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Mrs W's Shop

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I provide resources I have used myself. They are mainly aimed at UPKS2 as I am based in Year 5, however many can be easily updated to suit the needs of a vast range of children.




I provide resources I have used myself. They are mainly aimed at UPKS2 as I am based in Year 5, however many can be easily updated to suit the needs of a vast range of children.
Assessment for times tables with answer grid.

Assessment for times tables with answer grid.

This resource allows the teacher to test the children's understanding of times tables each week. The numbers are out of order, ensuring children are able to apply their known times table facts. The children write the times table they are focusing on at the top and record the answers in each box. Children who score well are moved on to the next times table, therefore meaning I have also included an answer sheet so that the children can assess their own learning. This makes it manageable if every child is learning a different times table simultaneously. Can be laminated and used week after week.
Times Table (multiplication) games. A complete set!

Times Table (multiplication) games. A complete set!

This is a fantastic set of resources for practicing times tables. They are great for quick activities at the start of lessons or in quick maths slots. The children will role two dice and add the digits together. They will then multiply this by a given times table and place a O or X on the corresponding square. The aim of the game is to get 4 in a row. Children are able to block each other if they happen to role the number required. Game can be played in twos, however alternative versions are possible such as three in a row with three or four children using a different colour pen each. An excellent, fun way to revise times tables!
FUN Times table card game.

FUN Times table card game.

A great resource for those spare five minutes at the end of a lesson or as a starter task. Children have a selection of playing cards, half with a sum (such as 2x3) and half with an answer (6). The children spread them out face down and select two at random. If they make a pair, they get to keep them. Player with the most number of cards wins. This pack contains all the times tables from 2-9. Best laminated if intending to use multiple times.
Maths Mastery four operations.

Maths Mastery four operations.

This is a resource to assess learning and greater depth understanding of the four operations. There are eight numerical questions (two of each operation) and two written greater depth worded problems. Differentiated three ways (Higher, Middle and Lower). Aimed at upper KS2 although may also be suitable for higher sets in Year 4.
Library challenges (could be a display or for a lesson).

Library challenges (could be a display or for a lesson).

This is a set of 12 different challenges which ask the children to locate a book in the library based on a certain criteria. Great as a display or can be used as a lesson to help the children fully explore the books on offer. I have used this on a visit to a local library and in our school library. Both have worked great. If needed, children can record the name and author of the book they have found onto the back of each card and even draw a sketch of the book.
Fantastic shared/guided reading/comprehension game.

Fantastic shared/guided reading/comprehension game.

This is an excellent way to engage children in a reading/comprehension lesson. Each child has one of each card (can be laminated back to back to use again and again). The teacher (or another child) will make a claim about the text. For example: In this chapter, Harry and Ron dislike each other. The children must then take a minute to decide if this is true or not. If it IS true, the children will hold up their cards with the agreement side showing. If it IS NOT true, they will show the objection side. The teacher will then select a child at random (could use random name generator or lollipop sticks with names on etc.) to discuss which card they are showing and why. Opens up a great discussion as children will often disagree and can they debate their suggestions. Make it very clear to the children from the beginning that your decision MUST be backed up by evidence from the text and cannot be speculation. This has had great feedback in observations etc.
Marine4511 (literacy shed) Role on the wall.

Marine4511 (literacy shed) Role on the wall.

This is a great activity to begin developing a good understanding of the character. It can be used in many different ways, but the most basic is the children recording the characters emotions and feelings inside the character outline and his appearance and attributes on the outside. It could also be used to explore for/against arguments and what he did vs what he wanted to do etc. A great little resource. Please note: I do not own the rights to Marine4511, this is a fantastic video which can be found on the literacy shed alongside many other valuable resources. I have simply created a resource to use alongside this video.
How to spot an edited image computing lesson IWB.

How to spot an edited image computing lesson IWB.

This is an IWB with multiple edited images. The children discuss in talk partners each image. What has been changed? Why? Does it look better or worse? The IWB poses some questions to the children to discuss. After the IWB, children will take their own photos of each other and edit them in different ways. Children can then print these and annotate with the changes made and their effectiveness. Some could be funny, like removing an arm, and others more serious.
Fairtrade chocolate bar lesson including production chain.

Fairtrade chocolate bar lesson including production chain.

This lesson examines the amount of money everyone in the production chain receives for the sale of a £1 bar of chocolate. The children view the IWB and look at the different roles involved in production such as farmers, cocoa buyers etc. The children then have a blank chocolate bar. They will cut this bar to represent how much they believe each person SHOULD get after listening to their roles in the production chain. You will then reveal how much they actually earn. This creates an excellent shock factor for the children as they usually believe the farmers should get a high amount only to find out it is virtually nothing. Children then have another blank chocolate bar and this time cut them up to show what they actually get. Compare the two and discuss this is why we have Fairtrade. A fantastic lesson!
Near addition and subtraction mental maths board game.

Near addition and subtraction mental maths board game.

This is a board game to help the children practice the mental math skill of adding and subtracting near amounts. For example 23+29 = 23 + 30 - 1. Children can play in pairs or groups using a counter and dice to move around the board. If a question is correctly answered, they can remain on that square. If it is incorrect, they must go back to their current square. Other players in the group are responsible for checking each players answer.
Fantastic real-life Maths easily differentiated Tesco, Morrisons, Asda.

Fantastic real-life Maths easily differentiated Tesco, Morrisons, Asda.

These are fantastic resources to teach maths in a real life way. Each page has five different shopping items from three different supermarkets. They can be used to compare the cost of items at different shops, find out how much more shopping would cost at one supermarket than another, calculate percentages or fractions if there were discounts at each shop etc. I have used these for many different lessons and the children always love it. It is even better if you can stick them on the walls and allow the children to walk around and find different items. I have left them blank so that differentiated prices can be added to suit the needs of your children.
Romeo and Juliet Story mountain.

Romeo and Juliet Story mountain.

The story of Romeo and Juliet written in note form as story mountain. A great resource for children to turn into their own story. I have used this with gifted and talented intervention groups and whole classes and it is always a hit.