Finding fake number bonds to ten reasoning activity.
Finding fake number bonds to ten reasoning activity.
Year 1 First unit White Rose Assessment
A short assessment for the first unit of place value in year 1 of the White Rose scheme.
Greater than, Less than Reasoning lesson
Reasoning lesson sorting statements involving the greater and less than signs into true and false. Includes activity, plan and presentation.
Phase 5 Week 1 Planning and resources
Planning and resources for phase 5 week 1. Includes the sounds ay, ie, ea, ou.
Changes over time planning - Royal Family
Changes over time planning focusing on changes in time between the time of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth the second. Includes; transport, clothes, toys and writing letters to the Queen and celebrating the royal wedding. Planned for a year 1 class.
U-E E-E AND O-E split digraphs
A week’s planning and smart notebook for the ‘u-e’ ‘e-e’ and ‘o-e’ split digraph.
Multiplication by repeated addition
Four worksheets to help pupils develop an initial understanding of multiplication by repeated addition.
Finding half of a shape
Differentiated worksheets for children to find and shade half of a range of shapes.
Finding half an amount of money
A simple introduction to finding half of an amount of money. Differentiated with coins up to a 20p piece.
Year 1 Summer Block 1 Multiplication and Division Three week plan
Three weeks of planning for multiplication and division for year 1.
Year 1 Summer Block 1 Multiplication and Division Planning and resources for Week 1
Year 1 Summer Block 1 Multiplication and Division Planning and resources for Week 1 .
Sharing Money Equally
Differentiated worksheet in which children find the total of a small amount of coins and find how much each person when this amount is shared equally plus a reasoning challenge,
The Jolly Pocket Postman Two Week Plan
A two week plan based on the book The Jolly Pocket Postman by Janet and Alan Ahlberg. Most suited to KS1.
Money bingo cards
Money bingo cards for identification of coins.
Differentiated number sequences worksheets most suitable for year 1 or 2.
Number bonds using money
Finding change from 10 and 20p to consolidate number bond knowledge. Children really enjoyed this as I also placed some of the products on the page and we used real money!
Time matching cards
Matching clocks with their digital equivalent. Used as snap cards.
Column Addition: Adding two amounts on receipts
Activity where children add two amounts using decimals on receipts. Helps to make maths seem more useful for children!
Fairy Tale D.T. Planning
7 weeks of D.T, planning based in the theme of Fairy Tales. Children to make Red Riding Hood Character Puppets, Little Pig Houses and Gingerbread men. Most suited to KS1.
Living Things and Their Habitats 7 week plan
KS1 Living Things and their Habitats 7 week plan. Covers; living, dead and never alive; the life cycle of a frog and how living things are suited to their habitat.