I taught in a range of schools for many years before moving into FE, where I found creative and imaginative approaches just as rewarding with adults. Most of my resources are concerned with giving control to the learner, through a range of methods. Some are great for just giving them experience of examination questions, and the chance to discuss these with other learners. I now concentrate on spreading the range of creations from UK KS1 to KS4, and across the Common Standards.
I taught in a range of schools for many years before moving into FE, where I found creative and imaginative approaches just as rewarding with adults. Most of my resources are concerned with giving control to the learner, through a range of methods. Some are great for just giving them experience of examination questions, and the chance to discuss these with other learners. I now concentrate on spreading the range of creations from UK KS1 to KS4, and across the Common Standards.
Year 4 - Geometry – properties of shapes
Two separate bundles of activities covering (a) triangles and (b) quadrilaterals, all for the new KS2 specifications. Specifically written for Year 4, they can easily be used at any level. In Word for editing or PDF for clear copies. Activities, worksheets and assessments, plus a short presentations on triangles and quadrilaterals. The presentations are included as PowerPoints and PDFs, to ensure at least one will open on any computer.
Statutory requirements
Pupils should be taught to:
• compare and classify geometric shapes, including quadrilaterals and triangles, based on their properties and sizes
Notes and guidance (non-statutory)
Pupils continue to classify shapes using geometrical properties, extending to classifying different triangles (for example, isosceles, equilateral, scalene) and quadrilaterals (for example, parallelogram, rhombus, trapezium).
Pupils compare and order angles in preparation for using a protractor and compare lengths and angles to decide if a polygon is regular or irregular.
Simple set of slides to demonstrate finding bearings when given some information, and locating things when given two bearings. Follows on from my introduction resource.
For worksheets covering foundation, higher, measuring, trigonometry etc, plus a plenary/revision quiz, go to my premium resource. This contains a whole selection of questions adapted from exam questions, and covers the whole of this aspect of the syllabus.
A powerpoint quiz covering all the aspects of KS2 algebra, and great for revision in KS3 or older.
Pupils should be taught to:
• use simple formulae
• generate and describe linear number sequences
• express missing number problems algebraically
• find pairs of numbers that satisfy an equation with two unknowns
• enumerate possibilities of combinations of two variables.
To find a big bundle of activities and worksheets covering the full specs in year 6, look at my resource for sale at
Two sets of questions, differentiated by paper, for learners to complete. Plus answers.
Counting has always been on Foundation, so quite easy for learners.
Sophisticated counting strategies are new to the GCSE higher tier. The specs say:
apply systematic listing strategies, including use of the product rule for counting (i.e. if there are m ways of doing one task and for each of these, there are n ways of doing another task, then the total number of ways the two tasks can be done is m × n ways)
Hence also suitable for revision at A Level Statistics.
All questions follow the format of 2017 exams across the boards, and the SAMs and Mocks available.
GCSE Higher Tier says ‘apply systematic listing strategies, including use of the product rule for counting (i.e. if there are m ways of doing one task and for each of these, there are n ways of doing another task, then the total number of ways the two tasks can be done is m × n ways)’.
A clear, colourful and carefully explained PowerPoint presentation building up the skills from simple matching problems to calculating combinations and permutations in a variety of realistic and original settings, with lots of opportunity for the learner to reflect, apply, and evaluate the problems.
Also available in my shop are two differentiated worksheets of adapted exam questions from sample and real GCSE assessments.
Plus a PDF version that will work on all operating systems.
Surds are new to the Foundation part of GCSE maths, so I've made a very clear step-by-step PowerPoint that introduces surds, explains irrational numbers, demonstrates how to simplify surds, and gives examples and practice in applying all four rules of arithmetic using surds. Plus rationalising the denominator and more.
Throughout the presentation there are groups of questions on each aspect to apply the skills, all with answers.
Learners are now expected to appreciate that a surd gives an exact answer rather than a decimal approximation, and an understanding is essential for the new topics in algebra and trigonometry that are now on Foundation.
Plus, it could be a very solid introduction to Higher tier surds.
A PowerPoint presentation to explore the nature of Scientific notation, deriving the methods. Simple worksheet on conversions and another on calculations. Plus card matching activity and pair-matching activity. Everything to teach and explore the subject. Grade 8 – Multiple resources for teaching powers of 10 and scientific notation. Presentation, worksheets and activities.
3. Use numbers expressed in the form of a single digit times an integer power of 10 to estimate very large or very small quantities, and to express how many times as much one is than the other.
4. Perform operations with numbers expressed in scientific notation, including problems where both decimal and scientific notation are used. Use scientific notation and choose units of appropriate size for measurements of very large or very small quantities (e.g., use millimeters per year for seafloor spreading). Interpret scientific notation that has been generated by technology.
