Complete lessons covering the entire Health topic of A Level AQA Sociology.
*please be aware that this bundle covers course content - it may appear that lessons are missing (L8, 9 etc) but these were in fact independent revision lessons hence no powerpoint
Lessons to cover topic 1 of Health unit, AQA A Level/AS Sociology
Lessons cover
-Intro to Health
-The Body
-Models of Health
-Sick role
Approaches to Health
Resources covering topic 5 (5th bullet point of spec) for Health, AQA A Level Sociology.
Full lessons for the role of the medical profession (covering Functionalist, Weberian, Marxist, Feminist, Postmodernist approaches) and globalisation of health
Introduction lessons to AQA A Level Sociology, 5 lessons in total covering:
-Intro - what is Sociology?
-Sociology Key terms eg norms, values, socialisation
-Social Issues
-Sociological Theories with a booklet to go alongside
AQA A Level Sociology Education Topic 2 Differential Achievement
Lessons covering social class, gender and ethnicity in differences in educational achievement and revision lessons
Resources to cover Topic 2 of Health for AQA A Level Sociology
Lessons cover - unequal health chances by social class, gender, ethnicity and there is a homework covering region
Lessons covering A Level AQA Sociology, Crime topic but first bullet point of the spec - crime, deviance, social order and social control
Lessons cover concepts of crime, deviance, social order and control
Also approaches explaining crime and deviance:
Subcultural theories
Neo Marxist
Realist (left and right)