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Durgamata's Shop

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(based on 485 reviews)

A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.




A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.
Films about Islam and comments on East is East

Films about Islam and comments on East is East

In response to a thread asking for suggestions of films about Islam, I suggest the 1970's film Message and the Bolywood movie My Name is Khan (2010) Responding to comments about East is East I give some background about the original play which was taken as the basis for the film but mutilated in the process. I hope to watch West is West and will review that when I do. Suggestion s of other films which explore or give insight into Islam and particularly British Muslim experience would be welcome. I will add any suggestions that other teachers may make.
Teilhard de Chardin - Hymn of Matter

Teilhard de Chardin - Hymn of Matter

Something for your Gifted and Talented KS4 students to get their teeth into - poem by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin great material to reflect on, which links science and religion in a mystical way. 'An increase in consciousness is an increase in love&' If we reflect on ourselves as human beings we also reflect on ourselves as &';earthlings' with a genetic history and relationship with the entire universe.
Rabia Basri, example of Woman Muslim 'saint'

Rabia Basri, example of Woman Muslim 'saint'

Rabia is just one example of a great and much loved and respected Muslim saint who did not follow the traditional 'pattern of behaviour' recommended in Islam. For one thing, she never married. This is a passage about her from Wikki.
Blog part 12 starting on 8th August

Blog part 12 starting on 8th August

It's great to see the Olympics bring so many people together, uniting and inspiring so many in Britain. To be a great sports hero requires many &'divine&'; qualities such as patience, determination, endurance, courage and enthusiasm - and brings so much joy. On TV tonight, discussion on the 'exclusive&' nature of sports - equestrian / sailing. But everyone is getting so much joy in watching. The discussion itself should lead to improvements which bring more people into the different sports. I&';d love to see more games (such as Indian Kabadi) from around the world into the Olympics, too.
Proff John Hick - leading 20th Century Theologian

Proff John Hick - leading 20th Century Theologian

looked on internet tonight to find the address of my friend Professor John Hick, to send him an invitation to A Moment's Peace although I know he may not be able to travel that far. When I saw him last - about a year ago, his back was bad and restricting his travelling. Instead of finding the address I found this obituary. It will be useful, interesting and inspiring to look at with G and T KS4 and with KS5 pupils. I also include an outline of a conversation we had with him when I took our A'level students to ask him about Death and the Afterlife in Christianity.
The film I Am Kalam

The film I Am Kalam

You may find word comes up with a message that this contains 'unreadable content' and asks if you trust it. Just click &'yes.&'; There is nothing here except the links to the film I Am Kalam. I've added simpler and simpler versions but the question still comes up. All the files do open fine, This is great story about a poor kid and a prince who become friends. explores wealth and poverty, identity, inspiration, socio-economic differences, bullying, relationships, loneliness, disappointment, courage, destiny or fate v our capacity to choose and work for our future and more
Lots of quotations from Native American sources

Lots of quotations from Native American sources

In preparing the Reflections on Life Slide Shows I researched quotations from many different sources. This is a great collection of Native American ones. I pasted onto this file from many sites and will; when time; try to include references to the original websites.There is a lot of material here including part of an autobiography by Chief Black Hawk; dictated to a government interpreter in the region; and edited by John B. Patterson; an Illinois journalist; who published it in 1833. As always; any rating and comments would be appreciated.
Submissions on RE to parliament for Ebacc review 2

Submissions on RE to parliament for Ebacc review 2

More reports submitted to parliament for the Ebacc Review. I have stated the number of pages in the documents and my impression of the quality of the argument regarding the position of RE in the English Bacc - as part of the file names. This section is a continuation of the previous resource as only 20 documents can be uploaded within one resource. As always I request that you give comments, feedback and ratings to guide me when producing resources and help others who may be interested in this resource.
Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra

One of the most respected and prolific of speakers and writers about religion and spirituality - Deepak Chopra is also quite a controversial figure because traditional science is not able to cope with his radical philosophy. He qualified as a convensional doctor but went on to explore other forms of healing. I include a biography from Wikki here which includes the controversy, and many good youtube links. There are lots more but this is all I have time to research at the moment. good material to use with GCSE or A'Level classes.
Getting Things Done - reference worksheet

