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Teaching process is a vital part in the process of knowledge gaining. That is why we put all our affords to create most interactive and breathtaking teaching materials. With our Business Related materials your students will enhance their knowledge and you can be sure that teaching process will be as interesting as it possible.




Teaching process is a vital part in the process of knowledge gaining. That is why we put all our affords to create most interactive and breathtaking teaching materials. With our Business Related materials your students will enhance their knowledge and you can be sure that teaching process will be as interesting as it possible.
Direct Investment and Collaborative Strategies (International Business)

Direct Investment and Collaborative Strategies (International Business)

Direct Investment and Collaborative Strategies is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students. LECTURE OVERVIEW: Although most companies operating internationally would prefer exporting to other market entry modes, there are circumstances in which exporting may not be feasible. In these cases, companies may engage in direct investment in other countries, or enter markets through various collaborative strategies such as joint ventures and alliances. Collaborative strategies allow firms to spread both assets and risk across countries by entering into contractual agreements with a variety of potential partners. This lecture first discusses reasons for not exporting and then explores the motives that drive firms to engage in noncollaborative and collaborative arrangements, as well as the various types of possible arrangements, including foreign direct investment, licensing, franchising, joint ventures, and equity alliances. It goes on to explore the various problems that may arise in FDI and collaborative ventures and concludes with a discussion of the various methods for managing these evolving arrangements. Lecture Learning Objectives: Clarify why companies may need to use modes other than exporting to operate effectively in international business • Comprehend why and how companies make foreign direct investments • Understand the major motives that guide managers when choosing a collaborative arrangement for international business • Define the major types of collaborative arrangements • Describe what companies should consider when entering into arrangements with other companies • Grasp why collaborative arrangements succeed or fail • See how companies can manage diverse collaborative arrangements • Appreciate how growth in project size and complexity will require future collaboration In this file you will find: 1 Direct Investment and Collaborative Strategies Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations 5 Interesting Exercises for Seminar 9 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 folder with useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Management History

Management History

Management History is a lecture which is covered during Management Module. This resource is suitable for bachelor and master level students who are studying in business department. In this lecture, we’re going to take a trip back in time to see how the field of study called management has evolved. What you’re going to find out is that today’s managers still use many elements of the historical approaches to management. Since the birth of modern management theory in the early 1900s, management experts have developed theories to help organizations and their managers coordinate and oversee work activities as effectively and efficiently as possible. In presenting the history of modern management, this supplement explores the evolution of management thought and practice during the twentieth century. Students discover how knowledge of management history can help us better understand current management practices while avoiding some mistakes of the past. Focus on the following learning objectives as you read and study this lecture. **Learning Objectives of this lecture are: ** Describe some early management examples. Explain the various theories in the classical approach. Discuss the development and uses of the behavioral approach. Describe the quantitative approach. Explain the various theories in the contemporary approach. In this file you will find: 1 Management History Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 117 different questions with full answer description and explanation 10 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 2 Interesting Exercise related to the topic 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 Folder with relevant useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! **Please follow us! All resources are compressed in Zip File. You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Managing Change and Disruptive Innovation (Management)

Managing Change and Disruptive Innovation (Management)

Managing Change and Disruptive Innovation is a lecture which is covered during Management Module. This resource is suitable for bachelor and master level students who are studying in business department. Change is a constant for organizations and thus for managers. Because change cannot be eliminated, managers must learn how to manage it successfully. Because innovation is often closely tied to an organization’s change efforts, managers must know how to manage it as well. Change takes us out of our comfort zone. But to survive and thrive in your career, you are going to have to be change ready. As you’ll see throughout this lecture, change is inevitable. So, the more easily you can adapt… the more successful, appreciated, and happier you’ll be. Focus on the following learning objectives as you read and study this lecture. Learning Objectives of this lecture are: Describe making the case for change. Compare and contrast views on the change process. Classify areas of organizational change. Explain how to manage change. • Know how to be change ready by overcoming your resistance to change. Discuss contemporary issues in managing change. • Develop your skill in change management so you can serve as a catalyst for change. Describe techniques for stimulating innovation. Explain why managing disruptive innovation is important. In this file you will find: 1 Managing Change and Disruptive Innovation Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Lecture Note Guide 1 Test Bank with 142 different questions with full answer description and explanation 8 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 4 Interesting Exercise related to the topic with all answers to them 1 Interesting Case Study with all answers to case study questions 1 additional reading resource file related to lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 Folder with relevant useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! All resources are compressed in Zip File. You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon code during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Planning and Control Techniques Module (Management)

