Worksheets for the BTEC (tech) award in Travel and Tourism by Pearson (2022 onwards).
Worksheet 1: visitor destinations
This worksheet supports students research on Dubai, as a popular World city, Bath, as an historical town/city, and then gives them an open option to research 1 National Park/landscape in the UK and one coastal resort of their choice. Students would need to have access to ipads, computers or laptops to conduct the research.
Worksheet 2: tourism types and activities
This worksheet gives students scenarios of domestic, outbound and inbound tourists and they have to research different a suggested itinerary. It also gives them an opportunity to categorise each scenario into leisure or business. Students would need to have access to ipads, computers or laptops to conduct the research.
Worksheet would need to be enlarged onto A3 when printing as it is currently set to A4 size.
A set of two double sided revision mind-maps for Component 1 of the BTEC Edexcel tech award in Travel and Tourism.
Each mind-map covers popular tourist destinations and tourism organisations and summarises each of these topics.
Perfect for use with the Pearson textbook.
A worksheet covering green spaces, energy conservation and water conservation in helping to make urban areas more sustainable.
Designed to be used with the GCSE Geography AQA Oxford textbook.
Questions are based on using the pages in relation to sustainable urban living (part 1).
Worksheet designed to be used with the blue/Oxford textbook for AQA GCSE Geography (pages 240-241 )
Covers the following:
impacts of industry
Tor Quarry and how it is becoming more sustainable.
A worksheet designed to provide a template for making notes on the location and importance of Bristol. This worksheet is perfect for a cover lesson or for setting as homework. It is designed to be used with pages 166-167 of the Oxford University ‘GCSE Geography AQA’ textbook.
A simple worksheet which outlines the main threats to biodiversity in the tropical rainforest. Students have to colour code each of the threats into in-direct or direct.
Two revision sheets that summarise the Bristol and Rio de Janeiro case studies for the 8035 GCSE Geography course, as part of the urban issues and challenges topic. They are uploaded as two separate documents but could easily be enlarged and photocopied back to back if needed.
Perfect as a revision activity or for catch up for students with long-term absence.
Recommended to enlarge to A3 when printing.
This is a revision summary sheet for Paper 1 of the AQA 8035 geography specification.
It includes an overview of what a natural hazard is and a summary of why hazard risk varies.
It also includes a section on tectonic hazards, which includes:
plate tectonic theory
plate margins
It does not include earthquakes or volcano formation in detail, or named examples of tectonic hazards or how to reduce the risk of tectonic hazards.
Perfect for quick revision and to summarise key information.
Three board games (made on publisher) for Paper 2 of the 8035 GCSE Geog. Sepcification.
One board game for Section A (Urban Issues and Challenges), one board game for Section B (Changing Economic World) and one board game for Section C (Challenge of Resource Management, with a focus on water).
The board games include some questions focused around named examples and case studies, however these can be very easily adapted in publisher by just changing the names to those relevant to your school/department
Case studies and examples included:
Board Game 1:
Bristol as a UK city
Rio de Janeiro as a city in an NEE
Board Game 2:
India as a country in an NEE
Tourism in India
Board Game 3:
South to North Transfer Scheme in China for large scale water
Ice Stupas in Ladakh for sustainable water supplies
**For which specification? **= AQA Geography (8035)
**Specification Link? **= Paper 2 – Changing Economic World
This x13 slide powerpoint provides a useful summary of the content on the case study for Section B of Paper 2. It is matched to the 8035 AQA GCSE Geography specification.
If this powerpoint is printed as a 2 slide handout, each powerpoint slide can be cut out and forms a very handy one-sided summary flashcard for students to use. These can then be treasury tagged together to form a set of flashcards to revise from.
• Case study of a LIC/NEE - India
• Tourism - India
A worksheet designed to be used with the GCSE Geography AQA Student Book (GCSE Geography AQA 2016) Paperback – 28 April 2016.
Perfect to consolidate key knowledge quickly using the textbook pages on Rio’s environmental challenges. Worksheet also includes an optional challenge column to stretch the most able.
Two summary sheets on opportunities and challenges in the Sahara.
Includes: key word research, colour coding activities and locating countries onto a map.
Only additional resource required is an atlas.
Designed for the AQA GCSE Geog. 9-1 (8035) spec.
A set of resourced lessons to cover component 1a of the Pearson BTEC (tech) travel and tourism course (2022 onwards).
Each of the 16 lessons contains a powerpoint that includes:
title and learning aim
do now starter task to recap previous content/knowledge
a series of dual-coded exposition slides
range of written pause points to hinge capture key knowledge
range of application tasks, which prioritise independent research
The lesson pack also includes a double sided revision sheet on component 1A on demonstrating an understanding of the UK travel and tourism industry.
It also includes a unit overview sheet that could be stuck into students books so they can keep track of their learning journey, this can also be easily edited.
A set of three worksheets:
Food Crisis in South Sudan - includes location, causes and impacts.
Health inequalities between India and Japan
Water inequalities in the Middle East and grey water in Jordan - causes and impacts.
A worksheet on the different types of land use and the links to settlement hierarchy.
Task 1 - students read descriptions of each type of land use and match them to the correct meaning.
Task 2 - students highlight each land use into rural or urban
Task 3/4 - students add the different types of land use for the different settlements in the settlement hierarchy.
Challenge - explain why large settlements have a wider range of land-use.
**For which specification? **= AQA Geography (8035)
**Specification Link? **= Paper 1 – Living with the Physical Environment – Natural Hazards
This x10 slide powerpoint provides a simple lesson covering what a natural hazard is, categorising the different types of hazard and exploring how urbanisation, development and climate change can affect hazard risk. It also contains a skills based activity which requires students to make a graph showing the fatalities of three natural hazards. It is matched to the 8035 AQA GCSE Geography specification and does not require any other resources.
**For which specification? **= AQA Geography (8035)
**Specification Link? **= Paper 3 – Challenge of Resource Management - Water
This x36 slide powerpoint provides a useful summary of the content on the water topic of Section C of Paper 2. It is matched to the 8035 AQA GCSE Geography specification. It contains pit-stop questions and summarised content to help with planning and delivering revision sessions, which is specifically linked to the specification.
Included examples of:
• Large Scale Water Transfer Scheme – South to North, China
• Local Scheme in a LIC/NEE – Ice Stupas, Ladakh
Two A4 summary sheets which includes:
summary of why airports, ports, roads and railways are important for the UK economy
improvement / increasing capacity schemes (colour coding activity for each type of transport focusing on: Heathrow expansion, Liverpool2, dualling of A30 in Cornwall and HS2.
Can be used as as stand alone worksheet.
PDF and word copies available in download.
A lesson which covers the inequalities in resources as part of the AQA 8035 Geography course.
Lesson features:
Starter questions
A range of explanation slides
A range of short knowledge focused tasks
Opportunity for exam practice at the end
Stretch/challenge tasks on each power-point slide.
Lesson is designed for 55-65 minute lessons.
*Lesson will require students to have access to the GCSE Geography AQA Student Book (GCSE Geography AQA 2016) Paperback – 28 April 2016
by Simon Ross (Author), Nick Rowles (Author)