I provide comprehensive worksheets to revise a particular topic (always with answers included) as well as extension materials, for pupils ranging from age about 11 to 16+.
All of my premium resources have a UK and US version.
I provide comprehensive worksheets to revise a particular topic (always with answers included) as well as extension materials, for pupils ranging from age about 11 to 16+.
All of my premium resources have a UK and US version.
Shed Loads of Practice (SLOP) is about pupils solving a huge number of easy questions quickly to gain fluency.
This is an Excel workbook that generates questions on the following topics. Some are basic numeracy some National 5 / GCSE or Higher Maths level.
Negative and Positive Numbers
Odd and Even Numbers
Combining like terms
Expanding brackets
Percentages finding the multiplier
Trig standard values
Scale Factor
Print it out and give pupils just a few minutes to fill them all in.
A Powerpoint (or PDF) of algebra problems that involve ages. These are hard enough that they need the equations to be written out in full. Some need simultaneous equations to solve.
Solutions given.
A set of practice tests all provided with full solutions. Some are whole course, some cover specific aspects of the course, some with self-assessments too.
AH Statistics Past Paper Questions Test
AH Statistics Practice Test 1
AH Statistics Practice Test 2 (full course)
AH Statistics Practice Test 3
AH Statistics Practice Test 4 (Sampling, Prob, Binomial)
AH Statistics Practice Test 5 (Data Analysis)
AH Statistics Practice Test 6 (full course)
AH Statistics Practice Test #7 (Distributions, Regression, CLT, Confidence Intervals, T tests)
AH Statistics Practice Test #8 (Probability, Normal Dist, Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney, Chi-Squared)
AH Statistics Practice Test #9 (Probability, Sampling, Data Display)
AH Statistics Practice Test #10
AH Statistics Practice Test #11
AH Statistics Practice Test #12 (t-tests)
AH Statistics Practice Test #13 (no t-tests)
AH Statistics Practice Test #14
AH Statistics Practice Test #15 (no non-parametric)
AH Statistics Practice Test #16
AH Stats Practice Unit Assessments
AH Stats English PPQ - Part 1 (Sampling, Prob, Mean and Variance, Normal Dist)
AH Stats English PPQ - Part 2 (Binomial, Poisson, Conf intervals, Chi Squared, Mann Whitney, Wilcoxon, Regression)
AH Stats Unit Assessments
Edit March 2023: updated Practice Test 4
Edit: December 2023: added #14-15,
Edit: March 2024: added #16
This is a series of questions testing basic knowledge of percentages.
They should be solved by converting the common percentages to fractions.
They start easy then introduce increases and decreases, then more difficult numbers.
Full solutions included.
Two Powerpoints for introducing and practicing standard deviation.
Standard Deviation ‘What it Means’ introduces the idea of spread with some examples then gives the full standard deviation for pupils to practice.
Standard Deviation ‘Practice Questions’ gives some examples for pupils to practice and full solutions.
I’ve also included short versions of each Powerpoint as a PDF if you prefer to use these as handouts.
Four worksheets of vectors questions all with full solutions
Vectors #1 Column Vectors - writing as a column vector
Vectors #2 Addition and Magnitude - add, subtract, find magnitude in 2D and 3D
Vectors #3 Pathways and Coordinates - reading pathways, midpoints, 3D coordinates (answer fixed June 2024)
Vectors #4 Mix - magnitude, adding, 3D coordinates, pathways
Four probability resources: Conditional Probability with tree diagrams, Conditional Probability with Venn diagrams, Conditional Probability with Set Notation, Deadly disease probability question
A short video explaining how to solve a conditional probability problem using tree diagrams.
A video using a Venn Diagram to determine if the events are independent, mutually exclusive, and calculate some conditional probabilities. This is done alongside calculating with a table.
Practice questions with solutions using Set Notation
A classic question on probability with a rare disease
Powerpoint questions on the following topics.
Chi squared
Confidence Intervals
Continuous Uniform Distribution
Discrete Uniform Distribution
Mean and Variance
Poisson distribution
Transforming Variables
All with full solutions
18 revision sheets all provided with full solutions.
Some cover the whole course some a few areas only.
Edit March 2023: Updated Sheets 1-6, 9, 14-16
Edit Dec 2023: Added 17-18
Edit June 2024: Added 19
This is a thought provoking activity about how many variables are needed to describe a shape.
For example, if you don’t care about size, rotation or position all squares are the same.
To define size, one variable is needed.
To define rotation, one variable is needed.
To define position in the 2D plane, two variables are needed.
So to fully define any square requires four variables.
There are many possible different choices for these four.
(Updated 2023)
A page of questions on the following
expanding brackets
forming and solving equations
Solutions included
Edit: added a Powerpoint of similar questions
Edit: added a further dense page of questions
A set of six challenging problems where pupils must use all the digits 1-9 exactly once each, for example:
Find two three-digit numbers that sum to another three-digit number
Solutions provided.
This is a series of questions aimed at making pupils more comfortable with dealing with formulas with fractions in them.
I made this worksheet in response to a very bright class who had no problems with most formula but struggled rearranging fractions.
Full solutions included.
Edit: added powerpoint of extra questions
Edit: added some textbook change the subject questions with answers
Two pages of Powerpoints with answers on simple questions like
If f(x)=3x+4, find f(5)
Then tests fractions and negatives, and finally more difficult questions like
If f(x)=3x+4, and f(a)=19, find a
A set of five harder problems about finding the mean which involve pupils using the fact that the total is the number of data points times the mean (or using algebra).
Provided with solutions.
A set of 13 practice assessments covering all aspects of the National 5 Course. Each one is laid out with space for write-on answers, and provided with solutions.
Edit: Added assessments 14-17
Two extra tasks for pupils doing the Higher Statistics Module.
Task 1 is using Excel to analyse some Covid infection data using regression analysis. This has example solutions inline.
Task 2 is conducting a survey . Included are example model solutions…
A teacher-led Powerpoint investigation into randomness to be done at the end of a topic about probability. The five short topics are
Pick a random number
Heads and Tails experiment
Lottery Random numbers
Digits of Pi
What is randomness?
The aim is for pupils to understand that ‘random’ isn’t truly random after all!