This resource is highly engaging for KS2/Second Level learners. This scheme of work comprises of six lessons, each focusing on one of six Moving Image Education features:
I would advise using the ‘Sound’ lesson first and then watching the film the whole way through before using the other resources.
This lesson is designed to give a fresh stimulus for writing reviews with upper KS2/Second Level. Learners loved listening to the songs, deciding which to focus on and looking at the examples provided.
Writing a song review PPT slides
Teacher example (WAGOLL) based on Shallow
Word doc template with success criteria/target assessment grid
Role play cards to print (and laminate) to use with toy phones. Great for number recognition/matching and imaginative play. Includes popular characters including Marvel superheroes, cartoons and dolls. PDF and editable Powerpoint available so you can change them or add your own! Pictures and phone numbers for school staff could also be added! Cards would be best printed 2 to an A4 page.
Printable (real photo) symbol cards with foods and drinks to support choice making at snack time or lunch time or to support cooking activities. These symbol cards have real photo and text and have blank sheets for adding your own. PDF and editable Powerpoint available. These also come with large Boardmaker visuals for ‘days of the week’ and ‘snack’ if you wanted to make a display/menu/choice board. Current font is Comic Sans but could be easily edited.
This resoucre can be used to support an outdoor learning activity/lesson on Minibeasts. There is a Boardmaker symbol to support each item which needs to be found. Print to landscape A4 cardstock/paper and cut out the centre circle to create a viewing window and then laminate.
Visuals for elements of a morning routine - unpacking bag and getting ready to enter the classroom. Inculdes visual for ‘finished’.
Laminate and attach to velcro strip for removal as each part of the routine is completed.
This resoucre can be used to support an indoor or outdoor scavenger hunt. There is a Boardmaker symbol to support each item which needs to be found. Print to landscape A4 cardstock/paper and cut out the centre circle to create a viewing window and then laminate.
Two pages of PDF - one for indoor, one for outdoor
This resource is aimed to challenge learners to create their own higher order questions about a text they have read. I have included the non-fiction text I included as an example, but this could easily be swapped and edited out of the slides.
Editable visual resource to be used as a daily emotions/mental health/wellbeing check in for KS2/CFE Second Level learners.
I printed and laminated this on A4 and created a ‘ladder’. Learners then used a peg with their name on it to indicate how they are feeling upon entering and exiting the classroom. This could also be used by adding strips of velcro so names can be attached and moved accordingly.
This resoucre can be used to support an outdoor learning activity/lesson on flower and plants. There is a Boardmaker symbol to support each item which needs to be found. Print to landscape A4 cardstock/paper and cut out the centre circle to create a viewing window and then laminate.
Coin multiplication template sheet. 4 full coin cards (including 200) and room for question at the top. Editable learning intention and success criteria included.
4 different categories (each with 6 Boardmaker symbols/items).
Print to A4 and cut out individual symbols - sort into categories.
Optionally lamintae and use velcro to make a more robust resource.