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Start of Year Time Capsule
A worksheet for children to look forward to things coming up in the year and to reflect on what they’re good at. Can be revisited at the end of the year so the children can see the progress they’ve made over the year.

KS1 Bitmoji Visual Timetable
Adapted from: ErinLily97
Visual timetable with Bitmojis.
Download the Bitmoji Chrome Extension to use the Bitmoji characters by copying and pasting the ones you need for the timetable.

Year 2 Self Evaluation Station Cards
Adapted from Heatherjward87
Edited to be appropriate for Year 2.
Cards for children to use to help self evaluate their work. Suitable for Year 2. Gives children independence for writing and editing.

KS1 and KS2 Reading Vipers Poster
Display poster for reading VIPERS
Adjusted for KS1 (Sequence) and KS2(Summarise)

Online Safety Website to support parents.
A poster or newsletter for parents. There’s a list of websites parents might find useful with a short explanation as to how each website can help. Can be used by Primary or Secondary schools.

Using ICT equipment poster (Child friendly)
A poster to display in Computer Rooms or other spaces where ICT equipment is used. A reminder for children as to what they can do independently. Children at our school have responded well to the poster and have shown they understand the guidelines.

Lower KS2 Self Evaluation Station Cards
Adapted from Heatherjward87
Cards for children to use to help self evaluate their work. Suitable for Years 3 and 4. Gives children independence for writing and editing.

What went well/Even better if - Sentence Starters
Sentence starters for children to self-assess their work. I used this in Year 3 last year and it worked really well! It helped the children to be more independent as they were able to use these sentence starters for all learning.