All resources

Make your own board game
Series of lessons on creating personalised board games.
Great for Art, DT or form.

Worry monsters
Looking at feelings of worry and ways to help with feelings of worry.
A practical lesson where children draw their own worry monsters ( scribble with highlighters) and write their worry in the scribble monster.
A video of a story book with questions included.

Art/Tech Cover lesson - Buckethat
Using Memphis Style design to create their own patterns onto a buckethat

Behaviour management
A great start of year behaviour management lesson.
Ideal for year 7 or 8, setting high expectations and promoting respect within the classroom.
Tailored towards D.T but can be easily adjusted.

ACCESS FM/ Specification lesson 2.
Year 8/9 bucket hat specification lesson with example.
Lesson 2. 90’s bucket hat project

90's Bucket Hat - Lesson1.
Self- directed 90’s bucket- hat project.
Set up as a digital booklet but can be adapted or shown as traditional power-point.
Lesson 1.
Students introduced to brief, mood board research page on bucket- hat styles.
Lessons to be added as I go…

Year 9 textiles- 90's moodboard lesson.3
Lesson 3. 90’s bucket hat project
Creating a moodboard with example