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End of Year Reception Report
Editable so that you can add your school logo and photo of each child
Covers EYFS and COEL
Parent feedback sheet
Next Steps
Clear and accessible format
PE Planning Start of Year Reception
Planning for a discreet PE lesson towards the beginning of Autumn Term for Reception. Promoting gross motor development. Fun and inclusive.
Book List Philosophy for Children for EYFS
A comprehensive book list appropriate for use across the EYFS detailing picture books which can be used as a stimulus in a P4C (Philosophy for Children) session with children of this age. Can be shared with practitioners or parents.
Planning template for P4C
A comprehensive planning template for P4C (Philosophy for Children) sessions. Can be used across Primary and Secondary school ages. Easy to fill out and will help teachers and practitioners to be fabulous philosophical participators.
P4C Thinking games
Document full of P4C (philosophy for children) thinking games. These can be used at the beginning of a session or are an excellent speaking starter in an English/History/RE session.
Philosophical Concept SPECS KS1-3
Philosophical Concept SPECS
Can be used in KS1-3
Will help facilitate philosophical enquiry
18x Philosophy Stimuli Bundle
A bundle of activities and resources which can be used in Philosophical sessions such as P4C (Philosophy for Children) or warm ups to encourage speaking, listening, debate and enquiry in the classroom.
Child thinks - Adult thinks P4C template
This excellent template allows you to record P4C (Philosophy for Children) sessions from both the child and adult point of view. Fantastic for display.
20x P4C Stimuli Bundle
Lesson plans, story presentations, activity ideas, warm up games and a number of images to be used as P4C Stimuli.
Concept Line - Stealing. Outstanding activity
Facilitate a discussion around the concept of stealing by creating a concept line whereby the provided statements can be read, discussed and then ordered.
Can be used as a warm up or a full lesson.
8 Homework Menus for KS1
Menu style homework for KS1. Differentiated activities for Maths, English and Science/Foundation subjects. 8 half terms worth.
Evolution and inheritance start of unit year 6
Recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago.
Identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution.
Lesson (two lessons) on evolution. Suitable for Year 6.
Board Game
Notebook slides
LO: Can I review my knowledge of fossils?
E-Safety Lessons (x5) and Quiz
5 E-Safety Lessons
Powerpoint presentations
Quiz to investigate E-Safety
Instructions for quiz
Maths place value planning and notebook slides Year 6
maths lessons for Year 6 covering these learning objectives:
Can I understand place value in 6-digit numbers?
Can I order 5-digit numbers?
Can I compare and order numbers?
Can I use an inverse operation to get to the target number?
Can I add and subtract 1s, 10s, 100s, 1000s, 10,000s and 100,00?
Recycled Christmas Decorations
A whole school list from nursery to year 6 with ideas for christmas decorations made from recycled materials. Images of examples provided and lists of necessary materials.
KS1 Guided Reading
Guided Reading guidance for KS1. Includes:
-notes with guidance and non-negotiables
-planning template
example plan
Whole School Behaviour System Resources
A set of resources which help to implement a whole school behaviour system
EYFS, KS1 and KS2
Posters for classrooms
Resources for teachers
Letters and information for parents
Flowcharts for children
Positive Behaviour management
End of Year Report Format and Guidance
End of Year Report Format
With attached letter to parents
Suitable for KS1 and 2
Separate guidance for teachers document with clear outlines
Includes examples of comments and next steps
Includes practical advice
Staff Meeting and Expectations for Classroom and Communal Displays
Staff Meeting and Expectations for Classroom and Communal Displays
Powerpoint presentation with clear rationale, examples and lots of opportunities for personalisation
Accompanying Guidance doc for teachers. Gives clear guidance on classroom displays and communal displays
NOTE: this guidance is promoting natural and neutral classrooms with hessian backed boards (easily replaced by parcel paper)
Introduction to Electricity - Circuits
In this lesson, students will be introduced to the world of electricity. Students will familiarize themselves with essential terminology, distinguish between conductors and insulators and visualize static electricity in the everyday. They will also dive deeper into circuits, understanding their components to build accurate circuit diagrams.
Used in Y4