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Resources focused on the AQA GCSE Geography (8035) course and the BTEC (tech) travel and tourism course from Pearson (2022 onwards)




Resources focused on the AQA GCSE Geography (8035) course and the BTEC (tech) travel and tourism course from Pearson (2022 onwards)
Rio Environmental Challenges Worksheet

Rio Environmental Challenges Worksheet

A worksheet designed to be used with the Oxford AQA GCSE Geography (AQA) textbook. It focuses on the environmental challenges in Rio and the possible solutions to reducing them. Designed to be a comprehension based activity.
AQA GCSE Geography - Environmental Opportunities in Bristol - Lesson

AQA GCSE Geography - Environmental Opportunities in Bristol - Lesson

A fully resourced lesson exploring the environmental opportunities in Bristol, focusing on urban greening and integrated transport systems. It includes a worksheet which requires students to use pages 172-173 in the Oxford University ‘AQA GCSE Geography’ textbook. It also includes an activity focused around how the environmental opportunities can benefit the population’s quality of life.
Strategies to reduce the development gap worksheet

Strategies to reduce the development gap worksheet

A standalone worksheet that could be used as part of a lesson on strategies to reduce the development gap. It includes x3 tasks: Task 1 - match each strategy with the correct meaning/description Task 2 - explain how one strategy reduce the development gap. A model example is given to help. Task 3 - x4 weakness/challenges are described and students have to suggest which strategy to reduce the development gap it would link to.
Urban Sustainability Revision Sheet - AQA GCSE Geography

Urban Sustainability Revision Sheet - AQA GCSE Geography

A revision sheet covering water and energy conservation, urban transport strategies to reduce traffic congestion and responding to the challenge of waste disposal. The worksheet has been designed to make links to the city of Bristol where possible rather than focusing on Freiburg to reduce overload for students. Students are not required to study any case study or example for this part of the specification but if students have studied Bristol as their UK city this worksheet will compliment their revision of this exxample. Could be used as a standalone worksheet for revision or to support catch up for students who have been off for long periods.
Climate Change Revision Sheet (AQA GCSE Geography)

Climate Change Revision Sheet (AQA GCSE Geography)

A simple revision sheet which covers climate change as part of the 8035 AQA GCSE Geography course. Could be used as standalone or within a lesson. Designed to be a summary only but is particularly useful for students who miss large amounts of content due to absence. Designed to be used for the 8035 AQA GCSE Geography course.
Development Gap (indicators, causes and consequences)  Revision Sheet (AQA GCSE Geography)

Development Gap (indicators, causes and consequences) Revision Sheet (AQA GCSE Geography)

A summary revision sheet to cover the following parts of the Changing Economic World topic as part of the GCSE AQA Geography course (8035): development indicators causes of the development gap consequences of uneven development Can be used as a standalone worksheet or with the blue AQA GCSE Geography textbook. Ideal for summarising revision or as catch up resource for students who have large amounts of learning.
Bristol Revision Summary Powerpoint

Bristol Revision Summary Powerpoint

**For which specification? **= AQA Geography (8035) **Specification Link? **= Paper 2 - Urban Issues and Challenges - UK City - Bristol This x34 slide powerpoint provides a useful summary of the case study on Bristol and is matched to the 8035 AQA GCSE Geography specification. It contains pit-stop questions and summarised content to help with planning and delivering revision sessions, which is specifically linked to the specification.
AQA GCSE Geography Revision Summary Sheets - Paper 2 (8035)

AQA GCSE Geography Revision Summary Sheets - Paper 2 (8035)

A set of revision summary sheets to cover the following units of the Paper 2 GCSE Geography (AQA 8035): urbanisation urban growth of a city in a LIC/NEE - focusing on Rio de Janeiro and Favela Bairro urban change in a UK city - focusing on Bristol and including the Bristol Harbourside regeneration project urban sustainable living development gap (indicators, causes, impacts and strategies to reduce) changing economic world - focusing on Nigeria and Shell changing economic world - UK economy resource management in the UK (question 3) - food, water and energy resource management (question 5) - water These worksheets are best enlarged to A3 when printed. They can be used as a standalone resource and/or with the blue AQA GCSE Geography textbook.
Tectonic hazards (earthquake) revision sheet (AQA GCSE Geography)

Tectonic hazards (earthquake) revision sheet (AQA GCSE Geography)

A revision sheet for the earthquake part of the tectonic hazards unit of the 8035 AQA geography course. It could be used as part of a lesson or standalone e.g. for HWK. Best printed A4 and then enlarged to A3. Includes: earthquake key terms formation of an earthquake Richter and Mercalli scale Earthquake case studies (primary, secondary impacts and short-term and long responses) Monitoring and the 3Ps to reduce the effects of earthquakes. Could easily be adapted for volcanoes if needed.
Year 7 Beast from the East (2018) Lesson

Year 7 Beast from the East (2018) Lesson

A lesson on the causes and impacts of the Beast from the East (2018). It explores the causes of the Beast from the East, with the aid of a short video and gives students a written activity based on explaining this. The second part of the lesson focuses on some of the impacts - with an activity on categorising the impacts into social / economic / environmental and then an extended written piece using a PEEL structure to explain the impacts. The extended written task also includes a model example before students are expected to complete their own independent explanation. Designed to last 1 hour.
AQA GCSE Geography (8035) - Paper 1, 2 & 3 Self-Reflection Sheets for May/June 2019 exams

AQA GCSE Geography (8035) - Paper 1, 2 & 3 Self-Reflection Sheets for May/June 2019 exams

Three sets of self-reflection worksheets for Paper 1, 2 & 3 of the AQA GCSE Geography (8035) exams from May/June 2019. These are a useful template for students self-reflecting on these exam papers if used as mock exams or general practice papers. They contain a column for writing their own mark for each exam question as well as a set of self-reflection questions at the end, focusing on their performance in each of the x3 sections of Papers 1 and 2 and in the sections of Paper 3.