Planning and Control Techniques Module (Management)

Planning and Control Techniques Module is a lecture which is covered during Management Module. This resource is suitable for bachelor and master level students who are studying in business department. In the study of this module, students will have an opportunity to learn essential knowledge about the planning tools and techniques that can help any business to reach the objectives driven by its organizational mission. **Learning Objectives of this lecture are: ** TECHNIQUES FOR ASSESSING THE ENVIRONMENT Environmental Scanning Forecasting Benchmarking TECHNIQUES FOR ALLOCATING RESOURCES Budgeting Scheduling Breakeven Analysis Linear Programming CONTEMPORARY PLANNING AND CONTROL TECHNIQUES Project Management. Scenario Planning. In this file you will find: Planning and Control Techniques Module Lecture Power Point Presentation Lecture Note Guide Ten Interesting Discussion Questions with answers to them Two Reading Resources files related to lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 Folder with relevant useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! All resources are compressed in Zip File. You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon Code during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Designing Organizational Structure (Management)

Designing Organizational Structure (Management)

Designing Organizational Structure is a lecture which is covered during Management Module. This resource is suitable for bachelor and master level students who are studying in business department. Once managers are done planning, then what? This is when managers need to begin to “work the plan.” And the first step in doing that involves designing an appropriate organizational structure. This lecture covers the decisions involved with designing this structure. We also address the issue of structure with an emphasis on the new designs that companies are implementing to deal with an increasingly competitive environment that focuses on efficiency. Focus on the following learning objectives as you read and study this lecture. Learning Objectives of this lecture are: Describe six key elements in organizational design. Contrast mechanistic and organic structures. Discuss the contingency factors that favor either the mechanistic model or the organic model of organizational design. Describe traditional organizational designs. Discuss organizing for flexibility in the twenty-first century. • Develop your skill at acquiring and using power. • Know how to stay connected and “in the loop” when working remotely. In this file you will find: 1 Designing Organizational Structure Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Lecture Note Guide 1 Test Bank with 121 different questions with full answer description and explanation 8 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 4 Interesting Exercise related to the topic with all answers to them 2 Interesting Case Studies with all answers to case study questions 1 additional reading resource file related to lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 Folder with relevant useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! All resources are compressed in Zip File. You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon code during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Being an Effective Leader (Leadership)

Being an Effective Leader (Leadership)

Being an Effective Leader is a lecture which is covered during Management Module. This resource is suitable for bachelor and master level students who are studying in business department. Leaders in organizations make things happen. But what makes leaders different from non-leaders? What’s the most appropriate style of leadership? What can you do to be seen as a leader? Those are just a few of the questions we will try to answer in this lecture. Focus on the following learning objectives as you read and study this lecture. Learning Objectives of this lecture are: Define leader and leadership. Compare and contrast early theories of leadership. Describe the three major contingency theories of leadership. • Develop your skill at choosing an effective leadership style. Describe contemporary views of leadership. • Know how to prepare for an effective transition to a leadership position. Discuss contemporary issues affecting leadership. In this file you will find: Being an Effective Leader Lecture Power Point Presentation Lecture Note Guide Test Bank with 132 different questions with full answer description and explanation 8 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 4 Interesting Exercises related to the topic with all answers to them 2 Interesting Case Studies with all answers to case study questions 1 Reading Resource file related to lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 Folder with relevant useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! All resources are compressed in Zip File. You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon code during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Basic Probability (Statistics)

Basic Probability (Statistics)

