Covering simplifying, expanding brackets, solving equations, solving equations with brackets, solving equations with brackets on both sides. Test or homework for year 7/8.
Pupils assign values to letters in order to gain the highest total for a set of questions. 4 rounds. Give the students time to assign values to each letter then in pairs they substitute their numbers into the expressions. The highest total wins. The pupil with the most wins in a round is the victor. They could then make up own round if they finish. Set up in excel , arranged to print easily onto one sheet landscape.
Set of instructions for 6 tables. The pupils rotate the table activities spending a set time on each table. Covers significant figures, error bounds, mental methods, written calculations. Add your own exam questions for one of the tables.
An activity sheet that gets pupils to think about good and bad feelings and to think positively about themselves and put all their emotions to good use.
Template so this may be used for notes, revision, assessment, starter, plenary etc. Covers advantages and disadvantages of each average. Calculation of each average and includes for grouped data and data in frequency tables,
A worksheet that asks pupils to think about what they would do if they were chancellor and then outlines and explores some of the key announcements in the budget that refers to spring 2017 budget but could be used as a framework / model for pupils to explore the most recent budget.
6 pages - Notes with some spaces for pupils to fill in details. Covers Balance of payments deficit/surplus/ expenditure reducing/switching/ marshall lerner condition and J curve effect.