Taken from our PSHE EYFS/KS1 Resource file
One lesson with activities to get the children thinking about key questions.
About the unit in general:
The material in this unit contains ideas on how PSHE and Citizenship can be introduced in the early years. Many of the skills and values that fall within this area of the curriculum are taught throughout each day in an Early Years classroom. The qualities they encourage are illustrated on the following page. Three themes: • Fairness • Relationships • Choices have been covered in depth. Many of the qualities that are developed in PSHE and Citizenship are embraced within these particular subjects. They are fundamental to the Early Years curriculum. Timing In this unit most of the activities would take 10-15 minutes. However, some of the ideas presented are not full activities but suggestions of how to incorporate the topic into the everyday classroom
Find the full unit on TES: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/eyfs-pshe-understanding-the-world-back-to-school-unit-of-work-6-lessons-unit-12319666
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Taken from our Literacy Upper KS2 Resource file
Includes lesson plans and resources
Lesson 1: In my mind’s eye LO: Understand how description sets the scene for a story.
Lesson 2: One powerful legend, two stories
LO: To be able to compare different versions of a legend.
Lesson 3: Enter Beowulf LO: To explore a character through drama and to give references to support ideas
Lesson 4 Capturing the moment
LO: To act out scenes from stories and to describe them in precise sentences.
There are six units on fiction in this file for years 5 and 6. The third unit focuses on myths, legends and traditional stories. This unit covers reading and analysing features of the text types, comparing different versions of the same legend, exploring characters through drama, comparing written and oral narratives, evaluating performances and transferring oral text into written narrative.
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This non-fiction unit for Years 5 and 6 revisits the key features of recount texts. Analysing recounts drawn from a range of media, children identify common features and differences. They then go on to produce a plan, carry out interviews, collate and evaluate the information they have gathered and write an article or report. To give context to this work, it would be useful to arrange a visit from a local news reporter or a trip to a news office, if possible. The examples in these lessons are taken from ‘Beowulf’ and follow on from Fiction Unit 3. This unit could be used at any stage in Year 5. Lesson length This unit could take about three to four weeks. We have organised the unit’s content into seven lessons, each of which should take about an hour. Each lesson also has a set of extension activities for different abilities, as well as Hotspot! (Higher Order Thinking/Higher level questioning ) challenges.
Lesson 1 Read all about it!• To identify the different features of a newspaper
Beowulf ’s clash with Grendel – an impersonal recount • To write a recount of an event.
3 An interview with Wiglaf. • To recognise the key features of an interview use a range of open and closed questions to gather information from an eye-witness
4.‘We interrupt this programme for a newsflash…’ • To take useful notes and to ask open questions. • To explore individual’s motives through role play
5 Carefully chosen words.• To write a range of different kinds of sentences.
6 Here is the news • To organise and edit work and make improvements
7 The importance of good editing
• To reflect critically on their own and other’s writing and to improve it.
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Includes all stories
An alternative version of the traditional fairytale ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. This quite challenging text uses a range of alternative graphemes from Letters and Sounds Phase 5. The premise for this story is that our monster family would probably not have heard of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, a story with a bad wolf and a good child, but they may have a similar story which they tell their monster children, in which the monster is the good character and the villain is the child.
Speaking and listening
● Help the children to draw a
storyboard or story map to support
a retelling of the story.
● Provide fabrics, blocks and smallworld resources to create a threedimensional story map.
● Use role play to tell the story from
one point of view. To explore ideas
for this, use drama techniques,
such as ‘hot-seating’.
● Act out either the monster version
of the story or the traditional
version, using voices for the
Guided and shared reading:
● Use the story as a shared text.
Support the children as they read
words which contain alternative
spellings for phonemes (see table,
● Compare and contrast this
version with a traditional version of
Red Riding Hood (see ‘Resources’,
page 91).
● Traditional tales are some of the
easiest texts to use when asking
young children Assessment
Focus 7 questions (Relate texts
to social, cultural and historical
contexts and literary traditions) as
it is relatively easy to find simple
retellings that the children can
read independently. For example,
you could ask:
● How did you know that the
boy would do something
● Did anything surprise you in
this retelling of the story?