Basic Probability is a lecture which is covered within the Statistic or Basic Business Statistic module by business and economics students. The principles of probability help bridge the worlds of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Probability principles are the foundation for the probability distribution, the concept of mathematical expectation, and the binomial, Poisson, and hypergeometric distributions, topics. In this lecture you learn to: Basic probability concepts About conditional probability To use Bayes’ Theorem to revise probabilities Various counting rules In this file you will find: Basic Probability Lecture Power Point Presentation Test Bank with 171 different related questions with full answer description and explanation 65 Exercises related to the topic with all answers to them Defining and Collecting Data Reading Resources file in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! All resources are compressed in zip file. You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon code during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Writing Business Messages (Business Communication)

Writing Business Messages (Business Communication)

Writing Business Messages is a lecture which is covered during Business Communication Module. The two tasks covered in this lecture are adapting to your audience (including being sensitive to audience needs, building strong relationships, and controlling your style and tone) and composing your message (including choosing powerful words, creating effective sentences, and crafting unified, coherent paragraphs). The Lecture concludes with advice on writing messages for mobile devices. Lecture Agenda: Adapting to Your Audience: Being Sensitive to Audience Needs Using the “You” Attitude Maintaining Standards of Etiquette Emphasizing the Positive Using Bias-Free Language Adapting to Your Audience: Building Strong Relationships Establishing Your Credibility Projecting Your Company’s Image Adapting to Your Audience: Controlling Your Style and Tone Using a Conversational Tone Using Plain Language Selecting the Active or Passive Voice Composing Your Message: Choosing Powerful Words Understanding Denotation and Connotation Balancing Abstract and Concrete Words Finding Words That Communicate Well Composing Your Message: Creating Effective Sentences Choosing from the Four Types of Sentences Using Sentence Style to Emphasize Key Thoughts Composing Your Message: Crafting Unified, Coherent Paragraphs Creating the Elements of a Paragraph Topic Sentence Support Sentences Transitions Choosing the Best Way to Develop a Paragraph Writing Messages for Mobile Devices Learning Objectives: Identify the four aspects of being sensitive to audience needs when writing business messages. Identify seven characteristics that build and maintain a communicator’s credibility. Explain how to achieve a tone that is conversational but businesslike, explain the value of using plain language, and define active and passive voice. Describe how to select words that are both correct and effective. Define the four types of sentences, and explain how sentence style affects emphasis within a message. Define the three key elements of a paragraph, and list five ways to develop unified, coherent paragraphs. List five techniques for writing effective messages for mobile readers. In this file you will find: 1 Writing Business Messages Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions with full answer description and explanation 1 Folder with relevant pictures You may also like: Planning Business Messages (Business Communication) Communication Challenges in a Diverse, Global Marketplace (Business Communication) Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Planning Reports and Proposals

Planning Reports and Proposals

Planning Reports and Proposals is a lecture which is covered during Business Communication Module. This lecture investigates the tasks involved in planning longer documents. In this lecture, we also include coverage of conducting the research that is often needed for reports and presentations. Because conventional website content often functions like an informational report, we address the planning stage of website development in this lecture as well. Learning Objectives: Adapt the three-step writing process to reports and proposals. Describe an effective process for conducting business research, explain how to evaluate the credibility of an information source, and identify the five ways to use research results. Explain the role of secondary research, and describe the two major categories of online research tools. Explain the role of primary research, and identify the two most common forms of primary research for business communication purposes. Explain how to plan informational reports and website content. Identify the three most common ways to organize analytical reports. Explain how to plan proposals. In this file you will find: 1 Planning Reports and Proposals Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions with full answer description and explanation 1 Folder with relevant pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Performance Management and Appraisal (Human Resources)

Performance Management and Appraisal (Human Resources)

