Year 1 English Unit: The Storm Whale
This unit includes
PowerPoint lessons x 12
(95 slides)
Activities & Resources
Scaffolds & Challenges
Printable WALTS
Think, Say, Write, Check visuals
Writing checklist
Writing template
WALT: Understand that text, illustration and other features combine to give meaning
WALT: Make simple inferences
WALT: Use new vocabulary
WALT: Write in full sentences
WALT: Identify statements, questions, exclamation and commands
WALT: Punctuate sentences
WALT: Use the –ed suffix
WALT: Use expanded noun phrases
WALT: Plan to write a story
WALT: Write a story
Chunk 1, 2, 3
WALT: Write a story
Chunk 4, 5, 6
WALT: Edit our work
WALT: Write in best
Year 1 English Unit: Picture Stories
Picture stories for Year 1: This approach to early writing allows young writers to develop their sentence writing skills and ability to write a sequence of short simple sentences. Through the process of ‘think, say, write, check’, children form sequences of sentences. Teaching should focus on using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.
This unit includes:
PowerPoint lessons x7
Printable WALTS
Writing Checklist
Think, Say, Write, Check visuals
Year 1 Mini Science Unit: Trees
This unit includes:
PowerPoint lessons x3
(27 slides)
Memory training starters
Scaffolds & Challenges
Activities, tasks & resources
Knowledge slides (display materials)
Printable WALTS
Fact files
WALT: Identify and name a variety of different trees
WALT: Label parts of a tree
WALT: Compare evergreen and deciduous trees
Year 1 Mini Science Unit: Plants
This unit includes:
PowerPoint lessons x3
(25 slides)
Memory training starters
Scaffolds & Challenges
Activities, tasks & resources
Knowledge slides (display materials)
Printable WALTS
Word mats
WALT: Identify and name a variety of garden plants
WALT: Identify and name a variety of wild plants
WALT: Label parts of a flower
Year 1 Science Unit: Plants
This unit includes:
PowerPoint lessons x6
(50 slides)
Memory training starters
Scaffolds & Challenges
Activities, tasks & resources
Knowledge slides (display materials)
Printable WALTS
Word mats & Fact files
WALT: Identify and name a variety of garden plants
WALT: Identify and name a variety of wild plants
WALT: Label parts of a flower
WALT: Identify and name a variety of different trees
WALT: Label parts of a tree
WALT: Compare evergreen and deciduous trees
Year 1 English Unit: The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
PowerPoint lessons x8
Activities & Resources
Scaffolds & Challenges
Printable WALTS
Writing Template
WALT: Understand that illustrations and other features give meaning
WALT: Retell a story in order
WALT: Pretend to be a character
WALT: Read and spell words with the ‘ing’ suffix
WALT: WALT: Join sentences with ‘and’
WALT: WALT: Use capital letters
WALT: Plan to write a story
WALT: Write a story
WALT: Review and edit work
Year 1 Science Unit: Animals including humans
This unit includes:
PowerPoint lessons x5 (66 slides)
Memory training starters
Scaffolds and challenges
Activities, experiments & resources
Knowledge slides (display materials)
WALT: Identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
WALT: Describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals
WALT: Identify, name and sort animals that are herbivores, carnivores and omnivores
WALT: Group animals according to what they eat
WALT: Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body
WALT: Say which part of the body is associated with each sense
Year 1 English Unit: Mrs Mole I’m Home!
PowerPoint Lessons x12
Activities & Resources
Scaffolds & Challenges
Printable WALTS
Writing Template
WALT: Use capital letters and full stops
WALT: Join two sentences with ‘and’
WALT: Explain clearly my understanding of what I have read
WALT: Predict what might happen next
WALT: Read and write words with contractions
WALT: Explain clearly my feelings about a story
WALT: Retell a story using time adverbials
WALT: Write in the role of a character
WALT: Punctuate sentences
WALT: Plan to write a story
WALT: Write a story
WALT: Review and edit work
Year 1 English Unit: Prince Cinders
PowerPoint Lessons x10
Scaffolds & Challenges
Activities & Resources
Printable WALTS
WALT: Predict events and make inferences
WALT: Make inferences about a character
WALT: Sequence events
WALT: Explore vocabulary in a text
WALT: Act out events
WALT: Understand proper nouns
WALT: Retell a story
WALT: Plan a 4-part story
WALT: Generate ideas for writing
WALT: Write a sequence of sentences
Year 1 History: Toys from the Past (Unit of Work & Display Materials)
PowerPoint lessons x6
Memory Training Starters
Activities & Resources
Scaffolds & Challenges
Printable WALTS
Display Materials:
Printable slides (Can be copied A4 or A3 and laminated)
All about Italy - European Languages Day
PowerPoint Lesson x1
Explore: Italy, famous places & food
Weblink & Photos
Writing Task
Scaffold & Challenge
Activities & Resources
Colouring in Pages
Year 1 History: Toys from the Past - Display Materials
To make this display:
Print the labels and information pages (Can be copied A4 or A3 & laminated)
Use strip paper or boarder to form the timeline
KS1 DT: Food - Where do fruits and vegetables come from?
WALT: Understand where a range of fruit and vegetables come from
I know what a product is
I know that products have a user
PowerPoint lesson x1
Memory training starter
Activity & Resources
Scaffold & Challenge