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Conflict and Tension: The First World War Exemplar Answers

Conflict and Tension: The First World War Exemplar Answers

A selection of exemplar essays written in response to exam questions from the AQA GCSE Specification for ‘Conflict and Tension: The First World War (1894-1918). All answers were high attaining and there is an example for each question type (4,8 and 12 and 16 markers). These can be used as a source of revision or to help develop essay writing skills before/after an examination.
1.1 Nature of the Olympian Gods - Summary Notes (OCR Classical Civilisations)

1.1 Nature of the Olympian Gods - Summary Notes (OCR Classical Civilisations)

Condensed notes for 1.1 (Nature of the Olympian Gods) for the OCR A-Level Classical Civilisation specification for Greek Religion. These notes are intended to be used as a source of revision/consolidate knowledge from previous lessons. Easy to learn, concise, bullet-point revision notes Covers lesson titles within the endorsed textbook
Theme Chart: Suetonius 'Life of Augustus' and 'Res Gestae'

Theme Chart: Suetonius 'Life of Augustus' and 'Res Gestae'

The following documents contain relevant sections and quotes from Suetonius’ Life of Augustus and Augustus’ ‘Res Gestae,’ broken down into the relevant themes, which can be applied when answering exam questions. It is intended for the use of AS/A Level students studying OCR’s specification for ‘Imperial Image.’ NB: A blank copy is included if you wish to incorporate your own evidence from the literary sources.
OCR Classical Civilisation War and Warfare Revision (9-1)

OCR Classical Civilisation War and Warfare Revision (9-1)

Full revision guide for all of the culture section for the OCR specification (J199/23), covering War and Warfare. The following revision guide has been designed for the OCR GCSE specification for Classical Civilisations:War and Warfare. It includes summaries of all topics covered in the four topics as condensed revision notes, with relevant prescribed sources in a supporting document. The 23-page long document provides revision notes for: Sparta at War in the Fifth Century Athens at War in the Fifth Century The Roman Military in the Imperial Period Rome at War At the end of each section, there is a glossary of key terms. Towards the end,there is an overview of the question types found within the examination (Section A only)
OCR Classical Civilisation Homeric World (Mycenae, Literature and Culture)  (9-1) Revision Guide

OCR Classical Civilisation Homeric World (Mycenae, Literature and Culture) (9-1) Revision Guide

Full revision guide for all of the culture section for the Homeric World (J199/21), covering the Mycenaean Age. The following revision guide has been designed for the OCR GCSE specification for Classical Civilisations:Homeric World. It includes summaries of all topics covered in the four topics as condensed revision notes, with relevant prescribed sources. The 18-page long document provides revision notes for: Key Sites Life in the Mycenaean Age Decorative Arts Tombs, Graves and Burials At the end of each section, there is a glossary of key terms. Towards the end,there is an overview of the question types found within the examination (Section A only)
Homer's Odyssey Knowledge Organisers: GCSE Classical Civilisations

Homer's Odyssey Knowledge Organisers: GCSE Classical Civilisations

Designed for the OCR GCSE Classical Civilisations specification for ‘‘Literature and Culture.’’ All five knowledge organisers/summary sheets cover the prescribed books (Book 9, 10, 19, 21 and 22) and include a general overview of the plot of each section, major characters, major themes and analysis.
OCR Classical Civilisation Roman City Life (9-1) Revision Guide

OCR Classical Civilisation Roman City Life (9-1) Revision Guide

Full revision guide for all of the culture section for the Homeric World (J199/22), covering Roman City Life. The following revision guide has been designed for the OCR GCSE specification for Classical Civilisations:Roman City Life. It includes summaries of all topics covered in the four topics as condensed revision notes, with relevant prescribed sources. The 24-page long document provides revision notes for: Roman Housing The Roman Home and Family Roman Society Leisure and Entertainment At the end of each section, there is a glossary of key terms. Towards the end,there is an overview of the question types found within the examination (Section A only)
Imperial Image Example Essay Plans: OCR A-Level Classical Civilisations

Imperial Image Example Essay Plans: OCR A-Level Classical Civilisations

Example Essay plans for AS/A-Level ‘‘Imperial Image’’ (OCR). These essay plans detail a breakdown of major themes, followed by themed points (with supporting evidence) and scholarship) The examples included are: Imperator (Including sample response to ‘‘Augustus was a bad military leader who came to power just because he was associated with Caesar’’) Campaign against Mark Antony and Cleopatra Imperial Family Pater Patriae (’'Including sample response to ''Augustus was the perfect Pater Patriae) Golden Age Religious Leader Relationship with Julius Caesar Legitimate Heir City of Rome Role of Agrippa Cultural Hero
Imperial Image Fill-In Revision Booklet: OCR A-Level Classical Civilisations