Performance Management and Appraisal - HR is a lecture which is covered during Human Resource Management Module. The purpose of this Lecture is to show you how to appraise employee’s performance. The main topics we cover include the basics of performance appraisal, tools for appraising performance, dealing with rater error appraisal problems, the appraisal interview, employee engagement guide for managers, and performance management. **Interesting Issues: ** TRW supplies automotive steering, braking, and safety and electronic equipment to customers worldwide. Several years ago, TRW was deeply in debt. With over 100,000 employees on five continents, TRW management knew it had to base its new strategy on improving competitiveness and performance. At the time, most of the firm’s far-flung departments used their own paper-based performance appraisal systems. Top management decided it needed a new company-wide performance management system to help bring what TRW’s employees were doing into synch with the firm’s new strategic goals. We will see what they did. Learning Objectives: Describe the performance appraisal process. Define the pros and cons of at least eight performance appraisal methods. Give examples of potential appraisal problems and how to deal with them. List steps to take in the appraisal interview. Explain key points in how to use the appraisal interview to boost employee engagement. Explain how you would take a performance management approach to appraisal. In this file you will find: 1 Performance Management and Appraisal Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 110 different questions with full answer description and explanation 3 Case Studies with all answers to them 10 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 Interesting Exercise 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge **Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining – Human Resource

Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining – Human Resource

Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining – Human Resource is a lecture which is covered during Human Resource Management Module. The main purpose of this lecture is to help you deal effectively with unions and grievances. After briefly discussing the history of the American labor movement, we describe the basic law, including unfair labor practices. We explain labor negotiations, including the union actions you can expect during the union campaign and election. And we explain what you can expect during the actual bargaining sessions, and how to handle grievances. Interesting Issues: Some people call Costco “The Anti-Walmart,” because Costco treats its workers and unions so well. Whereas Walmart is known for difficult labor relations (it said, for instance, it was eliminating health insurance for future employees working under 24 hours per week), Costco actually keeps profits up in part with positive labor relations policies. We’ll see how they do it. Learning Objectives: Give a brief history of the American labor movement. Discuss the main features of at least three major pieces of labor legislation. Present examples of what to expect during the union drive and election. Illustrate with examples of bargaining that is not in good faith. Develop a grievance procedure. Describe a strategy for cooperative labor relations. In this file you will find: 1 Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 110 different questions with full answer description and explanation 3 Case Studies with all answers to them 10 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 Interesting Exercise 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
International Trade and Factor-Mobility Theory (International Business)

International Trade and Factor-Mobility Theory (International Business)

International Trade and Factor-Mobility Theory is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students. LECTURE OVERVIEW: This lecture provides a conceptual foundation for the exploration of the international trade process. First, it examines the basic theories of mercantilism, absolute advantage, and comparative advantage. Then it explores patterns of trade in light of the theories of country size, factor proportions, and country similarity. It also considers the role of distance and explains the relevance of Product Life Cycle Theory and Porter’s diamond of national competitive advantage. The lecture concludes with a discussion of factor mobility and its relationship to the international trade process. Lecture Learning Objectives: • Understand how different approaches to international trade theories help policy makers achieve economic objectives • Comprehend the historical and current rationale for interventionist trade theories • Explain how free trade improves global efficiency • Distinguish factors affecting national trade patterns • Recognize why a country’s export capabilities are dynamic • Detect why production factors, especially labor and capital, move internationally • Describe the relationship between foreign trade and international factor mobility • Grasp scenarios of possible changes in trade patterns In this file you will find: 1 International Trade and Factor-Mobility Theory Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations 4 Interesting Exercises for Seminar 8 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 folder with useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! You may purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % DISCOUNT by pressing this link . Use coupon: lovetoteach


THE DETERMINATION OF EXCHANGE RATES is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students. LECTURE OVERVIEW: From a managerial point of view, it is critical to understand how exchange-rate movements influence business decisions and operations. This lecture first describes the International Monetary Fund and the role it plays in exchange-rate determination. Next the lecture examines the various types of exchange-rate regimes countries may choose, as well as the role central banks play in the currency valuation process. It then presents the theories of purchasing power parity, the Fisher Effect, and the International Fisher Effect and discusses their contributions to the explanation of exchange-rate movements. The lecture concludes with a brief examination of the potential effects of exchange-rate fluctuations on business operations. Lecture Learning Objectives: • Describe the International Monetary Fund and its role in the determination of exchange rates • Discuss the major exchange-rate arrangements that countries use • Explain how the European Monetary System works and how the euro became the currency of the euro zone • Identify the major determinants of exchange rates • Show how managers try to forecast exchange-rate movements • Explain how exchange-rate movements influence business decisions In this file you will find: 1 The Determination of Exchange Rates Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations 4 Interesting Exercises for Seminar 6 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 folder with useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! You may purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Modes of Trading Internationally (International Business)

