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Learn and Burn
Play scripts

Play scripts

These resources will help to start ideas about reading and writing play scripts. They include a planning format for a whole play, a model for beginning a play script from a known text and a poster with the features of a play script and related issues. Children can have fun with improvisation of a dramatic event, film the scenes and look at it to rehearse and analyze what they will write. Re film and show to present work to others.
Non-Chronological reports

Non-Chronological reports

This is a series of resources for learning about non-Chronological reports. It includes, texts for reading and analysis, Charts to aid planning and analysis, notes, labels and poster, and features of NC texts. They can all be adjusted to suit age groups and abilities. Notes can be used by children to practice writing texts, and then they could research and write their own NC report.
Biography planning and text

Biography planning and text

This is a set of planning frames, for a variety of biographies about a selection of people from past times. The biography text can be used to analyse, deconstruct or extend, to allow children to recognise the structure and sequence of a biography text. The planning frame can be used to allow the children to research information using a variety of sources, so that they can them write a biography text.
Personal recount

Personal recount

A plan and short text to whet the appetite for personal events, that are ofter richer than fiction. Children will not be short of stories to share about things that have happened to them, and they can turn them into exciting and intriguing yarns!! Maybe the class can make a book with illustrations, photographs of other paraphernalia.
ART action plan

ART action plan

This is a working document to highlight and pinpoint what needs to be done , analysed and provided for the Art topics for the Primary school year. What is needed in one area, will also affect other aspects of the provision. It is helpful to coordinate that whole vision for the immediate future and ensure excellent provision of Art skills and concepts.
Design sheet   Evaluation sheet

Design sheet Evaluation sheet

These DT proformas can be used and adapted to suit any DT topic. They provide a structure for children to think about the processes and order of the stages when constructing an item. Practice in evaluating procedures is also formatted to think about the positive and negative aspect of what the children have made.
River Art project

River Art project

This series of lessons has some resources for use over a three or four week period. It includes a mapping document; a four week overview; a three week planning sequence; a powerpoint of Art work produced and some pupils self-assessment remarks... Everything is flexible and is not meant to be a definitive pattern. It is best if children can work as independently as possible and learn the skills they need, as they themselves see the need. Mrs. Sides has got to like it....
Art Curriculum map.

Art Curriculum map.

This document seeks to extend the subject of Art into the greater and more prominent place in the Primary curriculum, where it belongs. It uses the NC units of work, which are not bad, and includes other aspects of learning. This plan promotes the learning of aspects of Art, so that children can increase involvement, decisions and creativity, which will them impact on the whole range of the learning experience.
William Morris

William Morris

This power point show the work of a group of children from two classes who studied William Morris and the Arts and Crafts movement in a four days project. We considered wallpaper, fabric designs and printing repeating patterns. We also looked at how the Victorians used decoration and patterns on surfaces, including china ware. We designed and made our own individual sketchbook to show our ideas and design objectives, and to present the cultural thinking at the time of the Victorians.
Reading and writing instruction texts

Reading and writing instruction texts

This is a collection of outlays for various aspects of learning about instruction texts. They can be modified to suit the child and once children have learned the skills, they can research and write their own instruction text, based on their own interests. As with other concepts, there are aspects that can be changed and there is always room for choice, for example, using bullet points, or numbering.
Art curriculum map for Early years

Art curriculum map for Early years

This resource is a prompt sheet or a map to encourage use of all Art areas in the Early years. It helps to include the many aspects of Art and give the opportunity for young children to experience a range of medium and media.
Aztec ART

Aztec ART

This set includes a power point of Aztec Art produced by Primary School children. It shows a range of outcomes- weaving, drawing, clay modelling and printing. There is one planning sheet from a lesson on this topic.
Explanitory texts

Explanitory texts

This selection includes an explanatory text about how a torch works, pictures of torches, features poster, vocabulary poster and a planning frame. This could be used as a starting point for a unit of work, to show the order and progression of how to write a text. Children should be able to then research, take notes, discuss, plan and write their own text and be able to present it in an interesting way to others. There is a selection of photographs, but ideally children should be able to use their own.
Natural Disasters

Natural Disasters

This unit of work lasted 4 week, or a whole day every week. It includes an overall map of the activities and a set of planning for the four weeks. The power point shows what we did and how it all came together at the end in a large display and a collection of handmade books. This unusual topic title, brought up some good opportunities to talk about tragedy through the Artworks, and the effect of design on the daily lives of us as humans.
Yes/No diagrams ICT

Yes/No diagrams ICT

These are 2 worksheets for children to practice branching databases and 2 models for teachers to rehearse with them, before of after a lesson. They can be adapted to suit topic work and can be included in any subject area. Children could decide about Yes or No answers, or decide about what questions to ask. Success is achieved when children can make up their own branching database with increasing complexity.