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daveanson Computer Science Stuff

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Computer Science and Digital Art Lessons




Computer Science and Digital Art Lessons
GCSE Computer Science 2016 into practice with Python - Part 1

GCSE Computer Science 2016 into practice with Python - Part 1

Here are some practical worksheets to use in your lessons, to complement some of the learning objectives from Edexcel GCSE Computer Science 2016. *Manipulating strings (Part 1)* This is a simple program using built-in string functions. It also includes demonstrates of converting a string to an integer. *Manipulating string (Part 2) - using local and global variables* This worksheet can be used as an extension to the above. It shows the use of when a global variable can be used. This is demonstrated through the good practice of removing repeating code and putting it into a reusable sub-program (function), then changing the local variable to a global variable, so the subprogram can access the variable. This activity can be used to reinforce the importance of decomposition and abstraction when developing code. *Variables and Constants* A worksheet for students to write a Rock, Paper, Scissors Game. They should be asked to identify a variable that does not change during the game and change it to UPPERCASE to create a recognisable constant. I hope to add more worksheets as I create them.
Introduction to Computer Networking -  A GCSE Computer Science taster for Key Stage 3 Students

Introduction to Computer Networking - A GCSE Computer Science taster for Key Stage 3 Students

The download include 3 PowerPoint Presentations which are designed as an introduction to Computer Networking in the new GCSE Computer Science. The lessons were designed to give my Key Stage 3 students an insight into the topics that will be covered at GCSE Computer Science in advance of choosing their options. If using them for GCSE I hope they can easily be adapted and extended. Lessons 1 includes an opportunity for students to build a prototype network. I used wool to represent cables (different colours for Ethernet and Fibre) it worked quite well. If you have resources for student to build a computer network then all the better. Lesson 2 enforces the top level concepts covered in Lesson 1 by starting to include some detail about the other components required. The students can then simulate a network on line with a link included in the last slide. Lesson 3 concludes the scheme of work giving students an insight into how data is transferred in packets - The animations in the presentation really helped. In this last lesson there is a link to you tube video on How the Internet Works (8 min). There are some more video link, at the end of lesson 3 (that could be used at the end of any of the lessons) as an extension. Inside a Google Data Center (6 min) and How Big is Google? (12 min). The last lesson concludes with a slide showing what happens in 60 seconds on the internet. I've omitted the more involved technical objectives of the specification. The presentation I've included many animations that will satisfy some differentiation. The Scheme Of Work includes: - Introduction to Networks Lesson 1 - LAN and WAN - Introduction to Networks Lesson 2 - Network Components and Ethernet - Introduction to Networks Lesson 3 - Routing and the Internet Objectives are: - Understand where networks are used and types of small and large networks - Name key components used on a network - Explain the difference between a hub and a switch - Explain the purpose of servers on the network - Understand ethernet copper and fibre-optic (the slides that shows the standards are intended as a overview of technical terms) - Describe how packets of data a transferred between computers (and through devices) - Understand how packets are sent via different routes - Appreciate the size of the internet
Introduction to Adobe Photoshop

Introduction to Adobe Photoshop

Students learn the basic elements and navigating around the Adobe Photoshop menu, toolbars and workspace. The presentation incorporates an activity using basic tools and techniques. The downloadable resourse include a presentation with activity and the base image used during the activity throughout the lesson. The presentation concludes with a quiz to see what student have remembered during the presentation. Objectives: - Locate tools within Photoshop - Apply brightness and contrast to an image - Use a series of selection techniques using the selection tools to crop an area of an image - Use a selection of tools to enhance an image
Algorithms in the Real World - A JavaScript Example

Algorithms in the Real World - A JavaScript Example

The lesson is designed for students to get hands on writing real code and think about the code in terms of an algorithm. There are Bronze, Silver and Gold targets to allow students, possibly with experience of coding (particularly HTML and Javascript) to extend the code and have fun. The extension is intended for all students, but would be a useful alternative to achieving Silver and Gold. To encourage student to think of the code in terms of an algorithm, there are Bonus Points given to students who can draw a flow chart sequencing the interaction between the visitor and the code.