Fractions of Amounts/A Quantity Interactive Four in a Row Game. Ideal for using as a starter/plenary activity with KS2 and KS3 students.
Engage your students with this interactive PowerPoint game. Playing as two teams, students take turns answering questions to ‘claim’ each square as their own. The first team to claim four squares in a row (horizontally, vertically and diagonally) is the winner! Students will love this engaging and exciting activity - testing both their mathematical knowledge and tactical brilliance!
Calculate a fraction of an amount (or quantity) up to 100
PowerPoint file pre-loaded with 24 questions.
Full instructions and answers
Clickable and interactive to engage students and save you time!
Re-usable - this PPT will reset each time you end the game, so it can be used time and time again!
Playable as a whole class activity or as a 1-1 tuition resource (student vs. teacher).
Multiple-choice quiz template, designed to be similar to kahoot, but made to be more easily accessible to a class without the need for Smartphones/iPads etc. This is a template file ready for you to add your own questions and answers.
Really simple to use, full instructions for use included.
File Includes a ppt file containing the following:
Full comprehensive instructions on how to use the ppt file.
2 slides containing sets of cards (star, circle, square, triangle). These can be printed and used again and again. Each student should have a set of 4 cards to correspond with the answers on screen.
4 slides, each with four multiple-choice answers, one of which is correct, three which are incorrect.
2 slides, each with two multiple-choice answer, one of which is correct, one which is incorrect.
Algebra, Continuing Linear Sequences Four in a Row Game
Engage your students with this interactive PowerPoint game. Playing as two teams, students take turns answering questions to ‘claim’ each square as their own. The first team to claim four squares in a row (horizontally, vertically and diagonally) is the winner! Students will love this engaging and exciting activity - testing both their mathematical knowledge and tactical brilliance!
Continue a linear sequence (including positive, negative and decimal numbers)
PowerPoint file pre-loaded with 24 questions.
Full instructions and answers
Clickable and interactive to engage students and save you time!
Re-usable - this PPT will reset each time you end the game, so it can be used time and time again!
Editable - questions can easily be edited to further support or challenge students
Playable as a whole class activity or as a 1-1 tuition resource (student vs. tutor).
Complete comprehensive angle lesson covering angles in triangles. This covers the content: what is a quadrilaterals, angles in quadrilaterals, missing angles and special quadrilaterals. Works well across KS2/3 or middle school. Ideal to use within the classroom, for home educating families, or for tutors to use in lessons!
If you’re looking for more angles lessons, check out our lesson pack here
Included is a PPT file and accompanying optional PDF printable worksheet. The PPT can be used without printing the worksheet as all questions are included within the PPT. The worksheet can also be used independently of the PPT.
The lesson includes: a starter activity, teaching content, worked examples, questions for students to complete (also included on a printable worksheet), an exit ticket/plenary question, and answer slides for all questions.
Lessons are designed to last approximately 50-60 minutes, but can be tailored to individual preference.
Percentage of an amount/quantity Four in a Row Game
Engage your students with this interactive PowerPoint game. Playing as two teams, students take turns answering questions to ‘claim’ each square as their own. The first team to claim four squares in a row (horizontally, vertically and diagonally) is the winner! Students will love this engaging and exciting activity - testing both their mathematical knowledge and tactical brilliance!
Calculate a percentage of an amount/quantity (within 1000).
PowerPoint file pre-loaded with 24 questions.
Full instructions and answers
Clickable and interactive to engage students and save you time!
Re-usable - this PPT will reset each time you end the game, so it can be used time and time again!
Editable - questions can easily be edited to further support or challenge students
Playable as a whole class activity or as a 1-1 tuition resource (student vs. tutor).
The Very Hungry Caterpillar finger painting activity, designed to bring some art into maths (or maths into art!)
This pack includes 5 worksheets:
1 containing numbers upto 10
1 containing numbers uopto 6
1 containing numbers upto 3
1 blank version for your own editing
1 extension, allowing students’ to add their own bodies and write the number of finger prints used at the end.
