Hero image




Homer's Odyssey: Theme and Character Sheets

Homer's Odyssey: Theme and Character Sheets

The following documents consist of a break-down of all the key themes found within the epic and of the characters. Quotes are found alongside analysis of passages, with supporting scholarship where appropriate. These have been designed for ‘The World of the Hero’ Paper (OCR: A-Level Classical Civilisation). Themes that are included: The Concept, Value and Behaviour of a Hero Disguise Deceit, Disguise and Trickery Recognition Role of Revenge and Justice Role of the Immortals Relationships between Mortals and Immortals Xenia Nostos The Role and Power of Fate Relationships between Men, Women and Children Family Role of the Slave Role of Women in the Epic and Society How Different Societies are Characterised and Portrayed NB: Rieu’s translation has been used when creating this document
Imperial Image Timeline

Imperial Image Timeline

Timeline for Imperial Image - OCR A-Level Classical Civilisations. Split into sections for easy revision of key dates.
The Roman Empire: Knowledge Organiser

The Roman Empire: Knowledge Organiser

A knowledge organiser detailing a summary of the Roman Empire, intended for the use of students in KS2/KS3. It covers: Power in Rome War and Conflict Foundation Story Economy and Trade Movement and Settlement Life Under the Roman Empire The End of the Empire Timeline
Heracles/Hercules Knowledge Organiser - GCSE Classical Civilisations

Heracles/Hercules Knowledge Organiser - GCSE Classical Civilisations

This knowledge organiser has been designed for students studying OCR’s GCSE Specification for Myth and Religion and covers 1.2 ‘Heracles/Hercules.’ It provides an overview of: Birth and Early Life The Twelve Labours The Foundation of the Olympic Games Hercules and Cacus Hercules and Achelous Hercules and Nessus Hercules’ Cult in Rome Hercules’ Death
Characters in Homer's Odyssey

Characters in Homer's Odyssey

This resource contains a list of characters found within Homer’s Odyssey and an accompanying table which breaks down the different categories of characters (i.e. Mortals, Immortals, Loyal Servants, Disloyal Servants) and is intended for use of AS/A Level Students but can equally be used by GCSE students. It is best to be completed prior to reading to help gage an understanding of the individuals involved within the storyline of the epic and can be constantly referred back to to help understand how several characters overlap in multiple categories.
'An Inspector Calls' - Glossary

'An Inspector Calls' - Glossary

A glossary containing key terminology relating to Priestley’s ‘An Inspector Calls,’ including terms relating to the contextual setting of the play as well as literary terms.
Model Answers AQA GCSE History: America - Opportunity and Inequality

Model Answers AQA GCSE History: America - Opportunity and Inequality

A selection of 12 exemplar essays written in response to exam questions concerning the AQA GCSE Specification for ‘America - Opportunity and Inequality’ (1920-1973). All answers were high attaining and there is an example for each question type (4,8 and 12 markers). These can be used as a source of revision or to help develop essay writing skills before/after an examination.
Aeneid Book Summaries: Blank Sheets

Aeneid Book Summaries: Blank Sheets

Designed for use for AS/A Level students studying the OCR specification for ‘World of the Hero’ (Classical Civilisations). There is a summary sheet for each of the prescribed books, with the opportunity to provide a brief summary, give an overview of key characters and themes and to note down any important quotes that can be used in essays.
Augustus' Legacy Knowledge Organiser

Augustus' Legacy Knowledge Organiser

A summary sheet for OCR Classical Civilisations specification for ‘Imperial Image,’ covering Augustus’ legacy. It has been designed for the use of AS/A Level students and includes relevant scholarly views and prescribed sources.
Homer's Iliad Knowledge Organiser

Homer's Iliad Knowledge Organiser

A knowledge organiser which includes a brief overview of key characters, themes and context. This has been designed for the use of AS/A Level students studying the OCR specification for ‘World of the Hero’
'Macbeth' Glossary

'Macbeth' Glossary

A glossary designed in relation to key terms relating to Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth,’ including literary terms and contextual terms. It has been designed for GCSE students
Odyssey Book Summaries - Blank

Odyssey Book Summaries - Blank

Revision sheets that can be completed upon reading the prescribed books for OCR’s specification for ‘World of the Hero.’ These include a general overview, key characters, key themes and an opportunity to record any key quotes. They can be done from memory or text guides can be used to help support when filling them in.
OCR: Scholarship in Homer's Odyssey

OCR: Scholarship in Homer's Odyssey

The following document contains an array of scholarly views in relation to Homer’s Odyssey and has been designed for students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation Specification for ‘World of the Hero.’ It has been broken down into the appropriate books, with the scholar’s name and their argument, including key quotes. There is an opportunity for students to give their own perception of the view and come to the conclusion as to whether they agree or disagree with them.
'Ambition in Macbeth' - Exemplar Essay

'Ambition in Macbeth' - Exemplar Essay

The following answers scored 28 out of 30 marks (Excluding SPaG) and is focused on ambition in Macbeth. It can be used as an example essay after mocks or as a source of revision for students hoping to attain higher grades. For SPaG, the answer was awarded the full 4 marks
'Violence in Macbeth' - Exemplar Essay

'Violence in Macbeth' - Exemplar Essay

The following essay was written in response to the following question: ‘‘Explore how fare Shakespeare presents Macbeth as a violent character’’ (AQA). The answer was high attaining and achieved 28 out of a possible 30 marks. It can be used as a form of revision or when responding to feedback to enhance essay skills and further develop analytical writing style.
OCR: Imperial Image Revision Quizzes

OCR: Imperial Image Revision Quizzes

Imperial Image (OCR Classical Civilisations) - a set of revision quizzes which cover the whole of the period study, including Augustus’ Legacy and Later Representations. Each quiz has a set of 10 questions (with one containing five questions) which cover a previous one/two lessons. Designed to be used as part of retrieval practice for AS/A-Level students. They can be used as a bell-task activity or as part of revision, allowing students to consolidate their knowledge on previous lessons before moving forward and make links to the wider context. 375 facts can be learnt through completing these quizzes! This resource also contains answers to all quizzes. They are tagged together, with titles at the top to make storage easy.
OCR Classical Civilisations: Imperial Image Revision Guide

OCR Classical Civilisations: Imperial Image Revision Guide

The following revision guide has been designed for OCR Classical Civilisations: Imperial Image and is intended for use by AS and A-Level students. It covers all five sections of the course: Octavian Comes to Rome Power Struggle Augustus’ Reign Augustus’ Legacy Later Representations of Augustus At the end of the guide, there are: Test Yourself Revision Questions Exam Overview Timeline Example Essay Questions that are listed from previous exam papers which students can complete Glossary List of Prescribed Sources Key Individuals It has been attached as both a PDF and Word Document