
Halloween 2017 - PowerPoint Presentation - Assembly or in class.
Halloween 2017
PowerPoint Presentation - saved in 2 versions of PowerPoint for people using an older version of PowerPoint.
It could be used in an assembly or in class.
Halloween is on Tuesday 31st October.
I have included some previews of the sides.
It covers:
What is Halloween?
When did it start?
Why do people trick or treat?
Why Pumpkins?
Halloween around the world?
Keeping Safe at Halloween.
An embedded video from YouTube - You will need an internet connection to view it.
It is easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Bonfire / Guy Fawkes Night 2017 - PowerPoint Presentation - Assembly or in class.
Bonfire / Guy Fawkes Night 2017
PowerPoint Presentation - saved in 2 versions of PowerPoint for people using an older version of PowerPoint. It could be used in an assembly or in class.
Bonfire / Guy Fawkes Night is on 5th November 2017
I have included some previews of the sides.
It covers:
What it is know as
Guy Fawkes
Gunpowder plot
Link to a YouTube clip you will need the internet to play it, although it is embedded.
Keeping safe
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Groovy Greeks Theme / Topic Planning (8 Lessons) KS2
Groovy Greeks Theme / Topic Planning (8 Lessons) KS2
Designed for years 5/6 but could easy be adapted to years 3 and 4.
To locate Greece on a map and discuss the climate and features.
To know that Athens and Sparta were city states which governed themselves.
To write a persuasive text based on the city states in Ancient Greece.
To explore the daily lives of people living in Ancient Greece.
To understand why Greeks were successful warriors.
To understand the importance of the Greek gods and godesses.
To write an explanation text about Greek theatre.
To design a Greek theatre mask.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

WW2 (World War 2) Knowledge Organiser - KS2 Year 5 or 6
World War Two - A Child’s War - Knowledge Organiser
Suitable for KS2 - Year 5 and 6
All information on one page, easily to stick into books.

The Egyptians - Ancient Egypt - Knowledge Organiser Suitable for KS2 Year 5 6
The Egyptians - Ancient Egypt - Knowledge Organiser
Suitable for KS2 - Year 5 and 6
Includes an end of topic quiz with answers to assess knowledge.
All information on one page, easily to stick into books.
Check out my other knowledge organisers.

Halloween and Bonfire night - Assembly / Class resource pack
Halloween and Bonfire night - Assembly / Class resource pack
Bonfire Night PowerPoint Presentation
Halloween PowerPoint Presentation
Keeping safe PowerPoint Presentation
See individual resources for more details.