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Algebra - Powerpoint: Formula, Expressions, Equations and Identities
6 slide powerpoint, with teacher notes, detailing the differences between formulas, expressions, equations and identities. The slides contain examples and ways to distinguish between them. Useful for ages 11-16.

Algebra - Sequences: Last Man Standing Activity
Questions include next number in the sequence, finding the 100th term given the nth term and is a number in a sequence. Get the class to stand up, show them the question on the board and get them to decide which answer they are going for. Any wrong answers sit down but continue to participate. Repeat this until you have a winner. 8 decisions in total to work out. A bit of fun for the end of a topic.

Number - Fraction of Amount: Last Man Standing Activity
Get the class to stand up, show them the question on the board and get them to decide which answer they are going for. Any wrong answers sit down but continue to participate. Repeat this until you have a winner. 6 decisions in total so 12 amounts to work out. A bit of fun for the end of a topic.

Algebra - Powerpoint: Substitution Questions with Answers
7 slide powerpoint with questions and answers. Mainly aimed at squaring and cubing with negatives. Does go onto slightly harder expressions. Good activity to do just before quadratic graphs.

Algebra - Powerpoint: Multiplying and Dividing Expressions
Powerpoint explaining how to multiply and divide algebraic expressions. Includes plenty of questions with answers. Very clear and uncluttered slides. Useful for ages 11-16.

Algebra - Mini Assessment: Changing the Subject
Mini Assessment for changing the subject. Includes 7 questions of varying difficulty. Great for exit ticket or starter to recap prior learning. Useful for ages 11-16

Graphs - Finding C
The topic covered is learning how to find c in y=mx+c after you have the gradient. There are both algebraic and graphical questions. This worksheet promotes independent thinking. It gets progressively harder, ending with finding the equation of the line between two coordinates. This worksheet should take around 50 mins depending on ability. Answers included.

Graphs - Perpendicular Line Discovery/Indepedent task
This lesson requires either computers or ipads! This resource is a whole lesson worksheet that uses a geogebra tool found here https://nrich.maths.org/5610. The resource promotes independent learning/discovery of the relationship between the equations of perpendicular lines. It will take around 50mins depending on ability. Comes with answers.

Algebra - Card Sort: Formula, Expressions, Equations and Identities
This is a great hands on resource that is aimed to help notice the difference between formulas, expressions, equations and identities. It is a card sort so therefore requires a bit of cutting prep. Could be used for ages 11-16

Cosine Rule Powerpoint
This powerpoint includes full notes and worked examples with animated slides. It also includes activities for students that can be printed off. All questions have answers attached. The topic is cosine rule (both finding sides and angles) aimed at GCSE students.

5 Year 9 Maths tests (2 EOY), Topics in the descriptions (May be more suitable for Year 10)
The unit tests are in word so you can edit them.
Topics included:
Standard Form
Straight Line Graphs
Simultaneous Equations
Data Handling
Recurring Decimals
Factorising Inc Quadratics
Algebraic Fractions Including Solving Equations
Compound Measures
Graphical Inequalities
Circle Theorems
There are 5 tests in total (3 x 48mins long and 2 x 1 hour). Well designed to be accessible for all ability levels. All markschemes included.