Introduction to surds and irrational numbers, surds in calculations, surds in trigonometry, surds investigations, surds in brackets, surds and rationalising the denominator. Presentations and worksheets, enough for two, three, maybe more lessons. All clearly presented, and based on current GCSE questions.
Standard style lesson plans put into PowerPoint for easy showing in the classroom, printing for handouts etc. All the objectives covering Number, Probability, Statistics, and Ratio, proportion and rates of change included. Twenty seven lessons in all.
All you have to do is add your own particular circumstances, resources etc.
After getting poor feedback, I decided to make the first three as free samples, so do check them out before you buy this full set.
GCSE Mathematics - Foundation and Higher Tier. Finding the equation of a line through two points and perpendicular lines.
A worksheet/activity that reminds learners of the algebraic form of a straight line, and goes on to finding the equation of a line joining two points and find the equations of perpendicular lines. Lots of GCSE style questions.
Foundation Tier
Plot graphs of equations that correspond to straight-line graphs in the coordinate plane; use the form y = mx + c to identify parallel lines; find the equation of the line through two given points or through one point with a given gradient.
Higher Tier
Plot graphs of equations that correspond to straight-line graphs in the coordinate plane; use the form y = mx + c to identify parallel and perpendicular lines; find the equation of the line through two given points or through one point with a given gradient.
Surds and and an understanding of irrational numbers are new to GCSE Foundation, so I’ve produced a clear and simple PowerPoint for classroom use to introduce the topic.
Other stuff available on working with surds etc.
I’ve added a pdf version to solve the problem of different versions of PowerPoint and some images not working well on ppt.
Everything needed to introduce algebra in Key Stage 2 (Year 6) or to revise and build upon it in KS 3 or later. Formulas, sequences, missing numbers, number patterns and missing number problems.
Presentations, worksheets, activities and assessments covering the whole of algebra in Year 6, and also suitable for older learners. Lots of opportunities for deep thinking, and for differentiation, and all suitable for editing if required. Most have answers. And many questions based on previous SATs.
All written to new UK standards (2015).
Year 6 Algebra
Pupils should be taught to:
• use simple formulae
• generate and describe linear number sequences
• express missing number problems algebraically
• find pairs of numbers that satisfy an equation with two unknowns
• enumerate possibilities of combinations of two variables.
Notes and guidance (non-statutory)
Pupils should be introduced to the use of symbols and letters to represent variables and unknowns in mathematical situations that they already understand, such as:
• missing numbers, lengths, coordinates and angles
• formulae in mathematics and science
• equivalent expressions (for example, a + b = b + a)
• generalisations of number patterns
• number puzzles (for example, what two numbers can add up to).
Developing area and perimeter to look at shapes with same areas but different perimeters, same perimeters but different areas, and equal area and perimeter. Engaging activities for the learners. Covers Year 5, but good for revision and practice at later stages.
Straightforward set of questions on standard form, adapted and adopted from genuine past exam papers. Arranged for developing the complexity, and for printing and accessibility.
Includes converting between standard form and ordinary numbers, ordering, multiplication and division, and a few word problems.
Specs for KS4:
'interpret and compare numbers in standard form
Nothing fancy - just a full set of questions reflecting those set by the big exam boards.
Dividing a fraction by a fraction.
Ever wonder why we 'flip and multiply'? Not many people seem to do so, and learners are too happy to follow the rules, and forget the rules. 'When do I do this and when do I do that?'
Here is a colourful diagrammatic presentation that recaps on dividing by unit fractions, then goes on to illustrate why we multiply by the denominator, and divide by the numerator, ie 'flip and multiply'. Give your learners the 'why' and they might remember the 'when'!
Questions at every point for class discussion and teacher explanation, and a set of questions at the end for learners to try, with full answers.
Plus differentiated worksheet, two exercises, one just proper fractions, one mixed numbers.
Questions culled and adapted from some very old papers, which means that none of the current learners will have seen these. Actually, very little changes, although these are the more basic end of the scale - some of the new ones may be trickier, but these are great for the lower grades.
KS2 Maths - Year 3 Equivalent Fractions:
Year 3 equivalent fractions.
recognise and show, using diagrams, equivalent fractions with small denominators
Colourful powerpoint for sharing with a whole class, or for printing slides for cutting out and matching the shapes. You can buy them but they cost £25 a set of magnetic ones!
Lots of questions to match shapes to fraction concepts, and activities for the learners to do, including writing fraction chains and colouring in a fractions wall. Great for revision in later years.