All resources
Price Elasticity of Demand
Colourful. Engaging. Informative. This PowerPoint has been creating to introduce students to the concept of price elasticity of demand.
Included in this PowerPoint:
A detailed and colourful title page, highlighting the skills that will be covered over the duration of this topic
A starter activity where students need to rank in order which goods / services would be most to least affected by a change in price
Discussion points
Slides detailing how price elasticity of demand is calculated, with an example
Slides explaining what the numerical values mean (how to interpret them)
Calculation questions with answers
Explanation of the factors affecting price elasticity of demand
This resource took me one hour to go through as a class
Globalisation / Introduction to International Marketing
Using MCDONALD’S TSUKIMI BURGER, Tesco’s failure to succeed in the US, Apple’s failure to succeed in India, and many others, this PowerPoint seeks to explore the reasons why businesses wish to sell in international markets, the challenges and constraints.
Included in this PowerPoint:
A detailed title page, outlining the key skills covered in this topic
A recap on moving averages with answers. This topic is included in some syllabi earlier in the marketing unit but can be deleted if not required
A starter activity introducing the concept of globalisation where students need to match McDonalds products based on the country whey are sold
(demonstrating how products need to be adapted based on the market they are targeting). Answers are provided
An explanation of reasons why businesses choose to sell products in overseas markets
A contextualised example for each reason
Detailed explanations as to each of the reasons why how marketing activities need to change depending on which country goods are being sold
Video 1: Reasons why Tesco failed in US (poor marketing)
Video 2: Reasons why Apple failed in India (poor marketing)
Introduction to some of the factors that make trade between countries easier
This lesson took me an hour and a half to go through.
Fraud and Identify Theft
This is designed as a follow on lesson to my previous financial education lesson on advertising, media and peer pressure but can be taught as a standalone lesson.
Including in this lesson:
Guess the question starter activity
Explanations of types of fraud, such as phishing and vishing
Activities with answers
Marketing Objectives
A colourful and engaging resource on Marketing Objectives.
Included in this presentation;
A colourful and informative title slide outlining learning objectives. This slide includes animations
A Catchphrase starter activity where students guess the name of a business or product fro a range of picture clues
A recap fill the blanks starter activity that tests what student have learned about marketing so far (PowerPoint slide can be printed for students and answer key included)
Explanation of aims, objectives and mission statements
Match the mission statement activity
Detailed and contextualised notes on marketing strategy, SMART objectives
There are 35 slides in total and this lesson took me an hour to complete
Economic Growth / GDP PPT AND Worksheet
This resource provides a comprehensive overview of how GDP is used to measure economic growth. Included in this resource:
A colourful and engaging title slide with learning objectives, animations, auto date, timer and bell
Recap starter activity on basic economic vocabulary (tile reveal activity). Answers included.
Detailed explanations of economic growth, GDP, GDP per capita, real GDP, total GDP, GPD value and volume, and GNI
Activities with answers for most of them (guess the price inflation activity for real GDP, GDP inflater activity - both with answers)
Detailed notes
Contextualised examples
Worksheet with tasks linked to PPT content. Activities include past paper questions, calculation activities and a ranking of nominal GDP task
This presentation and worksheet took roughly two hours to complete with my students.
Comparative and Absolute Advantage
This is a complete lesson on comparative and absolute advantage.
The presentation explains both step by step and includes a range of games, activities and questions throughout.
There are also a couple of past paper questions with answers at the back.
A key term editable starter activity is included at the start.
Engaging and colourful throughout.
This presentation contains 45 slides and took me an hour and a half to go through with my students
Purchasing Power Parity (Economics)
Colourful, engaging and informative lesson on PPP. Resource includes:
Colourful title slide with timer, learning objectives, animations and auto date
Editable recap starter activity on GDP / Economics growth
Step by step guidance as to what PPP through a range of activities relating to currency and exchange rates
A number of games and activities included, with answers
Sample PPP questions
There is a simple worksheet included
Business Ownership
An 89 slide, detailed PowerPoint presentation on forms of business ownership. This presentation goes into detail about:
The public sector
The private sector
Limited Companies
Not-for-profit organisations
This presentation includes a number of editable recap activities (decision tree, guess the question, etc)
Colourful, interactive with animations throughout.
This presentation took me 3 hours to complete with my students
Balance of Payments
Full lesson on balance of payments:
Purpose of balance of payments
Explanation of different sections
Causes of surpluses and deficits
Consequences of global trade imbalances
Links to deficits and surpluses to other macroeconomic objectives
133 slides in total
Colourful, contextualised, lots of activities with examples, animations
This resources lasted a week of lessons
Marketing Mix - Place
Included in this presentation:
A fun Catchphrase starter activity (my students love this!)
