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Arthur Birling Quote Analysis Grid
Arthur Birling Quote Grid Analysis Sheet for GCSE English Literature, consisting of:
Key Quote
Analysis (interpretations, using key terminology)
Themes/Main Ideas
Key words to Describe Arthur Birling
Links to Context and the Reader
Example essay plan at the end of the document and sample response to the question '‘How does Priestley present Birling in ‘An Inspector Calls?’’

How far does Priestley present male characters as irresponsible in the play?
How far does Priestley present male characters as irresponsible in the play?
The following answers scored 25 out of 30 marks and is focused on Birling’s character in An Inspector Calls. It can be used as an example essay after mocks or as a source of revision for students hoping to attain higher grades.

Mr Birling says, ‘…a man has to mind his business.'' How far do you agree that Birling is selfish?
Mr Birling says, ‘…a man has to mind his own business and look after himself and his own’. How far does Priestley present Mr Birling as a man who cares only for himself and his family?
The following answers scored 24 out of 30 marks and is focused on Birling’s character in An Inspector Calls. It can be used as an example essay after mocks or as a source of revision for students hoping to attain higher grades.

Imperial Image Example Essay Plans: OCR A-Level Classical Civilisations
Example Essay plans for AS/A-Level ‘‘Imperial Image’’ (OCR). These essay plans detail a breakdown of major themes, followed by themed points (with supporting evidence) and scholarship)
The examples included are:
Imperator (Including sample response to ‘‘Augustus was a bad military leader who came to power just because he was associated with Caesar’’)
Campaign against Mark Antony and Cleopatra
Imperial Family
Pater Patriae (’'Including sample response to ''Augustus was the perfect Pater Patriae)
Golden Age
Religious Leader
Relationship with Julius Caesar
Legitimate Heir
City of Rome
Role of Agrippa
Cultural Hero

Odysseus is able to defeat the Suitors only thanks to deceit and trickery
The following essay was written in response to the question:‘’Odysseus is able to defeat the Suitors only thanks to deceit and trickery’’. It can be used as an example essay after mocks or as a source of revision for students. It is intended to be used by GCSE students studying ‘‘Homeric World’’ (OCR Classical Civilisation specification)

Power and Conflict Revision Bundle (AQA GCSE English Literature)
Revision Bundle for AQA English Literature Paper 2, covering the poems in the ‘Power and Conflict’ poetry cluster. This bundle contains:
Fully annotated poetry anthology
Summary Sheets for all 15 poems
Model Answers (high-attaining)

Compare the Ways the Poets Present the Impact of War in ‘’Remains’’ and in One Other Poem
The following essay was written in response to the following question: ‘‘Compare the ways the poets present the impact of war in ‘Remains’ and in one other poem from power and conflict’ (AQA). The answer was high attaining (Band 5-6). It can be used as a form of revision or when responding to feedback to enhance essay skills and further develop analytical writing style.

Compare the ways the poets present ideas about war in ‘Bayonet Charge’ and in one other poem
The following essays were written in response to the following question: ‘‘Compare the ways the poets present ideas about war in ‘Bayonet Charge’ and one other poem from ‘Power and Conflict’(AQA).
Both answers scored within the mid-moderate to high bands. They can be used as a form of revision or when responding to feedback to enhance essay skills and further develop analytical writing style.

Power And Conflict Poetry Anthology Annotated (AQA English Literature)
Fully annotated poetry anthology for AQA English Literature Paper 2: ‘Conflict and Tension’ poetry cluster. All fifteen poems have notes on:
Summary/Main Ideas
Literary Analysis (multiple inferences for the vast majority of quotes)
Structural and Form Analysis
There is a revision checklist at the start of the document, with a summary of the key skills expected, as per the specification. Towards the end of the document there are sample comparative responses from different grades as well as practice essay questions.

Islam Quotation Knowledge Organiser
This has been designed for Edexcel’s GCSE Religious Education specification for ‘‘Beliefs in Action,’’ covering ‘Religion and Ethics’ for Islam.
Muslim Beliefs
Crime and Punishment
Living the Muslim Life
Peace and Conflict
This sheet contains an explanation for the majority of quotations to help when incoorporating them into essays.

