RE 101: Religion & Philosophy Resources is shop for teachers of Philosophy & Ethics, Religious Studies & Politics.
It sells Schemes of Work, Knowledge Organisers, PowerPoint Lessons, Personalised Learning Checklists (PLCs), Key Word Glossaries, Electronic Reading Lists and many other revision resources.
Exam Boards covered include: OCR, AQA, Edexcel and Eduqas/WJEC
RE 101: Religion & Philosophy Resources is shop for teachers of Philosophy & Ethics, Religious Studies & Politics.
It sells Schemes of Work, Knowledge Organisers, PowerPoint Lessons, Personalised Learning Checklists (PLCs), Key Word Glossaries, Electronic Reading Lists and many other revision resources.
Exam Boards covered include: OCR, AQA, Edexcel and Eduqas/WJEC
Improvement Action Plan (SIAP) / Development Plan
A blank template on Microsoft Word for creating a School or Department Improvement Plan.
The plan is structured around the new Ofsted Framework with objectives relating to:
Quality of Education
Behaviour & Attitudes
Personal Development
Leadership & Management
Early Years Provision
Sixth Form
AQA Key Stage 5 (KS5) Unit 1 Philosophy of Religion: End-of-Topic Assessments
A collection of 3 custom end-of-topic assessments in the style of the AQA Religious Studies A-Level.
Each assessment covers two topics as follows:
Assessment 1: Existence of God & Evil and Suffering;
Assessment 2: Religious Experience & Religious Language;
Assessment 3: Miracles & Self, Death and the Afterlife;
These assessments are suitable for the following exam specifications: AQA Religious Studies (A-Level).
A generic AQA Mark Scheme is also provided.
Edexcel A-Level Religious Studies Course Guide
This Course Guide is an overview of the Philosophy & Ethics Key Stage 5 (KS5) Course and contains the following:
Course Aims & Expectations
Course Content
Examination & Assessment Information
Suggested Textbooks
Suggested Revision Guidance
Useful Websites
Edexcel Key Stage 5 (KS5) Units 1 & 2: Religious Studies Full Mock Exams
A single full Mock Exam in the style of the Edexcel Religious Studies A-Level.
Mock Exam covers the following topics:
Unit 1: Philosophy of Religion;
Unit 2: Religion & Ethics;
These assessments are suitable for the following exam specifications: Edexcel Religious Studies (A-Level).
A generic Edexcel Mark Scheme is also provided.
AQA Key Stage 5 (KS5) Unit 1 Philosophy of Religion & Ethics: Full Mock Exam
A single full Mock Exam in the style of the AQA Religious Studies A-Level.
Mock Exam covers the following topics:
Section A: Philosophy of Religion;
Section B: Religion & Ethics;
These assessments are suitable for the following exam specifications: AQA Religious Studies (A-Level).
A generic AQA Mark Scheme is also provided.
AQA Key Stage 5 (KS5) Unit 1 Religion & Ethics: End-of-Topic Assessments
A collection of 3 custom end-of-topic assessments in the style of the AQA Religious Studies A-Level.
Each assessment covers two topics as follows:
Assessment 1: Normative Ethical Theories & their Application;
Assessment 2: Meta-Ethics & Free-Will;
Assessment 3: Conscience & Bentham and Kant;
These assessments are suitable for the following exam specifications: AQA Religious Studies (A-Level).
A generic AQA Mark Scheme is also provided.
OCR A-Level Religious Studies Course Guide
This Course Guide is an overview of the Philosophy & Ethics Key Stage 5 (KS5) Course and contains the following:
Course Aims & Expectations
Course Content
Examination & Assessment Information
Suggested Textbooks
Suggested Revision Guidance
Useful Websites
Edexcel Key Stage 5 (KS5) Unit 1: Philosophy of Religion End-of-Topic Assessments
A collection of 3 custom end-of-topic assessments in the style of the Edexcel Religious Studies A-Level.
Each assessment covers one section of the exam and two topics as follows:
Assessment 1: The Existence of God & Religious Experience;
Assessment 2: The Problem of Evil & Religious Language;
Assessment 3: Works of Scholars;
These assessments are suitable for the following exam specifications: Edexcel Religious Studies (A-Level).
A generic Edexcel Mark Scheme is also provided.
OCR Key Stage 5 (KS5) Units 1 & 2: Religious Studies Full Mock Exams
A single full Mock Exam in the style of the OCR Religious Studies A-Level.
Mock Exam covers the following topics:
Unit 1: Philosophy of Religion;
Unit 2: Religion & Ethics;
These assessments are suitable for the following exam specifications: OCR Religious Studies (A-Level).
A generic OCR Mark Scheme is also provided.
OCR Key Stage 5 (KS5) Unit 1: Religion & Ethics End-of-Topic Assessments
A collection of 3 custom end-of-topic assessments in the style of the OCR Religious Studies A-Level.
Each assessment covers two topics as follows:
Assessment 1: Normative Ethical Theories;
Assessment 2: Applied Ethics & Meta-Ethics;
Assessment 3: Conscience & Sexual Ethics;
These assessments are suitable for the following exam specifications: OCR Religious Studies (A-Level).
A generic OCR Mark Scheme is also provided.
