Salejowebb66Retrieval Practice(0)Seven retrieval practice activities - simply edit to suit your own needs
Salejowebb66Active citizen in school(0)KS3 lesson that looks at how to be an active citizen in school.
Salejowebb66Role of the police(0)KS3 lesson looking at the role of the police in the UK. Complete citizenship lesson.
Salejowebb66British Values(0)KS3 lesson that introduces the Fundamental British Values. Complete lesson.
Salejowebb66Respect and relationships(0)KS3 lesson looking at respect in relationships. Complete lesson.
Salejowebb66Changes we go through(0)KS3 lesson looking at changes they will experience over the coming years. Complete lesson.
Salejowebb66Exercise and healthy eating(0)KS3 lesson looking at the importance of exercise and eating healthy. Complete lesson.
Salejowebb66Importance of sleep(0)KS3 lesson looking at why sleep is important and how to avoid distractions that keep us awake.
Salejowebb66Five Pillars of Islam introduction(0)Introduction to the Five Pillars of Islam and a focus on Shahadah. Complete lesson.
Salejowebb66Sawm - Fasting during Ramadan(0)KS3 lesson focusing on Sawm during the month of Ramadan. Complete lesson.