The purpose of this topic is to ensure that children can greet each other by responding and saying
¡Buenos días!, ¡Hola! and ¡Adiós! It is also to familiarise children with new sounds and to encourage them to speak and practise customs, even if they make mistakes, in order to gain confidence.
Learning objectives
Children learn:
to say hello (distinguish between formal (¡Buenos
días!) and informal (¡Hola!))
to say goodbye (¡Adiós!)
greeting customs
Lesson Plans and Activity Sheets
Includes 5 Activities
In this first section, which contains a term’s work, the children will learn to introduce themselves in
Spanish and to greet others. They will learn numbers 0–12 and some classroom objects. They will also
begin to work on sounds and spellings, and use simple classroom instructions.
Topic titles (6 Lessons)
How are you?
Introducing yourself
Numbers 0–12
Classroom instructions
Classroom objects
Lesson Plans, Subject Vocabulary and Activity Sheets
See the full Instructions unit: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-2-english-literacy-instructions-unit-12330446
One lesson with plan and resources
Good for introducing the topic of instructions
WALT: Listen to instructions. • Follow instructions and give instructions on how to move.
Focus on speaking and listening skills by getting the children to follow a chant.
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Taken from Literacy Year 1 Resource File
WALT • Talk about what happened in the story. • Talk about the people in the story.
1 lesson with activity resources (does not include story)
Activitiy overview: Listen to teacher’s introduction and to the story Oliver’s Vegetables and look at pictures. Answer questions, recall and order the events. Discuss Oliver’s character.
This lesson is the first of six on the theme of stories about grandparents. It will be helpful if you can read other books on this subject to enrich the children’s experience and give them points for comparison. Approach the subject with sensitivity bearing in mind your children’s personal situations.
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Sample one week lesson plans from LCP’s Phonics Planning 3rd Edition
Day-by-Day Lesson Plans based on Letters and Sounds
Please note: This is just the planning and does not come with the lesson’s resources.
What is LCP Phonics Planning? It is not a phonics teaching scheme and I have assumed that your school already has such a scheme in place, for example, LCP Phonics.
There are many other commercially produced schemes available. LCP Phonics Planning is a planning tool for teachers who are teaching phonics using the Letters and
Sounds document from the DfE. It is a guide and should be used with flexibility and at a pace which is appropriate to each group or class.
Objectives and criteria for success:
Teach new graphemes for reading (p134) ay ou ie.
Teach the rules for spelling words containing these digraphs. (Appendix 6).
Teach reading the tricky word people (p140) and decodable words house, about (p141).
Teach reading and spelling compound words. (Appendix 7).
Practise reading and spelling high frequency words (p141/p148).
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The purpose of this topic is for children to learn vocabulary to describe the colour of items.
Learning outcomes
Children learn:
to say the correct word for the colour in response
to the question ¿De qué color es?, e.g. Es azul.
to use short phrases to express personal
responses and preferences: me gusta el rojo, no
me gusta el amarillo.
to use correct intonation to indicate they are
asking a question
to show they understand nouns used with
to show they understand simple commands, e.g.
to listen carefully in order to discriminate sounds
and identify meaning
to show they understand familiar statements
to begin to show understanding of syntactic
structure in languages, e.g. position of adjectives
in Spanish in relation to English adjective
position, e.g. un bolígrafo azul – a blue pen
Includes Lesson plan and Activity Sheets
The purpose of this topic is for children to identify members of their family, to respond to questions
and to write short phrases correctly with support.
Learning objective
Children learn:
to introduce members of the family
Learning outcomes
Children learn:
to identify correctly names for members of the
to understand and say whether or not they have
brothers or sisters
to respond with Se llama… when asked
someone’s name
to understand that el is masculine and la is
to role-play members of own, imaginary or
famous family
to copy familiar short phrases correctly
to name and describe people
to use visual clues to produce short phrases
using mainly memorised language
Lesson Plans, Vocabulary and Lesson Activities
The purpose of this topic is to ensure that the children can say what nationality they are, ask the
question of others and say what language they (and others) speak.
Learning objective
Children learn:
to describe their nationality and the languages
they speak
Learning outcomes
Children learn:
to describe their nationality and ask others the
same question, for example Soy inglés/inglesa
to say what languages they speak, for example
Hablo inglés y español
Lesson Plan and Activity Sheets
The purpose of this topic is for children to say what the weather is like, using a few simple phrases.
Learning objective
Children learn:
to describe the weather, using a few simple
Learning outcomes
Children learn:
to respond to the question ¿Qué tiempo hace?
using short phrases, e.g. hace buen/mal tiempo;
hace calor/frío
to name and describe the weather in various
places, e.g. en Alicante hace calor
to write the phrases so they can describe the
weather correctly
Includes Lesson Plan and Activity Sheets
In this section, the children will learn to say their age and where they live. They will learn the numbers 13–21, the days of the week, some phrases about the weather and the Spanish alphabet.
This is a 7 week unit of work
Medium Term Plan, Individual Lesson Plans, Lesson Activities
**Topic titles
How old are you?**
The purpose of this topic is for children to know how to say how old they are and to ask others their age
2. Where do you live?
The purpose of this topic is to teach and ensure that children can respond to the question ¿Dónde vives? Children should also be able to ask others the same question and to understand the response.
3. Nationalities
The purpose of this topic is to ensure that the children can say what nationality they are, ask the question of others and say what language they (and others) speak.
4. Numbers 13–21
The purpose of this topic is to ensure that children can count to 21 in Spanish
5. Days of the week
The purpose of this topic is to teach children to understand and say the days of the week. It is also to ensure that the children can respond to and ask the question ¿Qué día es hoy?
6. The weather
The purpose of this topic is for children to say what the weather is like, using a few simple phrases.
7. The Spanish alphabet
The purpose of this topic is for children to learn the Spanish pronunciation and sounds of the alphabet
that will aid accurate pronunciation and the spelling of simple words.
In this unit, children are introduced to the idea that people from other societies have been coming to settle in Britain for a long time. Children find out about what was discovered at Sutton Hoo. By investigating the finds, children learn about the work of archaeologists and about the culture and way of life of Anglo-Saxons who settled in Britain.
Lesson 1 On the move
The purpose of this lesson is to consider why people move away from where they were born.
Lesson 2 Invaders and settlers
The purpose of this lesson is: to establish that the Anglo-Saxons both invaded and settled in Britain.
Lesson 3 Where did they come from and where did they go?
The purpose of this lesson is: to develop a clear understanding of where the Anglo-Saxons came from and where they settled.
Lesson 4 Archaeology
The purpose of this lesson is: to develop an understanding of archaeology and archaeological evidence.
Lesson 5 Sutton Hoo
The purpose of this lesson is:to find out how the ship burial at Sutton Hoo was discovered and what sort of objects were found.
Lesson 6 The Sutton Hoo treasure
The purpose of this lesson is: look in detail at some of the Sutton Hoo finds.
Lesson 7 Sutton Hoo drama
The purpose of this lesson is: to consolidate learning about the Sutton Hoo ship burial.
Lesson 8 Everyday Anglo-Saxon life
The purpose of this lesson is: to research and record information about the everyday life of Anglo-Saxons.
Lesson 9 Presenting everyday Anglo-Saxon life
The purpose of this lesson is: for children to present the information they have researched about the everyday life of Anglo-Saxons.
Lesson 10 Anglo-Saxon writing
The purpose of this lesson is: to investigate different types of writing in Anglo-Saxon times.
Lesson 11 Riddles and stories
The purpose of this lesson is:to look at the Anglo-Saxon oral tradition with reference to Anglo-Saxon riddles and the Beowulf story.
Lesson 12 Visit to an Anglo-Saxon site
The purpose of this lesson is: to visit a location that will provide evidence of Anglo-Saxon life.*
The purpose of
this lesson is: to investigate who the Romans were, and why they came to Britain.
Children should learn:
• to select and record information about Roman ways
of life;
• about aspects of life in Roman Britain, using a variety
of sources.
Class objective:
to find out who the Romans were, and why they
came to Britain.
Children should be able to:
• select relevant information from a number of
• record relevant information about the Roman way
of life.
