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Gcmem's Shop

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If you believe you can't you are right, but YOU CAN if YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN. All students have the ability to learn if they are engaged.




If you believe you can't you are right, but YOU CAN if YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN. All students have the ability to learn if they are engaged.
Dating Methods in History and Archaeology

Dating Methods in History and Archaeology

Information and activity booklet with a range of low to higher order congitive tasks focusing on the dating methods used to work out the age of archaeological finds. Literacy skills are also embedded with a range of questions starting with comprehension, prediction and then application of learning. Information and activity booklet + application of learning worksheet. Relates to Preliminary AH topic 1a "History, Archaeology & Science" syllabus sub-section 5 The Role of Science in History & Archaeology.
Vikings Introduction Overview

Vikings Introduction Overview

A tutorial and related worksheet and activities to introduce the Depth Study option 1a (Western and Islamic World: Vikings) Yr 8 History. Some parts have been based on a TES Vikings introduction I found on this site (but I significantly adjusted and augmented it to add more detailed overview information and active learning activities). I have created and added a related worksheet and related learning activities. I have tried to make it a much more active learning activity than it was in its original form. Modified version is also attached.
Introduction to History/Investigating the Past

Introduction to History/Investigating the Past

A range of tutorials, worksheets and activities to explore historical concepts including What is History? Asking Historical Questions (Who? What? Why? When? Where? How?) Timelines and dividing the periods of history, heritage, conservation, anachronism and archaeology.
Medieval Shogunate Japan

Medieval Shogunate Japan

Medieval Shogunate resources for Year 8 History including -A range of lesson information and activities for geography, religion, structure of society, samurai culture etc. (I also use other resources to cover other aspects of the topic not posted here because they are the work of others) Quality,effective and detailed work but provided without charge in the interest of collegiality. But for a complete unit of work that is far more detailed, engaging, unique, effective and comprehensive, you can also check out my premium Shogun Japan unit of work- much better than this one, different resources and much more detailed, varied, unique and effective- search 'gcmem' or 'Year 8 History Depth Study Asia and the Pacific World Shogun Japan COMPREHENSIVE Whole Unit of Work Parts 1 and 2 Bundle' athttps://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/depth-study-asia-and-the-pacific-world-shogun-japan-whole-unit-of-work-parts-1-and-2-bundle-11492921 also includes program and assessment task and much much more- 49 resource and activity files are included in the bundle and includes a bonus instant lesson on Attila the Hun. I like to offer most resources free (as I said above in the interest of collegiality), but this one is well worth the fair fee as it is weeks of quality work, completely unique and is a complete unit of work with lots of options for teacher choice and to teach to diversity. Also has a strong emphasis on literacy and numeracy. If you buy one of my resources, it helps me to pay for resources I buy on TES.


ALL DUE CREDIT HERE: I’ve added to and modified PPT by TES SECONDARY TEAM (which they in turn adapted from alainchristian’s on TES Connect). Isn't sharing ideas and borrowing from others what us teachers do anyway? I’ve added more slides and information and adjusted some sections. I’ve also added a 'trick' question to test if students really know the definition of an anachronism; the photo is certainly something you don't see everyday. Also added- accompanying worksheet and another file with some useful video URLs (hyperlinks removed as per TES requirements) for examples of anachronisms.
9 History Overview: British Empire, Colonisation, Imperialism, Nationalism

9 History Overview: British Empire, Colonisation, Imperialism, Nationalism

Part of the 9 History Overview- a variety of lesson activities including drawing of student's own abstract world map, thinking, cause and effect etc. Focuses on key student skills and concepts with a student reflection at the end. Quality activities that translate to real-life skills (what we are really aiming for as teachers), but provided without fee in the interests of student learning and teacher collegiality.
Rights and Freedoms: America Civil Rights Movement

Rights and Freedoms: America Civil Rights Movement

Learning activities relating to the American Civil Rights Movement as part of Yr 10 History core Rights and Freedoms topic. I recommend doing American Civil Rights before Australian Aboriginal Rights in this unit because they in many ways inspired the Civil Rights Movement in Australia and doing the US first helps to provide a broader context.
The Hunger Games- social justice themes

The Hunger Games- social justice themes

Class activity for teaching "Big idea" concepts such as social justice in History, Geography and English using the "Hunger Games" movie/stories. No definite need to show these movies if students have already seen the movies or read the books (and they will almost certainly have done so), but it could be an option to read/view if needed).
Deir el Medina Site Study Revision Aid

Deir el Medina Site Study Revision Aid

Revision aid designed for students to use to summarise and study in preparation for exams. Yr 11 Ancient History Site study option 2- Deir el Medina. Contains Syllabus content & skills table which students can use to make key points and list important sources. Also contains focus questions that students can use to practise written responses and self-check their understanding.
Religion Pompeii and Herculaneum

Religion Pompeii and Herculaneum

Information and a range of student activities related to religion in Pompeii and Herculaneum including questions, student research and analysis of artwork for the symbolic meaning.