EYFS TO YEAR 6 Average Rating4.75(based on 23 reviews)Resources from EYFS to Year 6! Specialising in report comments- EYFS, Year 5 and Year 6..Edit shopAdd a resource
cliona21Phonics information sheet for parents(2)An editable letters and sounds information page for parents
Salecliona21Zog- Talk 4 Write, story and resources(0)Zog simple Story in widgit form Colourful semantic sentences Story text in simple form Zog word mat- key words
Salecliona21Pirates- EYFS(0)Resources for Pirate project widgit key words scene writing challenge pirate ship drawing Island wordmat
Salecliona21The Color Monster Characters feeling puppets(0)Large monsters and small stick puppets/cards/cut outs
Salecliona21EYFS Report- 1 overall comment per child(0)EYFS Report- 1 overall comment per child 4 abilities including ELL
Salecliona21Senses Widgit(0)voting- fav smell describing food sense key vocab flashcards for favourite smell sentences- describing senses word mat/cards
Salecliona21Weather widgits(0)key words descriptions sentences weather spinner volcano instructions-experiment weekly weather