Fronted Adverbials Lesson (English, SPaG)
An introductory PowerPoint lesson on fronted adverbials. Children go on a journey with Harry Potter characters and recap what makes a sentence a sentence; how we can extend sentences; what an adverbial is; what makes an adverbial a fronted adverbial and how to punctuate it. A few practice pages also included. Can be used as a whole lesson.
Suitable for KS2
Fully editable text to tailor to the needs of your class.
This bundle contains all of my 10 sets of Year 5/6 Common Exception Words Spelling Activities. Each set has at least 5 spelling activities plus a mini spelling list and word cards.
Please view each set individually to know more.
If you want to check the quality of my work, please download set 1 for free by following the link
If you have a suggestion or spotted a mistake, please do not hesitate to send me an email which is included at the end of each set. Thank you for your interest in my products!
Hoppy Times
KS2 Science PowerPoint Lesson and worksheets on parts of a flower, pollination and fertilisation.
This is the fourth lesson in a series of Year 3 Science lessons on Plants. Corresponds to the Year 3 Science statutory requirements: explore the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants, including
pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal.
Can also be used in Year 5 : describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals.
17 pages including the front cover and Hoppy Times terms and conditions.
In this lesson, students learn about the main parts of a flower (petals, sepals, pistil, stigma with anthers, etc.) and their functions. This is an opportunity for the students to learn about the flower parts as they dissect them. I recommend using daffodils, lillies or tulips. A couple of paper flowers are also included for cutting out if live flowers are not available. Students also learn about the processes of pollination and fertilisation. The PowerPoint is provided with explanations, video links, interactive activities and a plenary. Also included are differentiated dissection mats - the idea is for the student to remove the flower parts and put them in correct places on the mat. They can then be secured by sticky back plastic or tape.
Bonus - Flower Parts Poster and 3 labelling worksheets (differentiated).
The PowerPoint is editable, making it easier to customise and tailor to the needs of your class.
A PowerPoint Lesson introducing the Present Perfect Tense. Over 20 slides packed with explanations and practice materials -identifying verbs; looking for differences between Simple Past and Present Perfect; common uses; forming Present Perfect.
Most text can be edited to suit the needs of your pupils. Blank slide included. pptx format
Thank you for taking a look!
Hoppy Times
In this product I've included 2 colourful Cafe shop menus. Prices are in pounds and pence. The second menu shows prices in pence only. Each menu comes with 12 task cards/ worded problems for children to solve. These differentiated activities are suitable for KS2 Years 3 - 5.
Up for your consideration is a complete lesson PowerPoint on the Last Supper. Suitable for KS2 RE lessons in years 3 / 4. Child friendly graphics; link to videos; audio built in the PPT; range of activities including a game, discussions and independent work where children are invited to study the modern and traditional paintings of the Last Supper . Teacher’s notes included in the PowerPoint. All the text is editable.
Please check my other lessons from the EASTER UNIT series.
Cafe Role Play
This kit contains everything you need to set up a cafe role play area in your school. Great for drama and maths (money) activities in KS1 and KS2.
45 pages full of colourful and child friendly posters, order forms, word cards, signs and a menu. Not editable, .pdf format.
The menu consists of snacks (most are healthy choices), drinks and desserts (please see the additional picture for details).
Page 1 - Cover image
Page 2 - Cafe sign (A4 but can be enlarged to A3 without any quality lost)
Page 3 - Open/ Closed signs
Pages 4 - 8 - Cafe table numbers (1-10, x2 per page of A4)
Pages 9 - 10 Cafe order forms (2 versions, x2 per page of A4)
Pages 11 - 33 Food posters (cafe, lemonade, yoghurt, orange juice, scones, gingerbread, berry ice cream, chicken burger, tea, hot dog, pizza, milkshake,and all the other items that are on the menu).
Pages 34 - 43 food word cards (x2 per page of A4; all the items on the menu).
Page 44 - Menu (A4, prices in £)
Page 45 - Cafe opening hours poster
Page 46 - Cafe Bon Appetit poster
Page 47 - HoppyTimes terms and conditions, contact information, credits.
Thank you for your interest,
Boggle Word Games. 20 in total.
Suitable for KS1 and KS2
Give players time (2-3 minutes) to find as many words on the grid of mixed up letters as they can. Students record their words (response sheet included) and score points depending on how many letters the word has. The longer the word, the more points it scores.
Great for morning starters, transition or end of day times.
23 pages in total (cover page, 20 boggle games, recording sheet, Hoppy Times t&c page). The file is in .pdf and can not be edited.
Thank you for your interest!
This resource consists of 9 pages, which include the title page and the credits page.
A fun and simple cut and stick activity on using different bins for disposing of waste and recycling. The children are to cut out images and stick them near the appropriate bin - rubbish bin, food and garden waste and recycling bin (labelled as card, cans and bottles). Black and white version, page with answers and an information article are also included.
Please review the product after purchasing and thank you for your interest in my products!
A simple one-page cut and match activity on different body systems (muscular, skeletal, excretory, nervous, digestive, reproductive, circulatory, endocrine, respiratory).