Modes of Trading Internationally (International Business)

Modes of Trading Internationally is a lecture which is covered during International Business Module for bachelor/master level students. LECTURE OVERVIEW: This lecture is devoted to an examination of export and import strategies. Next, the roles of a wide variety of third-party intermediaries are discussed. The lecture concludes with a discussion of the major issues related to export financing, including the use of countertrade as a form of payment mechanism. Lecture Learning Objectives: • Explain the idea of exporting and profile its elements • Explain the idea of importing and profile its elements • Describe the problems and pitfalls that challenge international traders • Describe the resources and assistance that helps international traders • Define the idea of an export plan • Discuss the practice of countertrade In this file you will find: 1 Modes of Trading Internationally Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions and full answer to them with the descriptions and explanations 4 Interesting Exercises for Seminar 7 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 2 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 folder with useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Introduction to Management (Managers and You in the Workplace)

Introduction to Management (Managers and You in the Workplace)

Introduction to Management (Managers and You in the Workplace) is a lecture which is covered during Management Module. This resources are suitable for bachelor and master level students who are studying in business department. In this introductory lecture, your students will explore the concepts of management, manager skills, and organizations in today’s dynamic business environment. **Learning Objectives of this lecture are: ** Tell who managers are and where they work. • Know how to manage your time. Explain why managers are important to organizations. Describe the functions, roles, and skills of managers. • Develop your skill at being politically aware. Describe the factors that are reshaping and redefining the manager’s job. Explain the value of studying management. In this file you will find: 1 Introduction to Management (Managers and You in the Workplace) Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 117 different questions with full answer description and explanation 2 Case Studies with all answers to them 8 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 3 Interesting Exercise related to the topic 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 Folder with relevant useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! **Please follow us! All resources are compressed in Zip File. You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Managing Diversity (Management)

Managing Diversity (Management)

Managing Diversity is a lecture which is covered during Management Module. This resource is suitable for bachelor and master level students who are studying in business department. Employing and properly managing a diverse workforce is a challenge for most organizations. In the United States, we are faced with a growingly diverse population, which has necessitated changes in how we look at employees. With the push in the 1960’s toward civil rights, and the women’s movement, managers are now more aware of the needs of special groups. However, diversity isn’t always black or white, male or female. There are many aspects of diversity that a manager must consider. These topics, along with the management initiatives to better manage diversity are presented in this lecture. Learning Objectives of this lecture are: Define workplace diversity and explain why managing it is so important. • Develop your skill at valuing and working with diverse individuals and teams. Describe the changing workplaces in the United States and around the world. Explain the different types of diversity found in workplaces. Discuss the challenges managers face in managing diversity. Describe various workplace diversity management initiatives. • Know how to find a great sponsor/mentor and be a great protégé. In this file you will find: 1 Managing Diversity Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Lecture Note Guide 1 Test Bank with 115 different questions with full answer description and explanation 8 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 4 Interesting Exercise related to the topic with all answers to them 1 Interesting Case Study with all answers to case study questions 1 additional reading resource file related to lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge 1 Folder with relevant useful pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment! All resources are compressed in Zip File. You can purchase this teaching resource with more than 20 % Discount by pressing this link. Use coupon code during checkout process: LOVETOTEACH
Writing Negative Messages (Business Communication)

Writing Negative Messages (Business Communication)

