I taught in a range of schools for many years before moving into FE, where I found creative and imaginative approaches just as rewarding with adults. Most of my resources are concerned with giving control to the learner, through a range of methods. Some are great for just giving them experience of examination questions, and the chance to discuss these with other learners. I now concentrate on spreading the range of creations from UK KS1 to KS4, and across the Common Standards.
I taught in a range of schools for many years before moving into FE, where I found creative and imaginative approaches just as rewarding with adults. Most of my resources are concerned with giving control to the learner, through a range of methods. Some are great for just giving them experience of examination questions, and the chance to discuss these with other learners. I now concentrate on spreading the range of creations from UK KS1 to KS4, and across the Common Standards.
Some ideas for KS2 Geometry, covering part of the specs for Year 3.
• recognise angles as a property of shape or a description of a turn
• identify right angles, recognise that two right angles make a half-turn, three make three quarters of a turn and four a complete turn; identify whether angles are greater than or less than a right angle
• identify pairs of perpendicular and parallel lines.
Editable in Word so you can remove the 'Year 3' reference in the headers - I do it for my own recognition.
Hence suitable for revision in year 4 and above.
Plus a presentation showing horizontal and vertical through photographs.
A straightforward presentation that provides images, formulas, and then tables to be completed with answers. Covers the subject matter of Functional Skills level two, but the questions on the exams may well be more complex. And useful at almost any stage in the curriculum, for recap, review, just a bit of practise.
A powerpoint quiz covering all the aspects of KS2 algebra, and great for revision in KS3 or older.
Pupils should be taught to:
• use simple formulae
• generate and describe linear number sequences
• express missing number problems algebraically
• find pairs of numbers that satisfy an equation with two unknowns
• enumerate possibilities of combinations of two variables.
To find a big bundle of activities and worksheets covering the full specs in year 6, look at my resource for sale at
Everything needed to introduce algebra in Key Stage 2 (Year 6) or to revise and build upon it in KS 3 or later. Formulas, sequences, missing numbers, number patterns and missing number problems.
Presentations, worksheets, activities and assessments covering the whole of algebra in Year 6, and also suitable for older learners. Lots of opportunities for deep thinking, and for differentiation, and all suitable for editing if required. Most have answers. And many questions based on previous SATs.
All written to new UK standards (2015).
Year 6 Algebra
Pupils should be taught to:
• use simple formulae
• generate and describe linear number sequences
• express missing number problems algebraically
• find pairs of numbers that satisfy an equation with two unknowns
• enumerate possibilities of combinations of two variables.
Notes and guidance (non-statutory)
Pupils should be introduced to the use of symbols and letters to represent variables and unknowns in mathematical situations that they already understand, such as:
• missing numbers, lengths, coordinates and angles
• formulae in mathematics and science
• equivalent expressions (for example, a + b = b + a)
• generalisations of number patterns
• number puzzles (for example, what two numbers can add up to).
Sarah needed a simple activity to remind her functional skills learners of the names of plane and solid shapes, so I quickly made this.
The plan is to show the name and the properties, and the learners sketch the shape.
Unfortunately I couldn't get the animation to work, so I've built up the slides to show possible results.
You can easily remove the properties - change as you like.
I've lots more stuff on TES on plane and solid shapes, if you look at my shop.
Plus the net of a box. The plan is to get the learners to adapt this to make a box to hold four cup-cakes.
And an activity of making a box to hold cup-cakes.
This is more of an idea than a set of resources. Having a young learner who struggled with both simple addition in his head, including counting on, and poor recollection of tables, I turned to dice games as a way of helping the learner to develop fluency and retention. I found some online, and I give an example from NRich here. But I also produced addition and multiplication grids, first up to six and then up to ten, for six sided dice and ten sided dice. We take turns to throw the two dice, and mark off the score on our grids, either on an addition grid or a multiplication grid. First one to four in a row, including diagonals, wins the game. Or three in a row if we are short of time - let the learners decide. And finally I've added some with addition for three dice - Bingo style cards with 3 to 18. Each card has one missing number, so there are eighteen in total, with numbers jumbled on each. It would be easy to devise simple tables for the difference between the two dice - I might try that next.
Let me know what you think. My young learner loves the games we devise, and his skills have come on wonderfully.
Two PowerPoint presentations for Key Stage 1, or KS2 revision. One gives the properties of shapes in terms of surfaces, faces, vertices, edges etc., with pictures, for naming. The other is a collection of photographs of real shapes to be identified.
