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Primary Toolkit

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Lots of resources aimed at Primary age children. I am a Maths Subject Leader and have taught all these lessons myself!




Lots of resources aimed at Primary age children. I am a Maths Subject Leader and have taught all these lessons myself!
Visual Lesson Plan for SEN

Visual Lesson Plan for SEN

This is a great sheet that can be used to break down lessons into easy to manage chunks. By writing down what is expected First, Next, Then, After and Last with short timings, children find lessons much easier to manage and can therefore achieve more. I have also included a reward section. This could be changed but is useful for children who find it particularly difficult to take part in a whole lesson.
Year 3 Perimeter Problem Solving

Year 3 Perimeter Problem Solving

A lesson for year 3 based on solving perimeter problems. This lesson builds on a knowledge of regular 2D shapes and shows a variety of different problems. The slides require you to begin by modeling problem solving before the children work independently. Finally, there is a ‘Chilli Challenge’ that can be supplemented with work that you feel suits the needs of your class based on AfL. I usually do fluency practice with children working towards the expected standard, varied fluency with children working at the expected standard and ensure my greater depth children are doing problem solving.
Number bonds to 10 and 20 game

Number bonds to 10 and 20 game

Each set of cards comes in yellow and orange. The idea is to pick one yellow card and then find its matching number bond. This is mainly a KS1 activity. However, I did use it with a year 4 class as a refresher activity and they loved it!
Comparing Features of India and the UK

Comparing Features of India and the UK

A carroll diagram to compare human and physical features of India and the UK. Included are a selection of images for both the UK and India for children to cut out and stick into the correct part of the worksheet.
Value Assembly

Value Assembly

An assembly looking at Value. Initially, there is discussion over what items are valuable to us and why. Then an explanation of how some things have sentimental value, others are priceless. Finally, there is a part on how Jesus values us all and links to quotes from the Bible.
Introducing Time KS2

Introducing Time KS2

A selection of worksheets to use when beginning time in KS2. This looks at how to tell the time in analogue and digital. It also looks at converting between the 12 and 24hr clocks. This is two lessons worth that I taught to Year 4. One of the lessons I was observed OUTSTANDING on.
All About Me Shield

All About Me Shield

Template for creating a 'Family Shield' all about yourself! Perfect for transition to create a display ready for your new class.
Investors in Pupils Target Progress Sheet

Investors in Pupils Target Progress Sheet

A great sheet where each child chooses a target relating to the 5 areas of Investors in Pupils (classroom management, induction, behaviour, attendance, learning). Each week they discuss their target with a buddy and decide if they have achieved it.
Good to be Green Class Target Display

Good to be Green Class Target Display

Good to be Green is a fantastic behaviour management resource. I have created this display header in which you can write a whole class behaviour target. This is a good way of creating a whole class focus.
Pen Licenses DIsplay Poster

Pen Licenses DIsplay Poster

Edit for your own class name, laminate and stick on the wall! When a child is ready to use a pen for writing, they can write their name on. A great tool to encourage handwriting skills through positive reinforcement.
Star of the Week Winner

Star of the Week Winner

If you use star of the week/day or something similar then show off your winner! I laminated this award and it gets attached to the back of the chair of the weekly/daily winner!
Making Musical Instruments

Making Musical Instruments

As part of a 'carnival' themed creative arts week we made our own musical instruments. We based them on sounds from Samba. The children needed to bring in recyclable materials in order to make them and it took a full day! However, the results were excellent!
Class Dojo Reward Resources

Class Dojo Reward Resources

Class Dojo is a free reward scheme based on points that children love! They can create their own monster character. I have created some certificates that my 'Top Monsters' receive at the end of each week. I have also created a wall chart to record daily whole class points totals and the weekly top monsters. There is also a label for a box of 'Dojo Tokens'. These can be handed out if you are not currently on the dojo site or app and the children can cash them in later. A fantastic behaviour management resource!
Talk Partner Peer Assessment

Talk Partner Peer Assessment

Every week the children in my class are paired with a different talk partner. At the end of the week I give everyone this sheet to assess how effective they thought their talk partner was. It is excellent to encourage the children to work better in partners and think about the quality of their dialogue and interaction.
Story Opening Prompts

Story Opening Prompts

These are 3 images that the children can choose from. They work well to spark their imaginations for story openings, with a focus on setting description. My year 5's enjoyed deciding upon their character in the image and developing their thoughts and feelings.
Inventions Game

Inventions Game

I used this 'top trump' presentation to model how to make a top trump card for a victorian invention. I provided factsheets for around 20 different inventions and blank versions of the card. The children had to rate their invention out of 10 for impact it had on daily life, accessibility a working class victorian had to it, the year it was made (the earlier the better), do we use it now and ingenuity of the design.\n\nThe children made one each and we played as a class.