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Durgamata's Shop

Average Rating3.89
(based on 485 reviews)

A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.




A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.
What is Religion - an approach for all ages

What is Religion - an approach for all ages

This is a Slide-Show conversation about religion which starts with the answers that a Reception class, part of a workshop I gave in March. Here I explore Religion using models of Jigsaw, Kaleidoscope, Music and Dance and cover concepts of Theist, Atheist and Agnostic I conclude with a section which explores the concept of God. This makes the Slide Show useful for KS4 and older philosophy students as well as younger children. Please give feedback and ratings Thanks, durgamata
Interfaith Slide-Show

Interfaith Slide-Show

This is a ppt slide show which combines inspiring images and texts which share and celebrate the wisdom found in many different cultures and religions around the world. Texts explore and reflect on many aspects of life and look for common threads in the teachings of many different religions. There is a focus on peace and overcoming conflict - as well as a celebration of the beauty and wonder of life and the universe. thanks for comments. I will add the music I use if possible.
The 2011 August Riots in London and beyond

The 2011 August Riots in London and beyond

articles about the riots to prepare work for exploring the riots and issues / emotions including grief, alienation, fear and anger opportunity to learn about, think, discuss and reflect in a supportive environment - but one which is able to explore and clarify right and wrong - to challenge and inform. Includes articles from a range of sources to show the different 'spin' journalist give a story. It's easy to scapegoat, stereotype and blame, harder to listen to and to learn. All agree change is needed, but effective change must be rooted in reality. See more in linked resource.
Capital Punishment Questions and examples

Capital Punishment Questions and examples

There are 20 files here which explore many aspects of the subject of Capital Punishment. questions to use as a starter/plenary what is the difference between murder and manslaughter arguments for and against Capital Punishment, The UN and Amnesty and what they have to say on the subject several examples of wrongful convictions Religious Texts relating to Capital Punishment are 'in the pipe line'
Reflections on Life - with commentary

Reflections on Life - with commentary

This Power Point slide show combines images and texts to encourage thought, reflection and discussion about important issues including evolution, family and relationship, peace and conflict, poverty and homelessness, global warming, disability, courage and hope.. It has evolved from the earlier slide-shows but this file is designed for use with GCSE, and older classes. There are images which could distress younger students - It's good for upper school assemblies I hope you enjoy this resource and find it valuable.
choices, friends, gangs, consequences a true story

choices, friends, gangs, consequences a true story

My friend's two sons call me Grandma and I have known them for more than ten years, This is an account of the way the older son got into big trouble a few years ago. He is now in prison as a result. Get your students to work out all the different places where he made choices - which could have changed the course of that very sad evening, in which he was responsible for the death of his friend. I have now added another 'chapter&' three years on. I hope that by reflecting on this true story, they may be able to make wisher choices themselves. It might even save someone&';s life.
A boy is bullied + spirituality at work in school

A boy is bullied + spirituality at work in school

This is my account of what happened when we moved to London and my son (then aged 9) suffered some bullying. (He is now 31 and a professional actor. You may have seen him in the photos and video referred to on Siddhartha becomes the Buddha.) I wrote this years ago and found it when doing a computer search for Krishna - in relation to my recent Hinduism Day. I think it could encourage some good discussion on many aspects of RE, PSHE and Citizenship. I have now also uploaded the 'parent' file - Sunlight and Shadow parts 2 and 3
Religion and the Environment, Global Warming

Religion and the Environment, Global Warming

There are references to useful sites and ideas here on the subject of Religion and The Environment. I will add to this - but at present there are also resources that explore Global Warming, Eating meat or being Veggi, Buddhist Peace Gardens and more.
Hindu Festivals

Hindu Festivals

This is the calendar from different sources with some words of caution and information about Navaratri, often called DurgaPuja. I will add to this resource when I get time and then prepare some similar overviews of festivals for the other religions. This is in response to a request for information so my aim here is to offer enough to give the enquirer a start with Hinduism and then they can use it as a 'pattern to follow' when researching the other festivals.
Reflections On Life part 2 - InterFaith with music

Reflections On Life part 2 - InterFaith with music

Slide Show listed as video - closest description. Contact me 4 'sound track' for Inter Faith Workshops. Includes Chinese, African, Native American, Bah&'ai, Jain and Rastafarian texts/images + the &';Main Six'. Also uploaded in two sections as the full one won&'t load for some + a text only one (includes some images which communicate in a non-verbal way for follow-up work. Edit to suit your groups as full one is 25 mins. Contact me to suggest other images/text/music to use.. Do put some feedback and ratings
Plans to sell off our forests