All worksheets are in PDF format for easy printing.
This bundle includes everything you need to get your classroom looking fantastic while being engaging, informative and useful to students.
The bundle includes:
Digits of Pi - Ombre Posters: A set of 6 different coloured posters each with over 100 digits of pi included.
GCSE Maths Formula Posters: A full set of easy-to-read posters with key mathematical formula for students who are sitting their GCSE.
Maths Vocabulary Wall Display Posters: Another full set of easy-to-read posters, this time with mathematical vocabulary and key terms.
Printable maths ladder worksheet containing increasingly difficult questions focused on calculating adverages (mean, median and mode). Includes whole numbers, decimals and negatives. Ideal for use within KS3.
This Calculation Climber worksheet is a super versatile resource. It can be used as a part of your main lesson, as a starter, plenary, or even for homework! Questions start off fairly easy and get more difficult as you work your way towards the topic - perfect for using with students of differing abilities and providing challenge to those that need it.
This worksheet comes in a PDF format and includes two different versions:
An A4 sheet with two ladders, one with the questions and one with space for working out/answers. This can be presented to the class via whiteboard, or printed for students to use.
An A4 sheet with two duplicate question ladders included, ideal for sticking in books to jot answers at the side.
Also included is full instructions and answers
Algebra, Solving One-Step Equations Four in a Row Game
Engage your students with this interactive PowerPoint game. Playing as two teams, students take turns answering questions to ‘claim’ each square as their own. The first team to claim four squares in a row (horizontally, vertically and diagonally) is the winner! Students will love this engaging and exciting activity - testing both their mathematical knowledge and tactical brilliance!
Solve one-step equations
PowerPoint file pre-loaded with 24 questions.
Full instructions and answers
Clickable and interactive to engage students and save you time!
Re-usable - this PPT will reset each time you end the game, so it can be used time and time again!
Editable - questions can easily be edited to further support or challenge students
Playable as a whole class activity or as a 1-1 tuition resource (student vs. tutor).
Square, cube, root numbers bingo banonza game
Elevate your math lessons with this interactive whole-class bingo game designed to reinforce square, cube and root numbers. This PowerPoint presentation is a versatile resource that supports practice, engagement, and assessment. No need for printing – just download, project, and go!
Note to Teachers:
Feel free to customize the game to align with your specific objectives. Adjust difficulty levels by adding or removing questions, and tailor the game to your students’ needs.
Key Features:
Apply BIDMAS (order of operations) to a variety of questions, including using brackets, indices and roots.
Interactive PPT Format
Dynamic and engaging quiz - fosters active participation and excitement in the classroom.
Comprehensive Coverage
30 carefully designed questions covering a range of representations and difficulty levels.
Ready-made Resource
No prep required – simply download and teach!
Saves valuable teaching time, making it a hassle-free addition to your lesson plans.
Reusable and easy to edit so can be used time and time again!
How to Use:
Students draw a 3x3 grid on a piece of paper.
They select 9 values from the initial PPT slide (all questions coordinate with these answers!).
Click through the presentation, calculate the answer to each question, and mark them on their grids.
Students achieve bingo by marking a row, column, diagonal or full house with correct answers.
Transform your classroom into a hub of mathematical excitement and watch your students master fractions effortlessly. Download now for an engaging and effective teaching experience!
Our maths formulae have had a revamp and they’re better than ever!
Set of 24 colourful posters featuring a variety of mathematical formula. They cover need to know formula for both foundation and higher tier GCSE exams. Posters feature diagrams and examples. They’re a fantastic addition to any mathematics classroom, or for alternate use, they work great as revision/flash cards!
Posters are in a PDF ready to print format.
