
White Rose Maths Year 6 - Autumn Blocks 1+2
Credit: White Rose Maths for their incredible resources.
I have not and will not take credit for their resources.
I have simply made them available in one document for your benefit.
Hello and thank you for having a look at this trial resource.
This PowerPoint has been created to hopefully make your lives easier.
Rather than having to change PowerPoint at the beginning of every single WRM block, why not just have a single one which holds the lot.
Before I roll out a final version which will contain all the blocks, I would like to get some feedback based on this one.
This PowerPoint contains Autumn Blocks 1 (Place Value) and Block 2 (Four Operations).
Each block contains:
Direct links to the Hot and Cold Tasks and their answers.
All the latest WRM Small Steps
Links to the assessment papers and their answers.
A spreadsheet to record all WRM test results.
Each lesson has a lesson starter.
Each lesson has a plenary.
Notes have been provided for these slides
Please leave your feedback below.
I would really appreciate it.
Please have a look at my other resource containing all blocks autumn 1 to spring

White Rose Maths Place Value Charts - Whole School
This free resource resembles the place value charts as seen in the WRM Premium Resources/ and or their Home Learning videos.
This may make the transition between WRM’s new PowerPoint slides and the worksheets/workbooks more seamless for students.
The files are in A3. (PDF and PowerPoint)
They can be printed off and shrunk down to A4 if preferred.
Please feel free to have a look at any other resources on my account.
Please feel free to leave any feedback :)

White Rose Maths - Year 6 - Autumn 1 to Spring 3 - ALL BLOCKS!!
Credit: White Rose Maths for their incredible resources.
I have not and will not take credit for their resources.
I have simply made them available in one document for your benefit.
Hello and thank you for having a look at this resource.
This PowerPoint has been created to hopefully make your lives easier.
Rather than having to navigate through different folders and files for every new block, this PowerPoint contains everything WRM related. One PowerPoint with everything under one main menu.
Small steps, hot/cold tasks with assessment papers (answers provided) EVERYTHING.
This single PowerPoint contains OVER 700 slides!
This PowerPoint contains Autumn Blocks 1,2,3 &4 and Spring Blocks 1,2 & 3
Each block contains:
Direct links to the Hot and Cold Tasks and their answers. (Algebra has been added)
All the latest WRM Small Steps (updated for the algebra release from WRM on 22.01.19
Links to the assessment papers and their answers.
A spreadsheet to record all WRM test results.
Each lesson has a lesson starter.
Each lesson has a plenary.
Notes have been provided for these slides
If you are unsure whether to purchase, have a look at the FREE trial PowerPoint.
Please leave your feedback below.
I would really appreciate it.

White Rose Maths - Year 6 - Spring 1 - Bundle - Blocks 1&2
This PowerPoint follows the newly released WRM Small Steps (07.01.19) for Blocks 1&2
The PowerPoint includes all the Verbal Fluency and Reasoning and Problem Solving questions from their newest material.
Links in the Powerpoint link to starters - Differentiated four ways.
Hot and Cold Tasks are provided in the PowerPoint for Block 1. Block 2 will be added as soon as WRM release it.
The PowerPoint also contains links to various other resources which are used by our school.
As you can imagine, it took quite a while to create this PowerPoint, so please do leave feedback.
I may look to create more PowerPoints if the feedback is positive.
Thank you for looking :)

Year 6 Perimeter - Nandos Themed!! - FREE
These tasks have been created to generate some excitement around finding the Perimeter.
These sheets are differentiated to suit the needs of most classes.
4 sheets which I have found all my previous students have really enjoyed.
With it being a Nandos themed sheet, the children do not even feel like they are working!
Enjoy :)
Please leave any reviews

Maths Stem Sentences Display
Vocabulary is incredibly important in Maths and often children can struggle to articulate their understanding coherently. Through introducing these stem sentences, children will start to become more confident and able to explain, justify and prove their mathematical understanding.
These clear and vibrant stem sentences can be easily printed off and added to your working wall/ display. There are 3 colours available for you to choose from: Red, blue and green. If you would like a different colour, leave me a message please.
Thank you.

Rounding - Year 4
PowerPoint Presentation on Rounding. Very straight forward to follow. Very child friendly and interactive.

