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Transforming Education

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I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.




I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.
Presentation on Coastal Systems and Landscapes (A Level AQA Geography)

Presentation on Coastal Systems and Landscapes (A Level AQA Geography)

Comprehensive Presentation Covering: Natural Systems, Sources Of Energy At The Coast, Sources Of Sediment, Sediment Cells And Budgets, Sediment Cell Diagram, Weathering, Mass Movement, Marine Processes- Erosion, Marine Processes- Transportation, Marine Processes- Deposition, Sea Level Change, Landforms Caused by Changing Sea Level, Contemporary Sea Level Change, Coastal Management, Sustainable Integrated Approaches, Case Study Holderness and Case Study Odisha, India.
Revision Notes on Hot Desert Systems and Landscapes (A Level AQA Geography)

Revision Notes on Hot Desert Systems and Landscapes (A Level AQA Geography)

Comprehensive Notes Covering: Deserts as Natural Systems, Systems and Processes, Arid Landscapes, Desertification, What are the Impacts of Desertification? What are Dryland Ecosystems? Why are dryland ecosystems so vulnerable to over-exploitation and inappropriate land use? and Desertification and Food Insecurity Case Studies.
Presentation on Coastal Landscapes (A Level WJEC/ Eduqas Geography)

Presentation on Coastal Landscapes (A Level WJEC/ Eduqas Geography)

Comprehensive Presentation Covering: Holistic Management – ICZM Schemes, Policy Decisions, Odisha ICZM, Making Complex Judgments, Coastal Management, Sustainable Management, Consequences Of Coastal Recession And Flooding, The Threat Of Rapid Coastal Retreat At Holderness, Causes Of Cliff Retreat, The Influence Of Sub-Aerial Processes On Coastal Erosion And Temporal Variation, The Risk Of Coastal Flooding, Storm Surges, Northern Europe Storm Surge 2013, Climate Change And Flood Risk, Sea Level Change, Coastal Features Produced By Sea Level Change, The Risk Of Contemporary Sea Level Change, Subaerial Processes I - Weathering, Subaerial Processes II – Mass Movement, Sediment Transport, Depositional Landforms, Depositional Landforms II, The Sediment Cell Concept, Waves, Waves II, The Contribution Of Waves, Erosion Processes, Erosional Landforms, The Impact Of Lithology On Cliff Recession, Differential Erosion, Stabilisation, Lithology Influences The Formation Of Certain Coasts, The Influence of Lithology, The Littoral Zone, Types Of Coast and Sediment Supply.
Revision Notes on Tectonic Processes and Hazards (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Revision Notes on Tectonic Processes and Hazards (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Comprehensive Revision Notes that Cover: Francis Bacon 1620, Robert Mallet 1870s, Alfred Wegner 1911, 1948 Ewing, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Palaeomagnetic Evidence, Ocean / Continental Divergence, Oceanic / Oceanic Convergence, Continental / Continental Collision, Constructive Margins, Conservative Margins, Deep Sea Trenches, Rift Valleys, Hotspots, Volcanoes, Extrusive Landforms, Intrusive Landforms, Primary Effects of a Volcanic Eruption, Secondary Effects, 2010 Eruption of Eyjafjallajökul Impact, Mount Etna 13th July 2001 Impact, Nevado Del Ruiz Eruption 1985, Haiti 2010 Earthquake, Northridge USA 1994, Tsunami, Effects, Short Term Responses and Long Term Responses.
Revision Notes on The Water Cycle and Water Insecurity (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Revision Notes on The Water Cycle and Water Insecurity (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Comprehensive Revision Notes that Cover: Physical Factors Affecting Water Supply, Water Sources, Fresh Water is a Finite Resource, Water Stress, Human Impacts On Water Availability, Access to Water, The Water Poverty Index, Water Geopolitics, Trends In Water Demand, Three Alternative Futures, Water Players And Decision Makers, Responses To Rising Demand and Water Technology.
Presentation on Population and The Environment (A Level AQA Geography)

Presentation on Population and The Environment (A Level AQA Geography)

Comprehensive Presentation Covering: Demographic transition: how the rate of growth changes over time, Demographic Transition, The Components of Population Change, Factors Affecting Population Change, The Population and Resources Relationship, Who Was Right? Over, Under and Optimum Population, Definitions, How can resources be defined and classified? Definitions, Classification by Source and How changes in technology and society may result in changes in the definition of resources?
Revision Notes on the Population and The Environment (A Level AQA Geography)

Revision Notes on the Population and The Environment (A Level AQA Geography)

Comprehensive Revision Notes Covering: Global Population, Physical Factors Affecting Population, Food Production and Consumption, Agricultural Productivity and Systems, Polar Climates, Tropical Climates, Climate Change, Soil Functions, Classification, Zonal Soils – Latosols, Soil Water Erosion, Soil Solutions, Major Soil Issues, Structural Deterioration, Increasing Food Security, Health, Morbidity Patterns, Epidemiological Transition – Changing Mortality Patterns, Geography of Disease - Topography, Climate, Air, Water, Biologically Transmitted Disease Case Study – Malaria - Physical, Socio-Economic, Impacts, Management/Mitigation, Non-Communicable Disease Case Study – Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) - Physical, Socio-Economic, Impacts, Management /Mitigation, Role of International Agencies - Successes, Criticism, Role of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), Health in Knowsley (Local Area – Physical/Socio-Economic Factors - Physical/Built Environment, Socio-Economic, Attitudes Experiences, Natural Population Change - Demographic Transition Model, Cultural Controls, Population Pyramids, Demographic Dividend, International Migration, Population Ecology, Population Ecology Key Terms, Ecological Footprint, Positive Feedback, Negative Feedback, Population Growth Theories - Malthus, Neo-Malthusians, Ester Boserup, Julian Simon, Health Impacts of Environmental Change - Ozone Depletion, Rising Temperatures, Agricultural Productivity, Food Production and Nutritional Standards, Prospects for Global Population, Change in Distribution, Conflicting Views, Consensus Views, Future Population-Environment Relationship, Climate Change, Destruction of Natural Habitats, Water Supplies, Soil Erosion, Meat Production, Population Change/Migration Case Study – Poland/UK, Impacts on Poland and Impacts of UK.