A crossword for KS3 or KS4 on tropical rainforest adaptations. In PDF format which includes the blank copy for students to complete and the answers on the second sheet.
Useful as a plenary or a consolidation task.
A comic type resource about the structure of the tropical rainforest. contains diagrams and photographs showing the layers. Activities with extended writing task and success criteria included so this can be used as a homework or classroom task.
This resource can be used with or without iPads. All tasks have diagrams, text boxes and maps to complete.
First lesson in a series on tropical rainforest's for Grades 6 -10. This lesson: What are ecosystems is enquiry based and contains the resources needed for the lesson.
Included are:
* Tropical rainforest's SOW 1 containing differentiated outcomes, structure of learning, knowledge, understanding, skills, key objectives, review of learning and homework task.
* Presentation containing objectives, outcomes, tasks and homework with success criteria.
* Student workbook containing all differentiated outcomes, resources, instructions, success criteria and learning review.
* Photocopiable resources in multiples on a page if not using student workbook.
A fully resourced lesson. This resource can be used with or without iPads. All tasks have diagrams, text boxes and activities to complete.
Fourth lesson in a series on tropical rainforest's for KS3 and KS4. This lesson: Adaptations of Plants to the rainforest Climate.
Included are:
* Tropical rainforest's SOW 4 containing differentiated outcomes, structure of learning, knowledge, understanding, skills, key objectives, review of learning and homework task.
* Presentation containing objectives, outcomes, tasks and homework with success criteria.
* Student workbook containing all differentiated outcomes, resources, instructions, success criteria and learning reviews.
* Photocopiable resources in multiples on a page if not using student workbook.
A collection of blank time saving resources (games/activities) for all subjects and key stages. In a PDF file as well as separate Word documents.
Blank A-Z of … with ideas
Blank word search/crossword base (can be filled in electronically or written) with ideas page.
Blank quiz/vocabulary/spellings answer sheets for 10, 15 or 20 questions.
Blank dominoes (20) with instructions
Blank bingo cards (3 to a page) with instructions.
Blank card sort text boxes – 18 cards with 18 font comic sans
Blank card sort text boxes – 24 cards with 14 font comic sans
Blank storyboard sheet
Blank game design sheet
Blank Y chart – looks like, feels like, sounds like.
A second collection of blank time saving resources for all subjects and key stages - this time for AFL . Blanks can be annotated digitally or printed.
The set includes:
* Two stars and a wish templates for feedback to attach to work digitally or printed out.
* WWW, EBI feedback slips.
* Blank KWL charts.
* Diamond 9 templates for hierarchies and to generate discussion.
* Pupil end of lesson feedback sheet with traffic lights and targets to set.
* Peer/teacher assessment feedback sheets, up to A level.
* Self and teacher assessment sheet for pupil made models.
Includes extension section on how the feature was made, processes etc.
* Blank A5 plenary triangles for pupils to review their learning.
* Small group peer assessment feedback table.
* Whole class peer and teacher assessment tables.
* Small group peer assessment tables.
* Traffic lights for end of lesson/topic learning.