Imperial Image Fill-In Revision Booklet: OCR A-Level Classical Civilisations

A fill-in revision guide for the OCR AS/A-Level Classical Civilisation specification for ‘Imperial Image’. In total, is it 74 pages long and contains revision activities for all topics covered as part of the course, with accompanying knowledge questions and a fill-in timeline at the end of each section as well as practice essay questions. This can be completed either using exercise books, textbooks or the revision guide. There is also a section on Early Roman History but as this is not covered within the textbook, there is an accompanying booklet to help fill-in these sections
Imperial Image Summary Mindmaps

Imperial Image Summary Mindmaps

A selection of 25 mindmaps designed for the OCR A-Level Classical Civilisations specification for Imperial Image. The following mindmaps provide a brief overview of key facts relating to: Early Roman History Octavian Comes to Rome Power Struggle Augustus’ Reign Augustus’ Legacy Later Representations These are intended to be used as a source of revision (A3 in size)
Revision Guide - GCSE AQA History - America (1920-1973) Opportunity and Inequality

Revision Guide - GCSE AQA History - America (1920-1973) Opportunity and Inequality

The following revision guide has been designed for the AQA GCSE specification for America: 1920-1973, Opportunity and Inequality, but can be tailored to other specifications or used with KS3. It includes summaries of all topics covered in the three main sections of the course: The Boom Years; Causes of the Boom, Social and Cultural Developments, Women, Prohibition and Crime, Immigration and Racism The Depression; Causes of the Depression, Effects of the Depression, New Deal, Social and Cultural Developments Post-War America; American Dream, McCarthysim, Civil Rights Movement, Johnson’s Great Society and Feminism
AQA GCSE History Revision Guide: Britain Health and the People c. 1000 - Present Day

AQA GCSE History Revision Guide: Britain Health and the People c. 1000 - Present Day

Full revision Guide for ‘‘Britain Health and the People ’’ (c. 1000- Present Day) module for GCSE History for the AQA 9-1 Specification. It includes summaries of all four topics covered as part of the course. The 23-page long document provides revision notes for: Medieval Medicine Early Modern Medicine Industrial Britain 20th Century and Modern Medicine
OCR Classical Civilisation Myth and Religion Revision (9-1)

OCR Classical Civilisation Myth and Religion Revision (9-1)

Full revision Guide for all of the Myth and Religion module for Route 1 of GCSE Classical Civilisations for the OCR 9-1 Specification. The following revision guide has been designed for the OCR GCSE specification for Classical Civilisations: Myth and Religion. It includes summaries of all topics covered in the eight topics in condensed revision notes, with relevant prescribed sources. The 64-page long document provides revision notes for: The Gods Heroes (Hercules) Temples Foundation Myths Festivals Myth and Symbols of Power Death and Burial Journeying to the Underworld At the end of each section, there is a glossary of key terms. Towards the end, there are a range of exam questions for students to attempt and an overview of the question types found within the examination.
Homer's Odyssey: Theme and Character Sheets

Homer's Odyssey: Theme and Character Sheets

The following documents consist of a break-down of all the key themes found within the epic and of the characters. Quotes are found alongside analysis of passages, with supporting scholarship where appropriate. These have been designed for ‘The World of the Hero’ Paper (OCR: A-Level Classical Civilisation). Themes that are included: The Concept, Value and Behaviour of a Hero Disguise Deceit, Disguise and Trickery Recognition Role of Revenge and Justice Role of the Immortals Relationships between Mortals and Immortals Xenia Nostos The Role and Power of Fate Relationships between Men, Women and Children Family Role of the Slave Role of Women in the Epic and Society How Different Societies are Characterised and Portrayed NB: Rieu’s translation has been used when creating this document
Homer's Odyssey  (OCR Classical Civilisations 9-1) Revision

Homer's Odyssey (OCR Classical Civilisations 9-1) Revision

This booklet provides an overview of Homer’s Odyssey for the GCSE OCR Specification for the ‘Homeric World’ paper. It covers: Literary Techniques and Composition Themes Character of Odysseus Portrayal of Key Characters There is a glossary of key terms, a summary of key characters and an exam overview. There are also accompanying essay plans (fill-in) and summary sheets.