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Food - a fact of life

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Free resources for teaching young people aged 3-16 years about where food comes from, cooking and healthy eating.




Free resources for teaching young people aged 3-16 years about where food comes from, cooking and healthy eating.
Guidelines for producers and users of school education resources about food

Guidelines for producers and users of school education resources about food

The Guidelines document sets out a series of voluntary guidelines which can be adopted as part of a good practice approach by those that produce and use education resources for schools about food throughout the UK. It is hoped that they will be used to further support the work of food education in schools, ensuring that children and young people use up-to-date, evidence-based and high-quality resources to support their learning about food.
An turas gu tuathanas

An turas gu tuathanas

Tha Mgr Valdez a’ toirt a’ chlas gu turas air tuathanas bainne. Coinnichidh iad ris a’ Bh-ph Jenkins, an tuathanach, agus ionnsaichidh iad mu mar a gheibhear bainne.
àm bleoghain

àm bleoghain

a) Is toigh le crodh a bhith air am bleoghan 2-3 turas san latha. A’ sealltainn ro sreath chleocan, cuin a thathar a’ bleoghan nam bó? b) Tha iomadh dreuchd aig a’ Bh-ph Jenkins air a tuathanas. Cuir na spógan a tha dhÌth air na cleocan.
Gabhail bainne

Gabhail bainne

Sreath cheistean mu na tha Alisha, Raghnall, Nicola agus Iordan a’ gabhail de bhainne, chaise is iogart thar seachdain.
Mmmm, blasta

Mmmm, blasta

Dèan liosta de na diofar bhlasadan-bÌdh a dh’fhaodadh na caraidean a dhèanamh bho bhainne, chàise agus iogart.
Matamataig càise

Matamataig càise

Tha10 ceistean matamataig càise ann, le na 4 gnÌomhachdan. Feumaidh clann gach ceist matamatag càise oibreachadh a-mach.
The farm visit- speech marks

The farm visit- speech marks

In this story Mr Valdez takes the class on a dairy farm visit. They meet Mrs Jenkins, the farmer, and learn about how milk is produced. Includes a worksheet to practice when to use speech marks.
See and eat

See and eat

The See & Eat project is about learning to love vegetables - for young children. There are ebooks for 24 different vegetables from aubergines and butternut squash to spinach and sweet potato! https://www.seeandeat.org/ebooks/ The research team at Reading have shown that looking at simple picture books of where vegetables come from, how they grow, in shops, being prepared and ready to eat can help preschool children learn to like vegetables that they haven’t tried before or didn’t previously like. The psychology behind this is that seeing images of a food can make it feel more familiar and can help reduce the natural anxiety that many young children have about trying new foods. The project is led by psychologists at the University of Reading and funded by the European organisation EIT Food*.
Cooking - Food skills

Cooking - Food skills

Created for 7-11 year olds, this set of resources developed by ‘British Nutrition Foundation’, form part of a series of successful lessons exploring healthy eating for children… This section provides you with detailed teaching plans, worksheets and presentations and also includes links to all the downloadable resources to support teaching of ‘Cooking: key fact 4 - There is a range of additional food skills which enable us to cook.’
Healthy eating - Food is a basic requirement of life

Healthy eating - Food is a basic requirement of life

This set of resources developed by ‘British Nutrition Foundation’, form part of a series of successful lessons exploring healthy eating for children aged 5-7 years. This section provides you with detailed teaching plans, worksheets and presentations and also includes links to all the downloadable resources to support teaching of ‘that food is a basic requirement of life and we need food to grow, be active and maintain health.
Where food comes from - Food is processed

Where food comes from - Food is processed

Created for 7 - 11 year olds, this set of resources developed by ‘British Nutrition Foundation’, form part of a series of successful lessons exploring healthy eating for children. This section provides you with detailed teaching plans, worksheets and presentations and also includes links to all the downloadable resources to support teaching of ‘Food and farming: Key fact two - Food is processed on different levels to make it edible and safe’.
Cooking - Planning to cook

Cooking - Planning to cook

Created for 7-11 year olds, this set of resources developed by ‘British Nutrition Foundation’, form part of a series of successful lessons exploring healthy eating for children. This section provides you with detailed teaching plans, worksheets, notebook documents and also includes links to all the downloadable resources to support teaching of ‘Cooking: Key fact 3 - When planning to cook, we need to select the most suitable ingredients, equipment and food skills for successful results’.