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ESL /TEFL Resources

Great ESL lessons suitable for all ages 8+ covering a wide range of topics, from British culture to Halloween.

Great ESL lessons suitable for all ages 8+ covering a wide range of topics, from British culture to Halloween.
The British Education System

The British Education System

A lesson outlining the British Education System. Students will practice reading and speaking while using the new language and information they have learned. This lesson will discuss schooling up until the age of 18, subjects, the school uniform, after school clubs and the options available after compulsory education such as travelling, volunteering, finding an apprenticeship etc. This resource includes a PowerPoint presentation with images, activities and links to a YouTube Video and a worksheet which will accompany the entire lesson. The lesson can be adapted to suit all levels.
ESL Travelling and Holidays Lesson

ESL Travelling and Holidays Lesson

A lesson about travelling abroad and holidays in which students will familiarise themselves and learn vocabulary related to the topic, as well as learn new expressions to describe positive experiences. Students will practice reading and speaking skills while using new vocabulary. This resource includes a PowerPoint presentation with a link to a YouTube Video, a worksheet which will accompany the entire lesson and a lesson plan with a step-by-step list of activities.
Halloween and Scary Stories ESL

Halloween and Scary Stories ESL

A fun interactive ESL lesson for younger learners which includes a Youtube video, thinking about what makes a scary story, a Halloween characters guessing game and a story with which the students will have to write their own ending to. Throughout the lesson, students will learn new vocabulary, specifically words linked to Halloween and practice using adjectives to describe scary settings and characters. There is also a Would You Rather Exercise at the end if there is any time remaining. Included in this resource is the PowerPoint with activities, a lesson plan and the story which will be read out or handed out to the students.
ESL Social Media Lesson

ESL Social Media Lesson

In this lesson, students will discuss and think about their social media usage and whether nowadays we are addicted. Students will practice reading and speaking in English while using the new information they have learned and while sharing their own opinions. They will end the lesson with a debate, encouraging them to think critically in their target language. This resource includes a PowerPoint presentation with images, activities and links to a YouTube Video, an article to print which will accompany the reading activity and a lesson plan with a step-by-step list of activities.
ESL Asking For and Giving Directions

ESL Asking For and Giving Directions

A lesson in which students will learn vocabulary and phrases asking for and giving directions in English. Students will practice listening and speaking skills while using the new language they have learned. Students will also talk about services in the city such as ‘the library, the bank, etc.’ and give directions to these places. This resource includes a PowerPoint presentation with images, activities and links to listening activities, a worksheet which will accompany the entire lesson and a lesson plan with a step-by-step list of activities.
ESL TV and British TV Lesson

ESL TV and British TV Lesson

A lesson in which students will discuss how much TV they watch and will learn about popular British TV shows. Students will practice listening and speaking skills while using the new language they have learned. This resource includes a PowerPoint presentation with images, activities and links to YouTube Videos, a worksheet which will accompany the entire lesson and a lesson plan with a step-by-step list of activities.
Music in Film

Music in Film

This is a fun lesson about music in film. Students will learn about and discuss the importance of film soundtracks, how music helps build an atmosphere and enhances storytelling and also, play a game in which they must guess the film title. The presentation includes numerous links to YouTube videos which can be used as examples.
ESL Nationalities and Languages

ESL Nationalities and Languages

In this lesson, students will learn vocabulary associated with nationalities and discuss the importance of language learning. Students will practice listening and speaking skills while practicing what they have learned. With games and questions, students will think about how and why we learn languages, and whether or not it is important in the 21st century. This resource includes an in-depth PowerPoint presentation with images, activities and a link to a YouTube Video and a lesson plan with a step-by-step list of activities.
ESL/TEFL  British Culture Bundle

ESL/TEFL British Culture Bundle

3 Resources
A bundle comprising three ESL lessons: British Food, British TV and the British Education System. All three lessons encourage students to practice the new language learned and feature a diverse range of activities to stimulate their learning.
ESL/TEFL British Food Lesson

ESL/TEFL British Food Lesson

A lesson about typical, traditional British food. Students will practice reading and speaking while using the new language and information they have learned. This lesson will discuss strange British dishes, traditional meals and the country’s national dish. This resource includes a PowerPoint presentation with images, activities and links to a YouTube Video, a worksheet which will accompany the entire lesson and a lesson plan with a step-by-step list of activities.
Halloween ESL

Halloween ESL

This is a fun, interactive Halloween lesson in which students learn new vocab through various activities. The lesson begins with a brief history and background of Halloween before moving on to a mini Halloween quiz. Students will then talk about how they celebrate Halloween nowadays before ending on a fun game of ‘Who Am I’. Included in this resource are some cards to cut out with a Halloween costume on. Students must guess who they will be dressing up as for Halloween. The instructions are on the lesson plan and Powerpoint. There are also extra activities should there be any spare time at the end.
ESL/TEFL Valentine's Day

ESL/TEFL Valentine's Day

A lesson in which students will discuss Valentine’s Day and how it is celebrated around the world. Students will practice listening and speaking skills while using the new language they have learned. This resource includes a PowerPoint presentation with images, activities, a link to a YouTube Videos, and a worksheet which will accompany the lesson. The lesson plan is indicated in the PowerPoint slides. So, the following is a brief overview of the lesson: The lesson will begin with a discussion about what the students associate with Valentine’s Day before watching a video about the history behind the holiday. The students will then play a game about how Valentine’s Day is celebrated around the world and then spend some time doing a reading activity on the same topic. The answers will be given on the PowerPoint slide. Finally, the students will give out some Valentine’s Day Advice for some uncomfortable dating/relationship situations.
ESL Food and Recipes

ESL Food and Recipes

A lesson in which students will discuss food habits, healthy eating, and recipes. Students will practice listening and speaking skills while using the new language they have learned. This resource includes a PowerPoint presentation with images, activities, a link to a YouTube Videos, and a worksheet which will accompany the lesson. The lesson plan is indicated in the PowerPoint slides. So, the following is a brief overview of the lesson: The students will begin by learning vocabulary for kitchen utensils before discussing why it is/is not important to learn how to cook and eat healthily. Students will then watch a video in which chef Jamie Oliver prepares a meal. They must watch the video and listen for as many of the ingredients and utensils as they can that were used in the recipe. The students will then turn to the worksheet on which there are are two recipes from a cookbook, but the instructions are in wrong order. They must decide on the correct order of instructions for each recipe. Once they are in the correct order, answer the questions. Next, students will read a text about strange foods from around the world and then answers questions. Finally, if there is time, students can create their own recipe with the final task.