OCR Key Stage 5 (KS5) Unit 1: Philosophy of Religion End-of-Topic Assessments
A collection of 3 custom end-of-topic assessments in the style of the OCR Religious Studies A-Level.
Each assessment covers two topics as follows:
Assessment 1: Philosophical Language & Thought and the Existence of God;
Assessment 2: God & the World and the Nature of God;
Assessment 3: Religious Language;
These assessments are suitable for the following exam specifications: OCR Religious Studies (A-Level).
A generic OCR Mark Scheme is also provided.
Edexcel Key Stage 5 (KS5) Unit 2: Religion & Ethics End-of-Topic Assessments
A collection of 3 custom end-of-topic assessments in the style of the Edexcel Religious Studies A-Level.
Each assessment covers one section of the exam and two topics as follows:
Assessment 1: Ethical Issues & Ethical Theories;
Assessment 2: Applied Ethics & Ethical Language;
Assessment 3: Works of Scholars & Medical Ethics;
These assessments are suitable for the following exam specifications: Edexcel Religious Studies (A-Level).
A generic Edexcel Mark Scheme is also provided.
OCR Religious Studies Key Stage 5 (KS5): Unit 1 Philosophy of Religion Personalised Learning Checklist (PLC).
Includes potential exam questions
Topics Include:
Ancient Philosophical Influences;
Soul, Mind & Body;
Arguments for the Existence of God based on Observation;
Arguments for the Existence of God based on Reason;
Religious Experience;
The Problem of Evil;
The Nature & Attributes of God;
Religious Language: Via Negativa, Analogous and Symbolic;
Religious Language: Twentieth Century Perspectives;
This PLC is suitable for the following exam specifications: OCR Religious Studies (A-Level)
AQA Religious Studies Key Stage 5 (KS5): Unit 1 Philosophy of Religion Personalised Learning Checklist (PLC).
Includes potential exam questions
Topics Include:
Arguments for the existence of God (including the design argument, the ontological argument and the cosmological argument);
Evil & Suffering;
Religious Experiences;
Verifying Religious Experiences;
Religious Language;
Soul, Death & the Afterlife;
This PLC is suitable for the following exam specifications: AQA Religious Studies (A-Level)
AQA Religious Studies Key Stage 5 (KS5): Unit 1 - Section B Religion & Ethics Personalised Learning Checklist (PLC).
Includes potential exam questions
Topics Include:
Normantive Ethics Theories
Applied Ethics
The Conscience
Kant & Bentham
This PLC is suitable for the following exam specifications: AQA Religious Studies (A-Level)
OCR Religious Studies Key Stage 5 (KS5): Unit 2 Religion & Ethics Personalised Learning Checklist (PLC).
Includes potential exam questions
Topics Include:
Normantive Ethics Theories
Applied Ethics
The Conscience
Sexual Ethics
This PLC is suitable for the following exam specifications: OCR Religious Studies (A-Level)
Edexcel Religious Studies Key Stage 5 (KS5): Unit 1 Philosophy of Religion Personalised Learning Checklist (PLC).
Includes potential exam questions
Topics Include:
Arguments for the existence of God (including the design argument, the ontological argument and the cosmological argument);
The Nature of Religious Experience;
The Problem of Evil and Suffering;
Religious Language;
Works of Scholars;
Life After Death;
This PLC is suitable for the following exam specifications: Edexcel Religious Studies (A-Level)
Edexcel Religious Studies Key Stage 5 (KS5): Unit 2 - B Religion & Ethics Personalised Learning Checklist (PLC).
Includes potential exam questions
Topics Include:
Environmental Ethics
Normative Ethical Theories (Including Natural Law, Situation Ethics & Utilitarianism)
Kantian Ethics
Virtue Ethics
Medical Ethics (Including Abortion & Euthanasia)
This PLC is suitable for the following exam specifications: AQA Religious Studies (A-Level)
Human Rights & Social Justice - GCSE Religious Studies (RS) Knowledge Organiser
This is a two-page Knowledge Organiser designed for Year 10 and 11 (KS4) students taking Religious Studies or GCSE.
The Knowledge Organiser looks predominately at Christian views (Liberal & Catholic) but also looks briefly at other religious stances (Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism & Hinduism).
It contains key content, key words and key quotes for the GCSE exams.
The following content is contained within the Knowledge Organiser:
Human Rights
Prejudice & Discrimination
Sexism / Gender Equality
Wealth & Poverty
This Knowledge Organiser is suitable for the following exam specifications: OCR Religious Studies (GCSEl) , AQA Religious Studies (GCSE), Edexcel Religious Studies (GCSE) and Eduqas (WJEC) Religious Studies (GCSE).
Design Argument Lesson: What is the Watchmaker Analogy?
A fully resourced lesson on Design Arguments suitable for A-Level or GCSE students.
This pack includes a PowerPoint Presentation which has:
Do Now Tasks
Differentiated Learning Outcomes/Objectives
Differentiated Key Questions
Differentiated Tasks
A Note-Making Booklet
A Key Reading
Please note that the key readings providing in this booklet cover Historical Versions of Design Arguments, St. Thomas Aquinas’ Fifth Way, William Paley’s Watch-Maker Analogy and F.R. Tennant’s Fine-Tuned Unvierse.
This lesson is part of the Kallipolis Schemes of Work which can be purchased separately from: