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Miss Edwards's Shop

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Experience from Nursery through to Year 6. Just uploading resources I have made throughout my career to help make other workloads a little lighter! Work smarter, not harder.

Experience from Nursery through to Year 6. Just uploading resources I have made throughout my career to help make other workloads a little lighter! Work smarter, not harder.
Plan a Party Maths Investigation

Plan a Party Maths Investigation

This is a maths investigation that includes: Challenge sheet with explanation of investigation Menus from different countries Problems to solve - which DJ is cheaper? Problems to solve - which decorations are cheaper? Used in Year 5 - suitable for HA year 4 or Year 6.
Fast Fashion Topic Plan (Curriculum for Wales)

Fast Fashion Topic Plan (Curriculum for Wales)

Whole topic planning based around the big question: Can we create planet friendly fashion? All AoLEs covered with What Matter statements and Progression Step 2 skill included. Tasks given for Literacy, Cymraeg, Science, Humanities (x2), Expressive Arts (Art and Music task). This was created for Years3/4 but can be easily adapted for Year 1/2 and 5/6. It is aimed for Progression Step 2 but there is one Progression Step 3 in there. This topic was completed over 6 weeks.
Suspense Writing Lesson

Suspense Writing Lesson

I used this for a lesson observation for a job where I had to get them to do suspense writing. This is a very useful resource for those of you in Wales as it includes incidental Welsh throughout and has links to the new curriculum. Useful resources even if you aren’t in Wales and can be amended to not include the welsh aspects. This resource includes: Lesson plan including highlighting cross curriculuar links Powerpoint Differentiated activity sheets Success criteria QR codes for resources they may need during the lesson
Christmas Quiz

Christmas Quiz

Christmas Quiz powerpoint (editable) including answers in notes section. Picture round not included but can just be removed or you can create your own. Quiz answer sheet included!
Climate Change Campaign Project

Climate Change Campaign Project

I used these resources to create a climate change ‘campaign’ with my class. With cross curricular numeracy links. Year 5 Climate (also suitable for Year 4 and 6) Includes: Project front cover with list of activities to complete Logo and Slogan examples ppt Analysing quotes activity Video comprehension activity (including QR code) Environment research booklet Fundraiser Maths Challenge (year 5/6) The Paris Agreement activity Word bank Who is Greta Thunberg information with video link List of relevant youtube video links
Google Slides - building virtual classroom elements

Google Slides - building virtual classroom elements

Wanting to create your own ‘virtual classroom’ using bitmojis like you’re seeing everywhere at the moment but can’t find any elements to include? This has everything in one place for you to copy and paste into your own google slides to create a lovely and engaging resource to teach from. There are various pages with multiple images on each one: backgrounds rugs frames chairs sofas plants boards shelves shelving units lamps and lightings banners and bunting seating such as beanbags etc extras such as cushions, hand sanitiser bottles, bins etc. plus a lot lot more! This is merely a link to an open google slides - if you don’t want to run the risk of someone changing the slides, I’d recommend making a copy so that you have your own version that no one can interfere with.
Bear Hunt Science Investigation

Bear Hunt Science Investigation

A good science investigation - which shoes would be the best to wear for our own bear hunt? We tested the shoes on grass, water, ice and mud. As this is aimed for younger children there are different ways you could approach the sheet: Reception - fill in as a class Year 1 - fill in in groups Year 2 - fill in individually Children will say what they think about each shoe whether they will work in each different situation (my children said that they think the slippers would get soggy in the water and the sandals would mean your toes get cold in the snow etc.) They can then predict which ones they think will be best. And finally they can say if their prediction was right and what happened.
End of Year Activity

End of Year Activity

Most likely to… Have a bit of fun with your class at the end of the year and have them vote for who they think is most likely to become: A doctor A youtube sensation a dance superstar and much more
Podcasts for kids (links)

Podcasts for kids (links)

Google slides created with links to 20 different child friendly podcasts. There is also a link to a website where you can create your own podcasts and upload them to spotify! You can change my bitmoji to make it your own. When you download it will take you to my google slides - I’d suggest making a copy so that you can edit and use at your own will without others interfering.
Climate Change Statistics Activity

Climate Change Statistics Activity

Numeracy across the curriculum. If you are looking at climate change and would like children to analyse data and statistics associated with climate change - 2020. Year 5/6 resource: Line Graph Bar Graph Pie Chart Questions included.
The Enchanted Wood - Saucepan Man's Silly Songs

The Enchanted Wood - Saucepan Man's Silly Songs

A writing task created for my Year 1/2 class. Perfect as a one off lesson or as part of exploring the novel itself. Children can write their own ‘nonsense’ song. There is a chance to explore rhyming through this lesson, as the second and last line rhyme, however this is not essential. PDF A4 page. with black and white illustration for children to colour at the bottom. The characters also have speech bubbles which are taken directly from the story. There is also a word bank of words that rhyme with ‘ho’ to aid children with the writing.
6, 7, 8

6, 7, 8

Reception / Year 1 resource. Children will circle the different representations of the numbers 6, 7 and 8.