Children cut out the boxes with body systems, match them with the pictures and descriptions and glue them into their books.
Up for your consideration is a complete lesson PowerPoint on Lent. Suitable for KS2 RE lessons in years 3 / 4. Child friendly graphics, link to video, range of activities including drama, discussions, a game and independent work where children are invited to contemplate the ways in which temptations can be resisted. Teacher’s notes included in the PowerPoint. All the text is editable.
KS2 Science PowerPoint Lesson and worksheets on water transport in plants.
This is the third lesson in a series of Year 3 Science lessons on Plants. Corresponds to the Year 3 Science statutory requirements: investigate the way in which water is transported within plants.
18 pages including the front cover and Hoppy Times terms and conditions.
In this lesson, students learn the meaning of the plant water transport system; learn to explain how water travels through the xylem tubes of a plant in the process called capillary action; predict and discuss why water is important to each part of a plant; they are also encouraged to make up a dance to explain how the water transport in plants works. Resources needed for the lesson: PowerPoint (included); differentiated worksheets (1 per student); celery stalks cut into smaller pieces for observation of xylem.
Independent worksheets included (differentiated 3 ways).
The PowerPoint text is editable, making it easier to customise and tailor to the needs of your class.
I will also be uploading a Capillary Action investigation to go as an extension to this lesson. Please check back soon.
For year 6 pupils to help with transition into secondary school. KS2 to KS3.
Suitable for the last summer term / for in class or as part of home learning.
The 9 activities include:
Secondary school web quest
Learn the lingo
My travel plan
School equipment
My dream timetable
Form tutor
Draw your form tutor
Agony Aunt letters /scenarios to discuss common fears
The document is in .pdf file and is NOT editable. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you need any changes making.
Thank you for your interest,
Ancient Egypt Display pack. Contains everything you need to decorate your display board for this popular topic. 44 pages in .pdf format (the display posters are NOT editable but do contact me if you want something adding or changing).
Page 1 – front page, display example
Pages 2-18 – key words with an extra slide to write your own. 2 framed keywords per page of A4.
Pages 19 – 30 – display posters with brief descriptions(farmer, hieroglyphics, Nefertiti, Tutankhamun, papyrus, reed boat, scribe, scarab, sarcophagus, canopic jars, pyramid, Anubis). A4
Pages 31-35 – Ancient Egypt timeline. 2 square framed images per page of A4.
Page 36 – Ancient Egypt header. A4 size. I recommend printing it as A3 (no quality lost) by changing the settings in your Adobe reader.
Pages 37 – 42 – Ancient Egypt lettering (not shown) in black.
Page 43 – KWL chart either for display or as an activity. A4
Page 44 – my terms and conditions page.
Save yourself hours of work by purchasing the ready made display, just print, laminate for durability and enjoy teaching the topic!
Reversible Irreversible Changes Card Sort
Included 22 colourful images with descriptions of changes to materials.
*demonstrate that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible changes
*explain that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and that this kind of change is not usually reversible, including changes associated with burning and the action of acid on bicarbonate of soda.
Suitable for KS2
Recording sheet included
Can be used as a walk the room activity, paired or individual work (4 cards per A4 sheet, can be reduced using your printing settings, cut out and stuck in books as pictures).
The file is in .pdf format and not editable. Please do not hesitate to contact us with suggestions or queries.
World History Timeline Posters
37 A4 posters with focus on British events.
The posters include:**
King Charles III coronation
Covid-19 pandemic
Olympic games in London
New Millennium
Man lands on the Moon
Queen Elizabeth II coronation
World War 2
World War 1
First car
Mary Seacole
Industrial revolution
British Empire and Sea Power
Civil War and Revolution
The Great Fire of London
William Shakespeare
Columbus discovers America
Middle Ages
Battle of Hastings
First Viking invasion
Roman Britain
Birth of Jesus
Iron Age
First Olympic Games
Ancient Egyptians
Ancient Greece
Pyramids built in Ancient Egypt
Bronze Age
Stone Age
If you need to add a specific event or suggest any changes, please send us an email (included on the last slide of the document).
Thank you for your interest
Hoppy Times
If you are looking for a fun Science lesson on Non Newtonian Fluids or just as a stand alone lesson for the end of the school year, look no further - in this PowerPoint lesson children are invited to work for the Science Department of a Secret Intelligence Agency to make and investigate the properties of a mysterious substance called L.O.S.S. that can behave like a liquid and a solid (aka Oobleck ). A differentiated recording sheet and a response letter from the SIA agent with the information on Non Newtonian Fluids also included.
The PowerPoint consists of 11 slides, including cover and credits. Most text is editable so that you could customise it to the needs of your class.
A cute and easy gift idea for Mother’s Day!
Children plant some flower seeds in a pot and attach a sweet little poem about plants and growing.
They can then be really creative and decorate their pots.
Included: a Mother’s Day poem (written by myself) in 3 different coloured frames - blue, green and pink.
4 poems per page of A4.
If you find this resource useful, please leave me a review in the feedback section.
Thank you,