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Mastery of place value requires both good teaching and a great deal of practice. The decoding activities provided make this practice more engaging. Writing jokes within the context of other subjects allows numeracy to be supported across the curriculum.




Mastery of place value requires both good teaching and a great deal of practice. The decoding activities provided make this practice more engaging. Writing jokes within the context of other subjects allows numeracy to be supported across the curriculum.
Best buys (1) - Decide on the best value for money to decode the 'money joke'!

Best buys (1) - Decide on the best value for money to decode the 'money joke'!

It is likely that you will shop in a supermarket, but will you spot the cheapest deals? ‘Best buy’ questions have been a staple on exam papers for years. Compare offers using equivalent quantities or unit cost to identify the best deal. Devices within the puzzle allow students to self monitor their work and correct errors. Students like to finish a puzzle, but they don’t always like the jokes they decode! Each puzzle also supports literacy. Students have to split the string of letters into recognisable words to answer the joke (answers included). The symbols on the tins are Mongolian numerals. Key words: best buy, value for money, proportion, equivalent quantities, estimte, unit cost, comparison, compare, ratio, joke, shopping, supermarket.
Place Value - A pack of powers of 10 and standard form puzzles to decode.

Place Value - A pack of powers of 10 and standard form puzzles to decode.

Six puzzles plus a paragraph to decode, supported by a poster and a structured worksheet (pick and mix). Builds up to standard form. Devices within the puzzle allow students to self monitor their work and correct errors. Students like to finish a puzzle, but they don’t always like the jokes they decode! Each puzzle also supports literacy. Students have to split the string of letters into recognisable words to read the punchline. (answers included). Keywords: place value, multiply, units, tens, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, thousandths, hundredths, tenths, puzzle, joke, code, standard form, standard index form, standard form, power, of 10, number system, origins, poster, worksheet, practice, math, maths, mathematics, unlock untangle understand.
Index laws 3 Raise a power to a power

Index laws 3 Raise a power to a power

Expressions with the same base, can be manipulated using the Law of Indices. Decode the puzzle to practice the laws of indices when raising a power to another power, includes multiplying and dividing indices. If you like this resource, search for Index Laws 1, 2 and 4. Key words: index, indices, notation, expression, index laws, base, bases, power, powers, raining a power to a power, multiply, divide, puzzle, joke, decode, worksheet, practice, math, maths joke, mathematics, (unlock, untangle, understand).
Index Laws pack: use the laws of indices to  work out the punchline to a joke.

Index Laws pack: use the laws of indices to work out the punchline to a joke.

Manipulate expressions using the Laws of Indices. Decode each puzzle to work out the punchline to a joke. (with answers) Key words: index, indices, notation, expression, index laws, laws of indices, base, bases, power, powers, raising a power to a power, divide, multiply, puzzle, joke, decode, worksheet, practice, math, maths, mathematics, (unlock, untangle, understand).
Mobile - Balance problems - work out the missing values to get the punchline to the joke.

Mobile - Balance problems - work out the missing values to get the punchline to the joke.

Four mobile balancing problems to support algebraic reasoning. The thinking used in these puzzles is the same as the logic used behind solving equations. Explore equivalence where the LHS = RHS (Answers included). Key words: equivalence, mobile problems, balance, pan balance, relationship, solve, balance problem, unknown, joke, logical thinking, multi-step problems, algebraic reasoning, puzzle, decode, worksheet, math, maths, mathematics, (unlock, untangle, understand).
Place value - decimal puzzle

Place value - decimal puzzle

Match the decimals given in words to the number given in digits. Devices within the puzzle allow students to self monitor their work and correct errors. Students like to finish a puzzle, but they don’t always like the jokes they decode! Each puzzle also supports literacy. Students have to split the string of letters into recognisable words to read the punchline. (answers included). If you like this, search for: Place Value - A pack of decimal and fraction puzzles. Keywords: place value, decimals, units, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, puzzle, joke, number system, practice, math, maths joke, mathematics, unlock untangle understand.
Examples of  Menseki Meiro, or Area Maze problems.

Examples of Menseki Meiro, or Area Maze problems.

8 Menseki Meiro, or Area Maze problems. Key words: Menseki Meiro, area maze, area, rectangle, area of a rectangle, length, multiply, divide, width, compound shapes, Japanese puzzle, puzzle, multi step problems, logical thinking.
Index laws 4_Simplify to powers of 3 or 5, then apply laws of indices.

Index laws 4_Simplify to powers of 3 or 5, then apply laws of indices.

Expressions with the same base, can be manipulated using the Law of Indices. Change each expression into base of 3 or 5 before applying the laws of indices and decode the puzzle. I f you like this resource search for Index Laws 1 , 2 and 3. Key words: index, indices, notation, expression, index laws, base, bases, power, powers, raining a power to a power, multiply, divide, puzzle, joke, decode, worksheet, practice, math, maths joke, mathematics, (unlock, untangle, understand). Updated 28_09_16
Menseki Meiro or Area maze problems - use the information to work out the punchline to the joke.

Menseki Meiro or Area maze problems - use the information to work out the punchline to the joke.

It’s called Menseki Meiro, or Area Maze. The only maths you need to know is that the area of a rectangle is the length multiplied by the width. Students like to finish a puzzle, but they don’t always like the jokes they decode! Use the information and some logical thinking to work out the punchline to the joke (answer included). Key words: Menseki Meiro, area maze, area, rectangle, area of a rectangle, length, multiply, divide, width, compound area, Japanese puzzle, math problem, puzzle, logical thinking. Why did the rectangle go to the gym? untangle, unlock, understand.
Best buys (2) - Decide on the best value for money to decode the 'money joke'!