Plans to sell off our forests

There are plans to sell off our national heritage forests. There is a growing campaign to stop it. This is a good project to involve all schools in as it has tremendous value as a cross-curricular subject and also relates to the health and well-being of the students, school, local and national community, As this falls within my remit as a Community Cohesion and Religious Education consultant I have collected some material on the subject and if any school would like an assembly or presentation to suit your age / sector / requirements I am available. Contact me on dcbluelotus@gmail.com.
continuation of articles and comments re the riots

continuation of articles and comments re the riots

more interesting and insightful articles with some of the comments from the related forums - I have chosen a fair variety of views to encourage debate. The Anarchy News article was recommended by a friend! Those articles which I find most useful I have marked with AA or AAA rating, In some articles I have highlighted sections that if I were preparing material for use in school I would include - and blue highlighting indicates particularly pertinent sections - but of course this is a personal reaction. By copying the material in an Unformatted style they will be easy for you to edit.
Government plans to cut Health and Safety

Government plans to cut Health and Safety

Excellent article on cuts to Health and Safety due to a desire to please the companies which fund political parties (saving firms money required for improving safety standards) with serious consequences for employees. Rates of death/injury at work will increase causing huge financial costs to the taxpayer and immeasurable suffering for many individuals and families. We need a campaign like we had for the forest sell-off to reverse this evil policy. The article raises important questions and is clear enough to use with KS3 upwards. Stimulate some great discussion/higher level thinking.
songs to use in teaching RE or assemblies

songs to use in teaching RE or assemblies

My Wish or Somebody Loves You would be great to use as a reflection exercise or starter in RE or pshe. I will add other useful songs with video as I come across them. ' please share your own favourites and I will add them too.
Malala Yousafzai  - a source of inspiration

Malala Yousafzai - a source of inspiration

includes\nspeech Malala gave at the UN on 12th July 2013\nVideos of M's recovery\nmore vids inc reports and interviews from July - Nov 2013\nsome of M&'s blog + it inspires others\nwksheets 1 bckgnd to start of her speech\nWorksheet with 20 questions plus 2 - in process - on the substance of the speech. (yr 9 upwards needs adaption and differentiation.)\nWorksheet on UN and Human Rights\nTaliban 1 full text of letter from T with background \nTaliban 2 about T from a contrasting perspective\nWomen&';s experiences of T rule.\nBuddhist statues destroyed by T.\nDrone attacks.\n\nfeedback please
MP's list with contact details

MP's list with contact details

I aim to list of all the MP's and members of the House of Lords - with their contact details. I have just found a couple of good lists on internet so I am uploading info about these too. Contact details added for all the A - G surnames so far - more to follow I’ve uploaded a copy of my email and am adding any replies and correspondence from this as a separate resource.
Love and money - a Valentine's Day reflection

Love and money - a Valentine's Day reflection

Starting with an article from the Guardian 'A World Ruled by Money Has Failed. It's Time to Reclaim Love.' by Jeanette Winterson I will add other relevant articles as I find them. Please suggest your favourites.
Black Jesus, African Jesus

Black Jesus, African Jesus

This is a Power Point with 40 slides - all images of Jesus from an African perspective. It gives a sense of the way that Christians everywhere think of Jesus as their Brother, as their Friend, His divine aspect is for all, beyond the confines of one time or place, one nation or race. Christians everywhere can and do claim Jesus as their own.
70 posters to inspire - religion / spirituality

70 posters to inspire - religion / spirituality

I love using inspiring posters on my classroom walls – and indeed in my home. \nThere are some wonderful combinations of photography with quotations from a vast range of cultures and inspiring people which I have used in the past – mostly from Argus. Argus is now part of ‘Trend’ so they may have stopped creating some of those I am familiar with. \nI was looking for these ‘old favourites’ but couldn’t find them. However I did find the following – and hope some may be useful. I will try to find out what happened to some of my favourites. \nMeanwhile – I hope you enjoy this sample.
articles -  Villages in India -- progress + change

articles - Villages in India -- progress + change

These articles cover many aspects of village life - including local democracy, provision of water, education and opportunities for women, caste problems etc. Useful in any international work, citizenship, community cohesion and Religious Education topics with KS3 KS4, GCSE etc.