KS2 Classification - Using Classification keys
A lesson for Y5/6 Biology, looking at classification keys
I have made the PowerPoint myself, but used resources from other educators who have given permission for their resources to be shared.
Here is a link to the Google slides, if you chose Google over PowerPoint
Energy from food - Burning food writing frame
A writing frame for students who have difficulty setting out an investigation, or keeping up with written work during an investigation.
Investigation - Which food provides the most energy? Burning food to heat water
KS2 Classification - Kingdoms
A lesson on how Linnaeus developed Aristotle’s classification system, naming kingdoms and dividing the anaimal kingdoms into sub groups.
There is a Google slide version of the PP here, please make your own copy.
I am a secondary trained Physics teacher, but have been asked to teach KS2 Biology this year. I have found it quite a challenge! I hope this can support someone who is feeling as overwhelmed as I was.
KS3 Reproduction - Knowledge Organiser
KS3 Reproduction - Knowledge Organiser
Testing for Vitamin C
An investigation to find out which fruit of vegetable juice has the most vitamin C.
PowerPoint and resources are aimed at lower ability groups.
Science Careers - Where Can Science Take me?
A research task for pupils to find out more about potential Science careers. Includes a peer marking sheet and a teacher assessment sheet.
Investigation Skills - Does the amount of borax affect the viscosity of silly putty?
Students investigate how the amount of borax affects the viscosity of silly putty. Can be kept as a simple KS3 investigation, or linked to C1 AQA polymers.
Investigation skills - Rates of Reaction with Rhubarb
Students investigate how surface area affect rates of reaction, with rhubarb
Balanced Diet - Food tests on McDonald's
After teaching a lesson on the 7 food groups, students use food tests to conclude whether or not McDonald's provides a balanced diet. I buy a big Mac to test. Then watch a short clip on the Supersize documentary and analyse the symptoms of a high fat/high sugar diet; physical and mental. There is also opportunity to evaluate the food tests as methods of identifying nutritional content.
I would recommend setting up the food tests as a circus of activities. I have two circuses on the go, so 8 stations. However, this would depend on your lab layout and your class.
Graph Marking Sheet
A checklist to use when drawing graphs, or a resource for self-assessment/peer assessment of graphs
Enzymes and Absorption - Carbohydrate breakdown assessed question
Pupils use keywords to describe and explain how a large carbohydrate molecule is absorbed. They then use the pupil-friendly mark scheme to self or peer assess. 11 marks for Scientific content and 4 marks for spelling and grammar.
Investigate - How can we find out if a claim is true
Encourages pupils to consider the reliability of information, and not to just take headlines as fact. Many young people 'share' stories on Facebook and Twitter, without considering the source of information and the reliability of the research.
After discussion, pupils design their own investigation to test if a claim is true.
Science revision website evaluation
Provides pupils an opportunity to review the various GCSE revision websites available and conclude which is most suitable for them.