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Introduction to 3D Shape Powerpoint

Introduction to 3D Shape Powerpoint

This is a powerpoint to be used as an introduction or revision of 3D Shapes such as cubes, cuboids, spheres, cylinders etc. It can be used on the interactive whiteboard to lead the lesson and is set up so children can perform practical activities in between slides. It includes learning intentions. It also introduces the idea of describing shapes with words such as faces and edges.
All About Me Coordinates

All About Me Coordinates

A great first day back activity or a fab introduction to coordinates! Pupil hides 10 facts about themselves as pictures in the grid and on writes the matching statement on the otherside. For example, at A1 you will find my favourite food and on that point would be a picture of a pizza!
French Storybook Project

French Storybook Project

Instructions for a storybook activity to recap on french family unit. Pupils must create characters and plot for a book in french. Group work.
The First Christmas (Comic Strip Worksheet)

The First Christmas (Comic Strip Worksheet)

After reading the story of the first Christmas, I got the children to recount the story in comic strip form to assess their understanding. Can be used with younger children as a story and sentence activity or in greater depth higher up the school.
Lunar Mission!

Lunar Mission!

This is a powerpoint about Moon Buggies to accompany a space topic. It discusses the surface of the moon and how to describe it then the children must decide what kind of vehicle would be suitable for travel on the moon. There are picture examples of moon buggies and then the children must complete a task to make a moon buggy. We made buggies from K'nex and tested it on a playdough moon surface!
Guess Who?

Guess Who?

Getting to know you activity! Guess who by reading the clues in turn! Cut the slits on the first sheet, then stick the 2 together so you can fold the clues over to reveal them!
Journalist Skills -  Carousel Activities

Journalist Skills - Carousel Activities

Four activities which can be used and adapted for any stage to enhance newspaper writing skills. I used these in carousel format with my class but could be used as individual teaching activities for a lesson. The four activities are: Questioning Headlines Note-taking Fact versus Opinion (Cards to accompany from Twinkl or own can be made up)
Vivaldi Spring Listening Activity

Vivaldi Spring Listening Activity

Note taking worksheet for class to listen to Vivaldi’s spring and identify features including instruments, rhythm and dynamics for further discussion and comparison.
Roll An Easter Egg Dice Game

Roll An Easter Egg Dice Game

3 eggs to fill and colour using the dice. Each egg has 6 parts so roll the dice, look at which colour that number is and choose a part of your egg to colour! (The background counts as 1 part in eggs 1 and 3!)
Chinese New Year Stem Challenge

Chinese New Year Stem Challenge

Create a dragon themed marble run instructional slide. Includes instructions and extension challenges. (Suggested materials - paper, card and tape)
Active Literacy Stations

Active Literacy Stations

Active Literacy stations for Middle/Upper stages practising speech marks, spelling, contractions and dictionary skills.
Building Materials Powerpoint

Building Materials Powerpoint

Powerpoint showing different types of building materials and why they are used for different things. Houses and Homes. Wood, brick, concrete, glass.
Connectives Stations

Connectives Stations

Five carousel activity cards for practising connectives! Connective chains Connective butterflies Connective board game (twinkl linked) Connective construction Connective wheel of fortune (twinkl linked)
Toothed Whales handout

Toothed Whales handout

Handout on toothed whales, fill in the gaps, cloze exercise, underwater creatures, ocean, sea and the seashore.
Leaning Tower of Pisa Experiment

Leaning Tower of Pisa Experiment

Children in groups create a 'leaning tower' from any sort of materials, art straws, sellotape, newspaper etc. They gradually tilt the base of their completed item whilst measuring the angle with a protractor. They keep tilting until the tower collapses! There is a planning sheet and there is an accompanying results sheet. Angles, Europe, Italy, Towers, Building, Maths.