The following formulae are included:
Area of a triangle
Area of a rectangle
Area of a parallelogram
Area of a trapezium
Area of a circle
Surface area of a sphere
Pythagoras’ Theorem
Quadratic Formula
Sine Ratio
Cosine Ratio
Tangent Ratio
Sine Rule
Cosine Rule
Area of a triangle (trig)
Volume of a prism
Volume of a cuboid
Volume of a cylinder
Volume of a pyramid
Volume of a cone
Volume of a sphere
This set of pastel posters features 2D shapes with properties (up to decagon!). They are prefect for using within the classroom, either as posters or flashcards. Posters come in a PDF format for easy printing.
If you would rather the shapes with no properties listed, check out our other listing here
Each shape lists: the number of sides, vertices, angles and lines of symmetry. Shapes also have lines of symmetry drawn on.
Equilateral Triangle
Isosceles Triangle
Right Angle Triangle
Scalene Triangle
Edited 12/7/24 to update error made on shape
Adding and Subtracting Negative Numbers Bingo Banonza Game
Elevate your math lessons with this interactive whole-class bingo game designed to reinforce adding and subtracting negative numbers. This PowerPoint presentation is a versatile resource that supports practice, engagement, and assessment. No need for printing – just download, project, and go!
Note to Teachers:
Feel free to customize the game to align with your specific objectives. Adjust difficulty levels by adding or removing questions, and tailor the game to your students’ needs.
Key Features:
Add and subtract negative numbers within 100.
Interactive PPT Format
Dynamic and engaging quiz - fosters active participation and excitement in the classroom.
Comprehensive Coverage
30 carefully designed questions covering a range of representations and difficulty levels.
Ready-made Resource
No prep required – simply download and teach!
Saves valuable teaching time, making it a hassle-free addition to your lesson plans.
Reusable and easy to edit so can be used time and time again!
How to Use:
Students draw a 3x3 grid on a piece of paper.
They select 9 values from the initial PPT slide (all questions coordinate with these answers!).
Click through the presentation, calculate the answer to each question, and mark them on their grids.
Students achieve bingo by marking a row, column, diagonal or full house with correct answers.
Transform your classroom into a hub of mathematical excitement and watch your students master fractions effortlessly. Download now for an engaging and effective teaching experience!
Our maths posters have had a revamp and they’re better than ever!
Set of 30 colourful posters featuring a variety of mathematical vocabulary. Posters feature diagrams and examples, as well as clear definitions for each piece of vocabulary. They’re a fantastic addition to any mathematics classroom, or for alternate use, they work great as revision/flash cards!
The following words are included:
Arithmetic Sequence
Acute Angle
Improper Fraction
Irrational Numbers
Obtuse Angle
Prime Number
Reflex Angle
Regular Polygon
Scale Factor
Square Number
Unit Fraction
Set to be printed on A4 but can be blown up to A3 or shrunk to A5 depending on preference.
Maths rounding a decimal number (with up to 2 decimal places) to the nearest integer/whole number codebreaker worksheet. Calculate the answers to the codebreaker and reveal the name of a famous mathematician! Perfect for use within KS2 and KS3. The mathematician on this worksheet is Emmy Noether.
This worksheet contains 24 (one for each letter of the alphabet) questions. Students calculate answers, then use these answers to match up the letters to decode the name at the bottom of the sheet. The codebreaker at the bottom can be cut off and held back until students have completed the questions (if you’re worried they may just try to complete the codebreaker!). As an additional idea, present a profile to the class about the famous mathematician once they’ve decoded their name - It’s always great to learn about the people that make maths what it is today!
PDF file containing the blank A4 worksheet (in colour and greyscale versions), and a sheet with the answers.
Worksheet pack focused on missing capital letters and full stops. Pack includes 3 worksheets suitable for learners of differing abilities (roughly aimed at EYFS/KS1 level). One sheet requires students to circle letters needing capital letters, the other two require students to write out the sentences with the correct capital letters and full stops. Included is an additional extension sheet for students to write their own sentences.
Printable maths ladder worksheet containing increasingly difficult questions focused on calculating fractions of amounts/fractions of a quantity. Includes fractions of whole amounts as well as fractions of decimal amounts. Ideal for use within KS3.