Best buys (2) - Decide on the best value for money to decode the 'money joke'!

It is likely that you will shop in a supermarket, but will you spot the cheapest deals? ‘Best buy’ questions have been a staple on exam papers for years. Compare offers using equivalent quantities or unit cost to identify the best deal. Devices within the puzzle allow students to self monitor their work and correct errors. Students like to finish a puzzle, but they don’t always like the jokes they decode! Each puzzle also supports literacy. Students have to split the string of letters into recognisable words to answer the joke (answers included). The symbols on the tins are Mongolian numerals. Key words: best buy, value for money, proportion, equivalent quantities, estimate, unit cost, comparison, compare, ratio, joke, shopping, supermarket, (unlock, untangle, understand).
Place Value - read numbers including decimals (cross curricular numeracy_2)

Place Value - read numbers including decimals (cross curricular numeracy_2)

Six puzzles to support cross curricular numeracy in: French, Technology, Chemistry and Economics. Puzzles can be used as starters. Use the puzzles in different subject areas to identify a numeracy deficit connected to place value or issues of transference from mathematics to other subjects. Devices within the puzzle allow students to self monitor their work and correct errors. Students like to finish a puzzle, but they don’t always like the jokes they decode! Each puzzle also supports literacy. Students have to split the string of letters into recognisable words to answer the joke. If you find these resources useful there are more, search for: Place value - decimals (cross curricular numeracy_1 or_3). Keywords: cross curricular numeracy, resource, the decimal system, read decimal numbers, place value, units, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, decimal, un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, international joke day, degrees, potassium, oxygen, humus, tzatziki, dips, chocolate, balanced diet, bridge, La Seine, worksheet, numeracy deficit, transference (unlock untangle understand).
Index laws 2 Divide powers in the same base

Index laws 2 Divide powers in the same base

Expressions with the same base can be manipulated using the Law of Indices. Decode the puzzle to practice using the laws of indices. If you like this resource search for Index laws 1, 3 and 4. Key words: index, indices, notation, expression, index laws, base, bases, power, powers, multiply, divide, puzzle, joke, decode, worksheet, practice, math joke, maths joke, mathematics, (unlock, untangle, understand).
Place value - read numbers including decimals

Place value - read numbers including decimals

Match the number in words to the number in digits to decode the puzzle. Devices within the puzzle allow students to self monitor their work and correct errors. Students like to finish a puzzle, but they don’t always like the jokes they decode! Each puzzle also supports literacy. Students have to split the string of letters into recognisable words to read the punchline. (answers included). If you like this, search for: Place Value - decode the puzzles, from powers of 10, to standard form. Keywords: place value, units, tens, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, thousandths, hundredths, tenths, puzzle, joke, code, number system, practice, math joke, maths jokes, mathematics, unlock untangle understand.
Index laws 1 Multiply powers in the same base

Index laws 1 Multiply powers in the same base

Expressions with the same base can be manipulated using the Law of Indices. Decode the puzzle to practice using the laws of indices. Print two per page in landscape. If you like this resources search for Index laws 2, 3 and 4. Key words: index, indices, notation, expression, index laws, base, bases, power, powers, multiply, puzzle, joke, decode, worksheet, practice, math, maths, mathematics, (unlock, untangle, understand).
Place Value - A pack of decimal and fraction puzzles to decode

Place Value - A pack of decimal and fraction puzzles to decode

Nine puzzles for students to decode (pick and mix). Devices within the puzzle allow students to self monitor their work and correct errors. Students like to finish a puzzle, but they don’t always like the jokes they decode! Each puzzle also supports literacy. Students have to split the string of letters into recognisable words to answer the joke. (answers included). Six other puzzles, which are simpler, can be found at - Place value - decimals (cross curricular numeracy). If students need support, project or print off the place value poster. Harder puzzles can be found under - Place value - powers of 10. Keywords: the decimal system, read decimal numbers, place value, units, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, decimal, fraction. mixed number, puzzle, joke, code, number system, reading scale, joke, worksheet, math, maths, mathematics, unlock untangle understand.
Addition Maze - calculate the answer to the riddle.

Addition Maze - calculate the answer to the riddle.

Complete each maze in the most efficient way possible. Add the values of all the squares visited together, match the answer to the appropriate letter to work out the punchline to the joke. Ideal as a diagnostic tool to identify numeracy deficit. Key words: add, addition, revision activity, homework, diagnostic activity for number, total, fraction, mixed numbers, improper fractions, directed numbers, calculation maze, puzzle, joke, practice, math joke, maths jokes, mathematics, did you hear about the four blokes who stole a calendar, unlock untangle understand.
Match mathematical words  to their meaning(s) - ten homonyms.

Match mathematical words to their meaning(s) - ten homonyms.

Not as simple to do as it looks. Match ten mathematical homonyms to their meaning in mathematics and in everyday English.. An interesting activity to promote discussion and the importance of subject specific vocabulary (answers provided). Key words: math homonym, vocabulary, EFL, meanings, definitions, different contexts, literacy in mathematics, match (terms used: sign, root, product, term, mean, even, difference, face, negative, power ).
Fraction of an amount (unitary fractions) to decode a joke.

Fraction of an amount (unitary fractions) to decode a joke.

Find a fraction of an amount using unitary fractions to calculate the punchline to a joke. Students like to finish a puzzle, but they don’t always like the jokes they decode! Key words: denominator, unitary fraction, proportion, fraction, fraction of an amount, share, whole, hole, total, joke, maths joke, punchline, decode, if it takes six men one hour to dig three holes...