These are all my resources that I used when helping students revise for the Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion section on the paper. This was about 2 weeks, or 8 lessons of time, but could also be used in a 'pick and mix' way for students to choose what they want to work on. There are activities, work sheets, tasks, quizzes, games, assessments.
These are my resources for students to evaluate the teleological argument. There is a week, or 4 lessons, of resources here including activities, games and worksheets. There are also images of my board where students worked through answers to questions before writing essays.
These are my resources for helping students prepare for the Curious Incident (play version) question on the AQA English Literature paper. The cheat sheet is designed to narrow down the number of quotations students attempt to learn, and allow them to link quotations to multiple themes, and character questions, in order to overcome the fear of answering questions without the text or extract.
Together, both files contain 38 small quotations, and by memorising as many as possible of these, students will be able to access and answer any exam question they are faced with.
The first file is purely for Christopher, with the themes that can be related to his character and then the quotations that have been selected. The smaller boxes are where the students should revise that quote - reminding themselves of its context in the play, and putting some technical analysis. On the remaining pages there are larger boxes for students to make notes as to how each quotation links to different themes, perhaps writing some practice sentences and paragraphs to ensure they can link each one specifically. The second file is the same, but containing quotations for Ed, Judy, Siobhan and Stage Directions.
These are my resources for introducing the students to the topic of Evil and Suffering. These resources lasted a week, or 4 lessons and involved tasks, activities and assessments.
These are my resources for the 2 theodicies that students need to study when looking at the problem of evil. There are games, activities, work sheets, assessments. These resources are for 1 week, or 4 lessons.
These are my resources for students to study the particular problems with Evil and Suffering, such as the suffering of innocents and animals. There are activities, games and assessments.
These are my resources for students to evaluate the problem of evil and the theodicies and help them prepare for exam questions in this area. There are activities, assessments and mark schemes. These resources were for 1 week, or 4 lessons.
These are my resources for studying Risalah, Akhirah and Tawhid. There are activities, worksheets and assessments, these will work for 4 lessons or 1 week of work.
These are my resources to support students in their revision for the Islam unit on their exam. These resources cover revision for every section they need to learn and understand, including games, tasks, activities, questions, checklists and extra reading for strong students. These resources were for 2 weeks of in class revision, but could also be used for students to pick and choose what they want to focus on.
These are my resources for studying the importance of mosques, festivals and jihad in Islam. There are activities, presentations and worksheets for use, designed to take 4 lessons or 1 week.
These are my resources for studying and evaluating the life of Muhammad in terms of impact and linking to the Sunnah and Hadith. There are games, tasks, activities and assessments, designed to take 4 lessons or 1 week.
These are my resources for students to study the Life of Muhammad. These worksheets and questions were based around the BBC documentary (3 parts) on the Life of Muhammad, which can be found on youtube. There is then a timeline, a refresher and entries to be put on the timeline. This is 4-5 lessons of work.
These were all my resources for the Philosophy of Religion unit in AQA A2 Philosophy. The Specification has changed now, but some of these may still be relevant.
These were all my resources for the Idea of God unit in the AQA AS Philosophy course. The specification has now changed, but some of these may still be useful.
These were all my resources for the Political Philosophy unit of the AQA A2 Philosophy course. The specification has now changed, but some of these may still be useful.
These are my weeks 1 and 2 resources for induction to the AS Religious Studies course. I use WJEC, but suitable for all others as the modules are so similar. My topics were Islam and Philosophy of Religion. These resources include a presentation about the course, an induction survey, a skills audit, and then brief and basic introductions to all of the key terms and topics that will be covered in the 2 units to follow. This is 2 weeks' worth of teaching, I took 8 lessons.
These are my resources for introducing students to the Cosmological Argument; it includes 4 lessons' worth of work including starters, activities, work sheets and an assessment and mark scheme for students to use.