This Calculation Climber worksheet is a super versatile resource. It can be used as a part of your main lesson, as a starter, plenary, or even for homework! Questions start off fairly easy and get more difficult as you work your way towards the topic - perfect for using with students of differing abilities and providing challenge to those that need it.
This worksheet comes in a PDF format and includes two different versions:
An A4 sheet with two ladders, one with the questions and one with space for working out/answers. This can be presented to the class via whiteboard, or printed for students to use.
An A4 sheet with two duplicate question ladders included, ideal for sticking in books to jot answers at the side.
Also included is full instructions and answers
Catchphrase Game PPT Template (including 15 pre-made ‘catchphrase’ images). Ideal for any subject as questions can be customised to any topic.
PPT includes a master slide with editable question tiles for placement of own questions. Each tile has a click trigger so will disappear when student answers correctly and will reveal part of image. Also included are 15 pre-made ‘catchphrase’ style images, mainly maths themed. The amswers to each catchphrase are also included in the notes.
Order of operations (BIDMAS/BODMAS) Bingo Banonza Game
Elevate your math lessons with this interactive whole-class bingo game designed to reinforce using the correct order of operations. This PowerPoint presentation is a versatile resource that supports practice, engagement, and assessment. No need for printing – just download, project, and go!
Note to Teachers:
Feel free to customize the game to align with your specific objectives. Adjust difficulty levels by adding or removing questions, and tailor the game to your students’ needs.
Key Features:
Apply BIDMAS (order of operations) to a variety of questions, including using brackets, indices and roots.
Interactive PPT Format
Dynamic and engaging quiz - fosters active participation and excitement in the classroom.
Comprehensive Coverage
30 carefully designed questions covering a range of representations and difficulty levels.
Ready-made Resource
No prep required – simply download and teach!
Saves valuable teaching time, making it a hassle-free addition to your lesson plans.
Reusable and easy to edit so can be used time and time again!
How to Use:
Students draw a 3x3 grid on a piece of paper.
They select 9 values from the initial PPT slide (all questions coordinate with these answers!).
Click through the presentation, calculate the answer to each question, and mark them on their grids.
Students achieve bingo by marking a row, column, diagonal or full house with correct answers.
Transform your classroom into a hub of mathematical excitement and watch your students master fractions effortlessly. Download now for an engaging and effective teaching experience!
Addition and Subtraction Bingo Bonanza!
Elevate your math lessons with this interactive whole-class bingo game designed to reinforce addition and subtraction skills. This PowerPoint presentation is a versatile resource that supports practice, engagement, and assessment. No need for printing – just download, project, and go!
Note to Teachers:
Feel free to customize the game to align with your specific objectives. Adjust difficulty levels by adding or removing questions, and tailor the game to your students’ needs.
Key Features:
Adding and subtracting up to 1000. Most questions involve calculating with two digit numbers, but some involve calculating with three digit numbers (all within 1000).
Interactive PPT Format
Dynamic and engaging quiz - fosters active participation and excitement in the classroom.
Comprehensive Coverage
30 carefully designed questions covering a range of representations and difficulty levels.
Ensures a thorough understanding of basic mental addition and subtraction concepts.
Questions increase in difficulty as the quiz progresses to stretch and challenge students.
Accommodates various skill levels within the classroom.
Ready-made Resource
No prep required – simply download and teach!
Saves valuable teaching time, making it a hassle-free addition to your lesson plans.
Reusable and easy to edit so can be used time and time again!
How to Use:
Students draw a 3x3 grid on a piece of paper.
They select 9 values from the initial PPT slide (all questions coordinate with these answers!).
Click through the presentation, calculate the answer to each question, and mark them on their grids.
Students achieve bingo by marking a row, column, diagonal or full house with correct answers.
Transform your classroom into a hub of mathematical excitement and watch your students master addition and subtraction effortlessly. Download now for an engaging and effective teaching experience!