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Electron Configuration Worksheets

Electron Configuration Worksheets

Teach electron configuration with this student-friendly EDITABLE worksheets . Often times, students are left confused when learning about electron configuration because of the abstract nature of the topic. This resource provides opportunity for students to visually follow how electrons “sit” within an atom. What is included in this resource? 3 pages of editable sheets ( page 1 has 6 sample questions ) All pages are can be easily edited (MS WORD) to suit the learners’ needs. Please Check Preview for sample sheets Grade Level: Grade 7 to 10 Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of orbitals Use this EDITABLE print-and-go worksheets to reenforce your learners’ understanding of the complex topic of electron configuration in a visually pleasing way. I am confident this resource will be valuable to you and your learners now and for many years to come. Thanks and have an amazing class! Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.
STATES OF MATTER ( phase change activity)

STATES OF MATTER ( phase change activity)

Teach states of matter with this ALL-IN-ONE lesson that offers the opportunity for your students to explore behavior of particles during phase change, draw models to make their thinking visible, classify items into various states of matter through collaboration. What’s included in this resource? a) a beautifully designed Power Point Presentation (with Teacher notes) b) a phet simulation activity to explore phase change c) Worksheet 1 ( classifying items individual version) d) Mini Cards ( classifying items group version) e) Worksheet 2 (Phase change, Drawing models ) **Please check out the preview to see sample PPT, worksheets and lesson objectives. Part 1: Classifying Matter Individual version: Students cut and paste items and group them under solids, liquids, gases and “doesn’t fit into 1 group” and state reasons for their classification Group Version: Students collaborate to classify items on mini cards under the groups stated above. they will discuss and share reasons for their classification. Part 2: Phase Change Students first explore phet simulation to learn about behavior of particles during phase change. Next, they draw models to represent phase change for different real world exaples. This helps them contextualize the concept and relate to it in a meaningful way. Materials need : a device that is connected to the internet. ( smartphone, computers, tablets) The power point presentation that accompany this resource; a) covers properties of solids, liquids, gases and plasma. b) has teacher notes that makes teaching easy and straight forward. c) has beautiful images, clear key information to teach the states of matter. d) directions and suggestions to make the lesson successful. I have included answer keys and teacher guide to help guide the teacher. **See preview *** GRADE LEVEL: Grades 6 to 9 Turn your states of matter unit into one that you and your students will love. The phet simulation keeps students engaged but also helps them observe for themselves particles movement which leads to long lasting learning. Drawing model gives them a chance to explain natural phenomena through self created models. I truly believe this resource will be a great addition to your states of matter unit for many years to come. Thanks and have an amazing class! Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.


The Aliens are here!In this Alien soup and drink lab, your students will collaborate to design a method and execute the plan (do the lab) to separate alien soup and drink. They apply their knowledge of mixtures and properties of substances to design an effective technique, receive approval from their teacher and go ahead to separate the extraterrestrial food. What do you get from purchasing this resource? Both alien soup and drink lab sheets Answer keys List of materials for the lab Teacher guide Watch your students turn into engaged scientists as they think critically and collaborate to complete this fun activity. My students have over the years enjoyed the challenge that comes with this. There is very little preparation needed which saves you time. I am confident that you and your students will enjoy learning with this activity just as we do. Please reach me with your feedback at eazyscience221@gmail.com. Thanks and have an awesome one!


Teach solutions and solubility by challenging your students to design and do their own experiments to investigate if temperature and surface area affect how fast sugar dissolves in water. This resource has been designed to help students develop and build their 21st century skills which includes collaboration, experiment design, critical thinking, data analysis and representation and observation. **Check preview for sample sheets and key What’s included in this resource? A complete Power Point Presentation ( with notes on all slides for the teacher ) Solutions Labsheet ( including the advance and general versions) Post Lab Worksheet ( for students to plot a graph) Answer Keys Teacher Guide ( with tips and all guidelines) Introduction: Students are introduced to the topic of solutions via the PPT slides in this resource. This provides students the background and help them understand the meaning of solutions in chemistry terms, their examples, types and how to they are made (i.e solute + solvent= solution) Part 1: Students are presented with two driving questions; a) Does increasing or decreasing the temperature affect how fast sugar dissolves in water? b) Does increasing or decreasing the surface area affect how fast sugar dissolves in water? They are challenged to design and carry out their own experiments to investigate these questions. All information and guidelines are included in the PPT for the teacher in cluding the post lab activities. Part 2: In this part, students are provided with data on the temperature vs solubility of three different types of salts. They use the data to plot a line graph and complete some related questions. Note: I have included a great way to further increase students’ engagement and curiousity during this part in the PPT. Materia List per group ( * = can be shraed with other groups) two beakers sugar granules* hot water* cold water* digital weight balance * spatula (or glass rod) Sugar cubes* All materials are relatively easy to obtain GRADE LEVEL: Grades 7 to 9 Try this student-centered lesson on solubility vs temperature and surface area and see your students enter their scientist mode. It’s always beautiful to observe their involvement and engagement when the lesson feels like their own. I believe this resource will prove valuable to you for many years to come as it has in my own class. Please reach out at eazyscience221@gmail.com with feedback, and questions. Thanks and have an amazing class.