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AQA A-Level Law with Ian Scott-Garrett

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Hello and welcome to my shop. I have been teaching for 20 years, of which 15 have been spent on delivering law-related courses. I am currently teaching AQA A-Level Law to Year 12 and Year 13 students. The resources in my shop are taken directly from my lessons and include PowerPoints, quizzes, research activities, problem questions, examination advice and mock examinations. If there is something that you want and can't find, please get in touch!

Hello and welcome to my shop. I have been teaching for 20 years, of which 15 have been spent on delivering law-related courses. I am currently teaching AQA A-Level Law to Year 12 and Year 13 students. The resources in my shop are taken directly from my lessons and include PowerPoints, quizzes, research activities, problem questions, examination advice and mock examinations. If there is something that you want and can't find, please get in touch!
Criminal Law: Robbery

Criminal Law: Robbery

An examination of the law relating to the offence of robbery. Complemented by relevant case summaries and an analysis of the calls for the reform of the area of law. Written for AQA A-Level Law students but suitable for anyone studying law.
Consumer Rights Act 2015

Consumer Rights Act 2015

A detailed examination of the provisions of the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and how they affect the implied terms in consumer contracts.
Criminal Law: Attempt

Criminal Law: Attempt

A detailed examination of the provisions of the Criminal Attempts Act 1981, supported by relevant case law and analysis.
Delegated Legislation

Delegated Legislation

A detailed examination of the main types of delegated legislation used in England and Wales: Statutory Instruments; Privy Council orders; and Bylaws. Does not include a discussion around the law created by devolved parliaments. Written for AQA A-Level Law students but suitable for anyone studying law at any level.
Contract Law - Discharge

Contract Law - Discharge

An examination of the different ways in which a contract may be discharged. Supported by detailed case notes. Written for AQA A-Level Law students but suitable for anyone studying law.
Creating Acts of Parliament

Creating Acts of Parliament

A fully automated PowerPoint slide showing each stage in the creation of an Act of Parliament. This is designed as a brief overview of the stages involved in creating an Act of Parliament only. A more detailed examination of the creation of an Act of Parliament may be found in my resource ‘Acts of Parliament’. This resource was designed for use by AQA A-Level Law students but would be useful for anyone studying law.
Evaluation of lay magistrates

Evaluation of lay magistrates

An examination of the arguments for and against the role of lay magistrates. Written for AQA A-Level Law students but suitable for anyone studying law at any level.
Declaratory Theory

Declaratory Theory

An examination of both sides of the argument surrounding the principles of declaratory theory, including; An explanation of the principles of declaratory theory and separation of powers; A detailed examination of the issues with declaratory theory; The views of the judiciary on declaratory theory.
Criminal Law: Theft

Criminal Law: Theft

Two PowerPoint presentations examining the actus reus and mens rea for the offence of theft, supported by relevant case law and comment. Both presentations are up-to-date and contain a discussion on the case of Booth and Another v R, which removed the Ghosh test for dishonesty.
Statutory Interpretation

Statutory Interpretation

An in-depth examination of: The intrinsic and extrinsic aids that the court uses to interpret a statute; The rules of language used by the courts; The literal rule, the golden rule and the mischief rule. Supported by reference to relevant case law. Written for AQA A-Level Law students but suitable for anyone studying law at any level.
Criminal Law: Actus Reus

Criminal Law: Actus Reus

A full PowerPoint presentation examining the concept of actus reus in crominal law. Written for AQA A-Level Law students but suitable for anyone studying criminal law.
Contract Law - Consideration

Contract Law - Consideration

An overview of the role of consideration in the formation of a contract. Includes an examination of the rules of consideration and promissory estoppel. Accompanied by detailed case notes. Written for AQQ A-Level Law students but suitable for anyone studying law.
The Courts of England and Wales

The Courts of England and Wales

An overview of the courts of England and Wales, including: The court structure in England and Wales; The impact of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018; The classification of criminal offences; The small claims track, the fast track and the multi-track. Includes some assessment activities at the end of the presentation. Written for AQA A-Level Law students but suitable for anyone studying law at any level.
The Magistrates' Court

The Magistrates' Court

An examination of the role and work of the Magistrates’ Court, including: The role and purpose of law magistrates; The appointment and training of lay magistrates; The retirement and dismissal of lay magistrates; The work of lay magistrates; The role of the legal advisor; The role and function of the the District Judge (Magistrates’ Court). Includes an activity at the end of the presentation. Written for AQA A-Level Law students but suitable for anyone studying law at any level.
Criminal Law: Causation

Criminal Law: Causation

A PowerPoint lesson examining the necessity for the actus reus and mens rea in criminal law to be linked by a chain of causation. The lesson deals with both factual causation and legal causation, using relevant case law examples where necessary. Written for AQA A-Level Law students but suitable for any law student up to degree level.
Acts of Parliament

Acts of Parliament

A detailed examination of the creation of an Act of Parliament, from government policy to Royal Assent. Includes a discussion on the drafting of a bill; the types of bill; the stages in the creation of an Act of Parliament; and the impact of the Parliament Acts on the ability of the House of Lords to veto a bill.
Judicial Precedent

Judicial Precedent

An in-depth examination of the system of judicial precedent in England and Wales, including: A brief history of judicial precedent; The impact of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018; The doctrine of stare decisis; The operation of stare decisis throughout the court structure; The impact of the Practice Direction 1966 and Young v Bristol Aeroplane Co; Types of judicial precedent; Reading case reports; Ratio decdendi and obiter dicta. Written for AQA A-Level law students but suitable for anyone studying law at any level.
Criminal Law: Involuntary Manslaughter

Criminal Law: Involuntary Manslaughter

Two PowerPoint presentations examining constructive manslaughter and gross negligence manslaughter. Although the resources have been written for AQA A-Level Law students, they are suitable for anyone studying criminal law.