Accompanying worksheets for £1 on the premium resources.
All images (c) Colin Billett 2015
Simple PowerPoint presentation with twelve clock faces to share and discus in the classroom.
A full set of ten worksheets to use with this is available for $1 at:
Big bundle of 10 worksheets for telling the time and drawing hands on a clock face, meeting the curriculum for Grade 2, in units of five minutes.
Precision drawn clock faces in Word and PDF for the learners to read the times, and draw missing hands on the clock faces – minutes, hours, and both minutes and hours.
Two ways of approaching recognition and identifying properties of 3D shapes at Kindergarten and Grade 1. Either match the shape from the description, or name and identify the properties of the shape. I've split them into the Year 1 and Year 2, and done one with the solids required in both years. Some can be simply given out, and some could be printed on card and cut out for a matching activity. All in Word or PDF. Plus a word search with two versions.
Plus a PowerPoint for class sharing and a PowerPoint showing real examples of each. UK common standards say, for Kindergarten and Grade 1 equivalent:
'Pupils handle and name a wide variety of common (…) 3-D shapes including: (…) cuboids, prisms and cones, and identify the properties of each shape (for example, number of sides, number of faces). Pupils identify, compare and sort shapes on the basis of their properties and use vocabulary precisely, such as sides, edges, vertices and faces.'
Learners have so little practice of abstract reasoning in mathematics, and often confounded by what might seem to be simple questions right through the key stages. So I've made a one-sided set of questions just to give them a bit more experience.
Statistics questions from a variety of UK examination papers, suitably changed, and some new ones created to provide a full range, with multiple choice answers added by me. Not yet trailed in the classroom so please advise me of any mistakes.
Great for all sorts of things, and easily cut and pasted into shorter versions.
Answers to follow, but shouldn't be too difficult to work out.
Standard style lesson plans put into PowerPoint for easy showing in the classroom, printing for handouts etc. Elsewhere on TES I have created twenty seven lessons in all, covering the rest of algebra, geometry and measure for higher tier. There is also another set covering number, ratio, proportion, and statistics and probability, and also three free samples of number.
All you have to do is add your own particular circumstances, resources etc.
After getting a 'one star' rating for the paid set of thirty, I thought of this - try these three for free, and if you like them, you can buy the rest of the set, which cost £1.
You'll find the rest of the files here:
Standard style lesson plans put into PowerPoint for easy showing in the classroom, printing for handouts etc. All the objectives covering Number, Probability, Statistics, and Ratio, proportion and rates of change included. Twenty seven lessons in all.
All you have to do is add your own particular circumstances, resources etc.
After getting a 'one star' rating for the paid set of thirty, I thought of this - try these three for free, and if you like them, you can buy the full set, which cost £1.
You will find the rest of the files here:
Final batch of nine worksheets in the style of test questions, arranged by topics, covering rounding-off to units of measure. In Word if you want to cut and paste, or PDF if you want to print them as they stand.
Good for revision and assessment.
You will find the first two set of worksheets on TES, this is the last. Hope they prove useful.
Probability questions from a variety of past UK examination papers, some quite challenging, with multiple choice answers added by me. Not yet trailed in the classroom so please advise me of any mistakes. (Nobody’s perfect, as Joe E Brown famously said on screen.)
Another batch of ten worksheets in the style of test questions, arranged by topics, covering the topics Inequalities to Reading Tables. In Word if you want to cut and paste, or PDF if you want to print them as they stand.
Good for revision at higher levels.
You will find the first ten worksheets on TES, and the third batch of nine worksheets are also on TES.
Expanding Binomials and Factorising Quadratic Expressions
To be able to:
• expand products of two binomials
• factorise quadratic expressions of the form x2+ bx + c, including the difference of two squares
All the research says that girls learn best by understanding, and that by far the best approach to expanding and factorising is by using the grid method. I’ve done this very successfully for years, and retention is greatly improved by giving as little input as possible, and giving the learners challenges to complete. Plus an investigation to give that stretch and challenge.
A full set of resources for learning how to expand and factorise, with a PowerPoint that can be used for class discussion. Plus some extra exercises for homework or assessment in a subsequent lesson. And a reminder of multiplication and addition of positive and negative numbers for a quick warm-up.
All answers included!
Five exercises embracing Pythagoras theorem and sine, cosine and tangent as applied to right-angled triangles. Multiple choice quizzes for recap, revision or homework, in Word and PDF. All mistakes are mine, and please report to me if you find any!