'The Greeks worshipped their gods and goddesses out of fear of what would happen if they did not do
The following answers scored 23 out of 30 marks and is focused on Greek worship. It can be used as an example essay after mocks or as a source of revision for students. Intended to be used by A-Level students studying the OCR Classical Civilisation ‘Greek Religion’ specification.

Power and Conflict Poetry Cluster Summary Grid (AQA)
A basic summary sheet for AQA English Literature Paper 2 covering the ‘Power and Conflict’ Poetry cluster. This sheet gives a basic overview of the plot of each of the fifteen poems, alongside relevant contextual information, at least three quotes per poem, and states relevant structural techniques alongside the best poems for comparison.

GCSE Classical Civilisation OCR: Gods Summary Notes
Condensed notes for the OCR GCSE Classical Civilisations specification for ‘Myth and Religion’.
Easy to learn, concise, bullet point revision notes
Covers every point on the current OCR specification
Exam Questions (knowledge and essay-based) with what to include to gain marks

OCR GCSE Classical Civilisations Revision Bundle: Myth and Religion + Literature and Culture
Myth and Religion Resources Included
Fill-in revision booklet (40 pages)
Model answers
Revision Guide, covering the whole course
Annotated prescribed literary sources
Revision quizzes
Summary notes (all topics included, except 1.1: The Gods)
Literature and Culture Resources Included
Knowledge organisers (covering all four topic areas)
Mini revision bundle, including example essays and summary booklet
Knowledge organisers for prescribed books in Homer’s Odyssey
Revision Quizzes
Mycenae Revision Guide
Exemplar Essay

Tombs, Graves and Burials: Mycenaean Age Knowledge Organiser
Designed for students to use who are studying/following the OCR GCSE Classical Civilisations specification, covering 2.4: Tombs, Graves and Burials (Literature and Culture: Mycenaean Age).

Life in the Mycenaean Age: Mycenaean Age Knowledge Organiser
Designed for students to use who are studying/following the OCR GCSE Classical Civilisations specification, covering 2.2:Life in the Mycenaean Age (Literature and Culture: Mycenaean Age).
Image Citation: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FeJnhkOXgAULeRv.jpg:large

Decorative Arts: Mycenaean Age Knowledge Organiser
Designed for students to use who are studying/following the OCR GCSE Classical Civilisations specification, covering 2.4: Decorative Arts (Literature and Culture: Mycenaean Age).

Edexcel B Religious Studies: Christianity
Knowledge Organiser
A 15-page document designed for Edexcel’s GCSE 9-1 Specification for Religious Studies, designed for the study of Christianity. It covers the four main topics studied as part of the course:
Christian Beliefs
Marriage and the Family
Living the Christian Life
Matters of Life and Death
There is a revision checklist and a glossary of key-terms for all four topics towards the end of the document as well as the marking-scheme and criteria needed to answer the questions in the examination.
Condensed revision notes (29 page booklet covering all four topics)
Easy to learn, concise, bullet point revision notes
Covers every point on the current specification
Example responses for 3 mark, 4 mark and 5 mark questions
Sources of Wisdom and Authority
Grid with a breakdown and explanation of sources of wisdom and authority for all four topics covered.
Highly recommended for revision!

Edexcel Religious Studies B CHRISTIANITY Exam Question Bank
A selection of exam questions for the Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies B specification covering Christianity. There are exam questions for the following topics:
Living the Christian Life
Christian Beliefs
Marriage and the Family
Matters of Life and Death

Conflict and Tension: The First World War Exemplar Answers
A selection of exemplar essays written in response to exam questions from the AQA GCSE Specification for ‘Conflict and Tension: The First World War (1894-1918). All answers were high attaining and there is an example for each question type (4,8 and 12 and 16 markers). These can be used as a source of revision or to help develop essay writing skills before/after an examination.