Includes Lesson Plan and Activity Sheets
Full Unit of work
In this unit, children are introuduced to the idea that people from other societies have been coming to settle in Britain for a long time. They consider the effects of the invasion and settlement of the Romans on Britain. There is emphasis on historical enquiry, using artefacts and Roman sites and interpretations of his
This unit Includes:
Medium-Term Plan
Preparatory information
Lesson 1 On the move
The purpose of this lesson is: to consider why people move away from where they were born.
Lesson 2 Invaders and settlers
The purpose of this lesson is: to establish that the Romans invaded and settled in Britain
Lesson 3 Who were the Celts?
The purpose of this lesson is: for the children to develop a clear understanding of who the Celtic people were.
Lesson 4 The Romans
The purpose of this lesson is: to investigate who the Romans were, and why they came to Britain.
Lesson 5 The Roman Army in Britain
The purpose of this lesson is: to find out about the Roman Army and how it involved in the occupation of Britain
Lesson 6 Roman battle formations
The purpose of this lesson is: to familiarize children with Roman Army drill.
Lesson 7 Who was Boudicca?
The purpose of this lesson is: to establish who Boudicca was and why she was important.
Lesson 8 The revolt of the Iceni
The purpose of this lesson is:to learn what happened in AD 60 and about the short- and long-term results of Boudicca’s revolt.
Lesson 9 Life in a Roman home
The purpose of this lesson is: to investigate Roman domestic life
Lesson 10 Life in Roman Britain
The purpose of this lesson is: to further investigate life in Roman Britain.
Lesson 11 Visit to a Roman site
The purpose of this lesson is: to visit a Roman site
Lesson 12 Roman festival
The purpose of
this lesson is: to consolidate the learning in this unit.
12 Lesson Unit
Including all lessons and lesson activities.
In this unit, children are introduced to the idea that people from other societies have been coming to Britain for a long time. Children find out how Viking influence spread through different parts of the world and how, over a
period of years, the Vikings eventually settled in Britain.
Children will develop their understanding of chronology, describe and identify reasons for and results of historical events, situation and changes. As well as consider different ways in which the past can be interpreted.
Medium-Term Plan
Preparatory information
Lesson 1 On the move
Lesson 2 Invaders and settlers
Lesson 3 Where did they come from and where did they go?
Lesson 4 Longships
Lesson 5 When did the Vikings arrive?
Lesson 6 The riches of the monasteries
Lesson 7 Illuminated letters and runes
Lesson 8 Viking artefacts
Lesson 9 Everyday Viking life
Lesson 10 Viking visit
Lesson 11 King Alfred and the Danelaw
Lesson 12 Presenting the everyday life of Vikings in Britain
Picture Prompt Sheets
Lesson 1: This activity should be used to focus on considering and analysing evidence, rather than planning an investigation. However, it can also be used before the children carry out an investigation of their own to provide them with a good structure for setting up their own tests
Lesson 1: Learning objectives
Children should learn:
• that plants need water but not unlimited water, for
healthy growth
• to use results to draw conclusions
Lesson 1: Learning outcomes
Children will be able to:
• state that plants need water to grow but too much
or too little water may kill them
• describe differences in the way the plants grew
Lesson 2: This activity is intended to support children in their understanding of how simple investigations are planned. Begin the lesson by asking the children to recall any investigations that they have done and the stages of planning that they went through.
Lesson 2: Learning objectives
Children should learn:
• to suggest how a fair test could be carried out
• that in experiments with living things, using just
one plant in each set of conditions does not give
sufficient evidence
Lesson 2: Learning outcomes
Children will be able to:
• recognise the correct order in which to undertake
a simple investigation
• describe factors that contribute to the test
being fair
• suggest why one sample may not be adequate in
each set of conditions
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The purpose of
this lesson is: to find out about Viking longships.
Children should learn:
• to use a range of sources to find out about Viking
• to make inferences about the Viking way of life.
Class objective:
• to find out about Viking longships
Children should be able to:
• use sources to discover what Viking longships
looked like;
• suggest what can be learned about the Vikings
from their boats
Includes Lesson Plan and Activities