Multiplication and Division Week
A multiplication and division week worth of PowerPoints and worksheets. All activities are differentiated.
Suitable for KS2.
Includes problem solving element throughout. All slides are interactive and very straight forward to follow.
The lessons focus on the vocabulary used quite closely as this is an area a lot of our children find tricky.
These slides also get the children to justify their reasoning when answering questions.
Please review.
Any problems just drop me a message.

Maths - Mean - Year 4/5/6 - Nandos Challenge
This is intended for a range of KS2 classes. It has been used in Years 4,5 and 6 .
Any exciting way to tackle a pretty straight forward task.
Prompt provided to the LA at the top of the sheet for guidance.
Any problems, let me know.
Please leave feedback! I would like to create some more activities if they are deemed useful
Thank you :)

Christmas Maths - Year 5/6
This PowerPoint is full of Christmas questions which are sure to engage your class.
They are all linked to maths and can easily be edited to suit the needs of your classroom.
Questions cover a range of topics including:
The four operations
Hidden numbers
Area etc
Many of the slides cover more than one of the above areas.
Pigs and blankets, The Grinch, Mince Pies, Christmas trees, all things Christmasy included. You may want to add a Christmas playlist in the background whilst children work together to solve the problems.
Please leave any feedback - I appreciate it!

SATs Maths Carousel
This download contains an editable PowerPoint which can easily be printed on A3 paper and then stuck up around the school hall, or if the sun is shining, in the playground!
The questions provided cover a range of topics which you will find on any of the previous 2017, 2018 and 2019 Maths papers.
The children can work independently, in pairs or in larger groups to answer questions which in turn provides them with a letter - Children collect all the letters to build a phrase - if their phrase matches yours, they win.
Also included is an answer sheet for the children to record their workings out.
FYI - The phrase is: You are a mathemagician.
Leave feedback to let me know what you think/what could be improved

Year 6 Perimeter Worksheets - Nandos Style Differentiated Tasks
I got annoyed trying to find a decent and exciting resource for my children in Year 6. Therefore, I decided to make my very own.
Based on Nandos - Each worksheet has a different level of spice. All chn love the theme and want to try something a little spicier. Lots of competition is generated from this.
E.g. Lemon and Herb - Relatively easy - Suitable for LA
Mild - For those who understand the concept and are more confident
Hot - Providing more challenge for the students with more missing numbers etc
Extra Hot - For the MA students - Providing a range of shapes with missing measurements, decimals and mixed measurements - E.g mm and cm.

WRM Assessment Spreadsheet - Year 6 - Whole Year
This spreadsheet enables teachers to quickly enter their children’s results from the Autumn, Spring and Summer WRM End of Term Assessments. These papers can be found by clicking the below link:
This spreadsheet will allow teachers to better understand which pupils are doing well/ need further support/intervention.
The spreadsheet also allows teachers to quickly print off an A3 version of the spreadsheet which can be used for Pupil Progress meetings etc.
Simply enter the scored they got in the papers.
The formula should then automatically total the scores. The scores then link to following:
Emerging, Developing, Secure or Mastered.
The above can be altered based on the school’s criteria. Likewise, the formulas can be edited should you wish to play around with the boundaries.
Thank you for looking :)

White Rose Maths Year 1 - Block 3 - Geometry: Shapes - 101 Slides
Based on White Rose Hub.
These slides go through the small steps as suggested through The White Rose Hub.
This Resource took a long time to create.
Please, please take your time to leave feedback. If there are any corrections to make, I will make them as soon as is possible
I will hopefully create more in the future if the consensus is that the resource is useful.
Thank you!

Multiplication and division week
Easy to follow slides.
Please leave a review. Any comments appreciated. I will try and edit if needed.
Thank you

Year 6 SATs Reasoning Papers 2 & 3 Revision PowerPoint
SATs Reasoning Papers 2&3 papers have been created for my class as a revision tool.
These are based on the exact papers sat by the Year 6 students in previous years. I have attempted to make the PowerPoint more interesting than the actual papers themselves by including slides on Krispy Cremes, cars etc.
Please leave feedback
Paper 1 coming soon!
I have uploaded these in the hope that it may help out any fellow Year 6 teachers. Any suggestions/feedback is welcome.