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Paul Urry's Shop

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2016 Ben Evans resource contributor of the year with 8.5M downloads With over 6.8 million downloads already, I am offering a wide range of resources for use throughout Primary and some secondary schools. My main resources are - spelling, leveled SATs questions for maths and science, learning mats for science, English and maths. spreadsheets analysis grids, and games and activities for science, maths and Christmas. Resources will continue to be added so keep checking back. Paul




2016 Ben Evans resource contributor of the year with 8.5M downloads With over 6.8 million downloads already, I am offering a wide range of resources for use throughout Primary and some secondary schools. My main resources are - spelling, leveled SATs questions for maths and science, learning mats for science, English and maths. spreadsheets analysis grids, and games and activities for science, maths and Christmas. Resources will continue to be added so keep checking back. Paul
32 Times Tables Class Sets of Bingo Cards and automated bingo caller

32 Times Tables Class Sets of Bingo Cards and automated bingo caller

Wide range of class set of bingo cards and an automated Power Point bingo caller. Also cards for teacher's to call. lease see the read me file for 100s more times table activities including: class set of bingo cards with a PowerPoint bingo caller 100 question challenges - multiplication and division with answers dominoes - multiplication and division loop cards - multiplication and division matching cards - multiplication and division -colour and black and white posters timed tables tests
258 Timed Multiplication Tables Tests

258 Timed Multiplication Tables Tests

258 tests, each set up in the style of multiplication tables check (MTC) Once start has been pressed on the opening slide, the children have 6 seconds to answer each question, then 3 seconds gap with a blank screen. Each test has 25 questions and has the balance of questions from tables as outlined in the DfE guidance. Each test is under 5 minutes long and perfect for start of day activities, lesson starters or as its own activity. The tests are made of up of single tables and 2 ,3, 4 and 5 sets of a wide range of tables. These tests also include multiple variations of these sets of tables as well. There are also 25 practice tests for the year 4 multiplication tables check (MTC) These tests are part of a wide range of tables tests and activities I have made - look for the bundles Pupil record sheets and answers are not provided, but can be if you feel they are useful, mention it in the feedback.
Maths Squared - Assessing Year 1 Maths Without Levels - Sample

Maths Squared - Assessing Year 1 Maths Without Levels - Sample

Need a clear, consistent and easy to use system for assessing Year 1 Maths without levels? Year 1 maths areas covered: number and place value fractions geometry addition subtraction multiplication division measurement The series contain 233 short assessment tasks for every statement from year 1 to year 5. Assessment without levels is about continuous assessment but within a structured and robust system to ensure consistency of approach. These assessments can be done quickly, at any time and repeated as the children will not know the answers. They can be done as a class, a group or individually. The number of assessments are as follows Year 1 – 20 Year 2 – 34 Year 3 - 33 Year 4 – 44 Year 5 - 49 Year 6 - 53 To support teachers, I have provided: • Answers for each sheet • Colour coded year group sheets • An overview of all the statements organised by mathematical area • A guide on what stage to assess the children at. I have used beginning, working within and secure as statements but these can be adapted to your system
Money - levelled sats questions - KS2

Money - levelled sats questions - KS2

money key stage 2 sats questions organised by levels 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Mark scheme and notes also added as an addiiotnal file. Word files for easy edditing. Thanks for the feedback - level 4 questions added
Measure conversions learning mat

Measure conversions learning mat

A4 image of simple conversions of mass, length and capacity. Useful tool for refernce/ display. metric units only. Publisher file attached for editting. More maths learning mats are at http://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/9-Maths-Learning-Mats-6421295/
Properties of 3D shapes Learning Mat

Properties of 3D shapes Learning Mat

A4 image of 8 3D shapes and their properties - edges, vertices and faces. Publisher file also attached for own editing. More maths learning mats are at http://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/9-Maths-Learning-Mats-6421295/
100s of 2016 Euro Resources and Activities

100s of 2016 Euro Resources and Activities

Euro 2016 resource for maths, geography, RE and English, including: data files for each finalist - their populations, area, religion, life expectancy, highest and lowest points and bordering countries follow me cards for capital cities, flags and countries colouring sheets for flags flag learning mat clipart for countries goal bar chart flag, capital cities and maps matching cards flag, capital cities and maps dominoes
Wide range of 2 times table games, activities, assessments and displays

Wide range of 2 times table games, activities, assessments and displays

Activities include: class set of bingo cards with a PowerPoint bingo caller 100 question challenges - multiplication and division with answers dominoes - multiplication and division loop cards - multiplication and division matching cards - multiplication and division -colour and black and white posters Please see the read me file for more resources