over will score 20.
Designed to go alongside gwendelyn's resource ( A powerpoint on 'how to grow a dragon/fruit&' and a short recount on going to Tesco to &';buy a dragon'.
A set of 4 differentiated worksheets for children to draw happy and sad faces on Humpty Dumpty. Designed to be used as a PSHE/PSED lesson on emotions to tie in with the nursery rhyme.\nCould also tie in with the KS1 SEAL Anti-bullying resources.
This is a short introductory presentation to the mouse. It is designed for EYFS/KS1 children, although may be appropriate for older newcomers. Introduces how to click, drag and drop. I had planned to use the BBC WebWise Computer Basics website for children to then practise these skills.\nPlease see my other tutorials on how to use Word, PowerPoint, Publisher and Windows Explorer for kids. MS Paint tutorial is on the way...\nThanks to for some of the content.
Simple chromatography experiment to see who wrote a message in pen on some paper. Children to use colored pens on paper in water, to watch the inks separate. Great idea to introduce reverse color-mixing/color-separation in science.
Independent/adult-assisted research activity (I used as a week's homework) to use a non-fiction text or internet to research a dinosaur. Using a non-fiction text to locate and use contents page, page numbers and information.
A variety of different buildings made from differing shapes. To be used as a math display looking at 2D/3D shapes in the environment,or as a model for students to be able to create compose shapes from other shapes.
Designed for use at circle time/carpet time.\nA set of 5 questions describing 5 different zoo animals. Each question is made up of 3 hints, each getting easier.\nCould differentiate for younger children by displaying images/toys of the animals while they are listening to the questions/hints.\nThis resource was inspired by Sorting Sprinkles blog - zoo week for pre-schoolers 2.
Designed to be blown up to large size. Play I-spy in phonics/literacy lesson, I spy with my little eye, something that begins with the letter … Scribe a word for each letter - obvious choices are kids’ names.