A recap activity on cost-based pricing strategies with answers (feel free to remove or skip if you are you to cover this)
Notes and examples on the different methods of distribution
Notes on the pros and cons of each method of distribution
Notes on the importance of selecting the most appropriate method of distribution
Capacity and Capacity Utilisation
A 52 slide presentation detailing capacity and capacity utilisation.
This presentation includes:
A depreciation starter activity
Introductory activity on the concept of capacity
Examples of capacity utilisation in different contexts
Calculation activity
Activity demonstrating hoe capacity utilisation impacts costs / average costs
Detailed notes throughout
This lesson took me an hour to go through.
Rational Decision Making
This resource is a 17 slide PowerPoint that explains the concept or rational decision making.
Included in the presentation:
A colourful and informative title slide that outlines the learning objectives
An engaging and interactive online ‘vortex’ starter activity. Students need to match which key term links with which of four topics. Activity is self marked and instructions are included
Explanations of how rational decision making is a principle of neo-classical economics
Contextualised examples of how customers don’t always act rationally (Nudge Theory, Third Decoy, Dopamine, FOMO)
Explanation as to why consumers may not act rationally
This resource took me 30 minutes to complete
Market Share
This presentation includes:
A colourful title slide with learning objectives and clickable timer to give students a minute and a half to get down the title
Detailed notes providing explanations of markets, market growth, calculation of market share, how market share increases as well as the benefits of high market share
3 mini activities; 1 - Calculating market share, 2 - Which markets are growing and shrinking in size 3 - Which business is the market leader in 4 different industries
This lesson took me 30 minutes to go through with my students
Terms of Trade
This colourful and informative resource is fully comprehensive, and includes a number of tasks that test learning that do not require any marking from the teacher.
A detailed and colourful title screen, outlining the learning objectives and including an interactive timer and picture animations
A ‘guess the question’ starter activity with answers that tests understanding of earlier macroeconomic content
A quiz on UK imports and exports
Detailed explanation of ‘weighted indexes’ with questions and answer scheme included
Past exam question with mark scheme on terms of trade
Link to a video reviewing terms of trade and index numbers
Detailed explanations of factors affecting terms of trade and Prebisch-Singer hypothesis
8 mark question with mark scheme
Homework tasks, including a link to a Teams Quiz with 17 questions on terms of trade. Questions are self-marked when students respond
All resources took me 3 lessons to go through
Critical Path Analysis
Included in this resource is a detailed, colourful, engaging and informative presentation on critical path analysis. I have broken this topic down in easy to understand sections as students often find it very challenging.
The PowerPoint contains:
A detailed and colourful title slide that includes all learning objectives
A fill the blanks recap starter activity on ratio analysis / financial statement. All answers are included.
An explanation of what project management is and its importance. Contextualised examples of projects applicable to critical path are included
**A hyperlink to a great video **of Apple’s new HQ is included. It shows the scale of the project, cost and time taken
An activity where students learn the importance of completing activities simultaneously to save time rather than a sequence
A step by step breakdown over 10 slides on what a network diagram is, what the values and characters mean, and how to work out EST, LFT, critical path.
5 network diagrams ranging in difficulty all with answers provided
Detailed notes and activities on float times
Notes on the advantages and disadvantages of critical path as well as how to evaluate the usefulness of critical path analysis as a planning tool
A separate supplementary worksheet is included in this resource with all of the activities included in the PowerPoint. These can be printed for students. All answer are in the presentation.
Animations have been used throughout to make this as engaging for students as possible
The presentation contains 52 slides and took me two and a half hours to go through with students.
Costs (Economics) - TFC, AFC, TVC, AVC, AC, TC, MC
A 125 slide complete lesson on short-run economic costs. The presentation inlcudes:
Colourful and interactive title slide with timer, animations and learning objectives
Editable key term recap starter activity
Detailed, step by step explanations of each cost (diagram and calculation)
Printable slides with activities for students (answers included)
Past exam questions (with answers)
This lesson took me three hours to complete with my students.
Economics as a Social Science (Lesson + Worksheet)
This PowerPoint presentation and worksheet has designed based on the Edexcel A Level Specification but can be applied to any exam board.
The PowerPoint includes:
Detailed and colourful title page with animations, auto calendar date, gifs and timer
Starter activity that test students’ understanding of economic terminology they should be familiar with in the news
Detailed explanation of what economics is
Challenging assumption activity
Detail notes
All answers included
The worksheet has 4 activities:
Match important key terms relating to this lesson
Challenge the assumption activity
Micro or macro scenario
UK economy trivia
Human Development Index
A lesson that explains what HDI, how it measured and other measured of development.
Explanations, editable starter activities and videos included
Allocative Efficiency (Economics)
Arguably the trickiest of the efficiencies students need to understand.
This presentation has been designed to break this efficiency down and explain it step by step.
Productive and dynamic efficiency also recapped in a starter activity.
Lots of activities included in the presentation.
Last few slides go through exam technique for 8-markers (Edexcel) with a sample question and model answer