Writing Negative Messages is a lecture which is covered during Business Communication Module. This Lecture continues the discussion of brief message types with a look at negative (“bad-news”) messages. Students will get practice with both the direct and indirect approaches in a variety of specific message scenarios. A particular point of emphasis in this lecture is helping students understand that negative messages don’t have to be—and in fact should not be—delivered in a negative way. By maintaining a focus on ethics, etiquette, and audience needs, bad news can be delivered in ways that are sensitive and professional while still being effective. Learning Objectives: Apply the three-step writing process to negative messages. Explain how to use the direct approach effectively when conveying negative news. Explain how to use the indirect approach effectively when conveying negative news. Explain the importance of maintaining high standards of ethics and etiquette when delivering negative messages Describe successful strategies for sending negative messages on routine business matters. List the important points to consider when conveying negative organizational news. Describe successful strategies for sending negative employment-related messages. In this file you will find: 1 Writing Negative Messages Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions with full answer description and explanation 1 Folder with relevant pictures You may also like: Writing Routine and Positive Messages Completing Business Messages (Business Communication) Writing Business Messages (Business Communication) Planning Business Messages (Business Communication) Communication Challenges in a Diverse, Global Marketplace (Business Communication) Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Building Careers and Writing Résumés

Building Careers and Writing Résumés

Building Careers and Writing Résumés is a lecture which is covered during Business Communication Module. This Lecture offers a variety of creative tips on finding opportunities in today’s job market, followed by comprehensive advice for crafting an effective résumé for specific job openings. Learning Objectives: List eight key steps to finding the ideal opportunity in today’s job market. Explain the process of planning your résumé, including how to choose the best résumé organization. Describe the tasks involved in writing your résumé, and list the sections to consider including in your résumé. Characterize the completing step for résumés, including the six most common formats in which you can produce a résumé. Identify nine tips for creating a successful LinkedIn profile. In this file you will find: 1 Building Careers and Writing Résumés Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 100 different questions with full answer description and explanation 1 Folder with relevant pictures Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Employee Testing and Selection

Employee Testing and Selection

Employee Testing and Selection is a lecture which is covered during Human Resource Management Module. The purpose of this Lecture is to explain how to use various tools to select the best candidate for the job. The main topics we’ll cover include the selection process, basic testing techniques, backgound and reference checks, ethical and legal questions in testing, types of tests, and work samples and simulations. Interesting Issues: Google job candidates used to have a dozen or more grueling interviews. But, with Google hiring thousands of people annually, this selection process proved too slow. Now Google uses just four to five interviews, but lets all its employees express opinions on each candidate by email, using what it calls “crowdsourcing.” The changes speed up hiring and bring Google’s hiring policies more in line with its fast-growth strategy. Learning Objectives: Answer the question: Why is it important to test and select employees? Explain what is meant by reliability and validity. List and briefly describe the basic categories of selection tests, with examples. Explain how to use two work simulations for selection. Describe four ways to improve an employer’s background checking process. In this file you will find: 1 Employee Testing and Selection Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 110 different questions with full answer description and explanation 3 Case Studies with all answers to them 10 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 Interesting Exercise 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!
Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives – Human Resource

Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives – Human Resource

Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives – Human Resource is a lecture which is covered during Human Resource Management Module. The main purpose of this lecture is to explain how managers use incentives to motivate employees. The main topics we’ll discuss are money’s role in motivation, individual employee incentive and recognition programs, incentives for salespeople, incentives for managers and executives, team and organization-wide incentive plans and incentives, and employee engagement. **Interesting Issues: ** The owners of a 21-store fast-food franchise in the Midwest knew that their stores’ performance and profits depended on their employees’ performance. They hoped a new employee incentive program could boost their employees’ and their stores’ performance. We will see that they did. Learning Objectives: Explain how you would apply four motivation theories in formulating an incentive plan. Discuss the main incentives for individual employees. Discuss the pros and cons of commissions versus straight pay for salespeople. Describe the main incentives for managers and executives. Name and describe the most popular organization-wide incentive plans. Explain how to use incentives to improve employee engagement. In this file you will find: 1 Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives Lecture Power Point Presentation 1 Guide file how to conduct Lecture 1 Test Bank with 110 different questions with full answer description and explanation 3 Case Studies with all answers to them 10 Interesting Discussion Questions and answers to them 1 Interesting Exercise 1 additional reading file about the lecture topic in order to enhance Lecturer/Teacher/Student knowledge **Once you will purchase this resource please leave a comment!