Getting Things Done - reference worksheet

This is from the web - based on Getting Things Done by David Allen, this version designed by Douglas Johnston. It is great as a guide for planning in any project, subject or aspect of life. I think it would be useful as a guide for SMT, any HOD or regular teacher. I've added a link to the website where my son found this chart.
Nick Gibb MP -  education-guy's letter + My reply

Nick Gibb MP - education-guy's letter + My reply

just the latest - sent yesterday. I typed out his letter replying to mine forwarded from my mP - and answer it point by point. It took most of the day and is a bit of a rant - but I hope sufficiently polite and accurate. We need to keep the pressure up so if you want to use this as a bais for something please do. All the best to everyone for a happy summer DurgaMata
Reflections on Religious Education - please add

Reflections on Religious Education - please add

This is a conversation from a thread on the Unemployed teacher's forum in which I was inspired to share something of why I think RE is important. I would love to have some responses from other RE people to get a clearer and stronger picture which I think may help us to fight for our subject more effectively. Lat&'s three principles for good RE - engaging spiritual and rigorous offer a great framework, too.
Using Silence in Class

Using Silence in Class

Hi Guys, I'm giving a workshop on this topic at a Teachmeet next week and they asked for resources that could be shared by participants afterwards.\nI have tried to think the subject through onto a Power Point and this is the result. I think it will be helpful and as always would love some feedback. \nI would use Tyger Tyger shining bright and selected poems and texts from different cultural and religious sources. So please send me a pm with some of those you find insightful.\nThanks\nLove and Peace DurgaMata
This is an email conversation with my MP

This is an email conversation with my MP

I am uploading it for other RE teachers to share and perhaps discuss. The email is mostly about the importance of RE and the English Bacc but covers some other subjects too, I feel passionately concerned about the current threat to RE posed by its exclusion from the English Bacc so I am happy for others in Management and Governors etc to read this. And please never give up the fight.
It's Christmas, Winter, Who is the Child + 1

It's Christmas, Winter, Who is the Child + 1

Songs by teacher Jill Blackadder - sheet music and CD from 'Jill Slee Blackadder' <Jill.blackadder@btinternet.com>, The song I've used most in RE here is &'It&';s Christmas, get cracking' which is a great and humorous way of introducing an exploration of the tensions between our pagan &'yule&'; festival of feasting and indulgence which celebrates the return of the physical sun - lengthening days and hopes of spring to come - in mid-winter and the Christian celebration of the arrival of the Son, the spiritual sun or Light of the World.
Rowan Williams  Johathan Sacks The New Statesman

Rowan Williams Johathan Sacks The New Statesman

My son phoned late last night to say that there are major articles by Rowan Williams and Jonathan Sacks in the New Statesman out today 9th. I've found the article by RW in full and a bit about the JS one. Uploaded here. Great to link RE with our world, our society and the events in our nation. Can you photocopy one big and put it up on a notice-board surrounded by pertinent questions? Good for a corridor where many pass by. Competition for the best captions and answers to the questions?
Original song by Jill B 'Here in a blind world'

Original song by Jill B 'Here in a blind world'

This is my favourite of all my sisters songs - and one of the earliest. She composed it at Christmas, in Bethlehem, in 1967 - where tourists pushed and shoved to get to the 'spot where Jesus was born&' and haggled over souvenirs - while snow fell on freezing streets and soldiers arrested her black African colleague and interrogated him three times that day. It is a powerful and moving meditation on the real meaning of Christmas. For the CD &';All Shall Be Well' original songs of peace, of winter and of Christmas, contact - 'Jill Slee Blackadder' <Jill.blackadder@btinternet.com>,
DurgaMata Blog from December 2011 (4th since Sept)

DurgaMata Blog from December 2011 (4th since Sept)

Continuing blog. Will add more later. 12th - Moiza the cat 13th also - Quaker Meeting and visiting Mum's friend B now in a different hospital. 14 - 15 + an outline of my son's presentation on how to combat stress (which finished the College term off in a great way) quotes from Ch 2 of Gita 21st about Camden Market and Tagore 22-3 about gas charges 24th about family and Christmas, love and forgiveness Christmas Day about carols and a wild 'cheerfulness challenge' successfully met. 27th includes poems and readings about love and change from my Teacher's online library