I am an experienced Primary school teacher with over twenty years experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have made and used all of the interactive topic based lesson plans, power-points and resources in this shop with my classes. I hope you enjoy using them with your classes too.
I am an experienced Primary school teacher with over twenty years experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have made and used all of the interactive topic based lesson plans, power-points and resources in this shop with my classes. I hope you enjoy using them with your classes too.
Diwali KS1 and KS2 Assembly.
A simply written whole school assembly to cover the main aspects of Diwali which can be used in the days preceding or on 1st November.
Power-point of 25 slides which include:
Suggested music (links to Diwali Festival Song for pupils to sing-a-long and Anuradha Pal playing Tabla drum to celebrate Diwali fireworks) and hymns.
Date of Diwali each year.
Meaning of Diwali and the theme of good over evil/light over dark.
Diwali preparations and celebrations.
The story of Rama and Sita.
A short prayer.
Florence Nightingale KS1 complete lesson(s) pp of 49 slides and worksheets. Slides 2-6 begin with a 3-clue riddle for the pupils to solve; Slides 7-8 are learning objectives and a class poll; 9-15 focus on hospitals; 15-37 focus on Florence’s life with supporting worksheets and opportunities for paired talk. Slide 38 - a link to Youtube showing the children how to make a lantern; Slide 39 - a link to a clip about Florence’s life (13 mins);40-46 Hygiene and hand washing and a leaflet activity; 47-49 Florence’s life and a fact sheet for pupil use.
Can be used as a one-off lesson or developed into 2-3 lessons using all of the worksheets and activities. Useful to link to topics on ‘Keeping healthy’, ‘People who help us’, ‘Famous people’, ‘Victorians’.
Learning objectives
To recognise a photograph of Florence Nightingale and explain her job.
To describe what hospitals were like during the Crimea War before Florence Nightingale’s visit.
To explain the changes Florence made to hospitals and caring for the soldiers.
To explain how Florence’s work in the Crimea has changed how nurses work today.
Playscript template
KS1 & 2Playscript planning template. A resource for pupils to use to plan their own playscript. Includes a bullet point reminder of the rules for writing a play and spaces for pupils to develop character description, setting and plan the structure of their story.
Great to use following an playscript writing lesson or drama. Can also be used with topics : Setting the stage, performances, Shakespeare.
Fantasy Adventure story template
KS1 & 2 fantast adventure story planning template. A resource for pupils to use to plan their own fantasy writing. Includes a bullet point reminder of the rules for writing fantasy adventure stories and spaces for pupils to develop character description, setting and plan the structure of their story.
Great to use following an fantasy adventure writing lesson or drama. Can also be used with topics : fairytales, space, imaginary worlds.
Mystery story template
KS1 & 2 Mystery story planning template. A resource for pupils to use to plan their own mystery writing. Includes a bullet point reminder of the rules for writing mystery stories and spaces for pupils to develop character description, setting and plan the structure of their story.
Great to use following an writing lesson or drama. Can also be used with a range of topics : Seasonal mysteries, Explorers, Different countries, Travel, Halloween.
Wassily Kandinsky complete Art lesson for Primary pupils.
Learning objectives
• To learn about the work of the artist Wassily Kandinsky.
• To look at shapes, colour and lines in Kandinsky’s artwork and talk about what they might represent.
• To understand an example of abstract art.
• To experience the link between art and sounds when creating my own artwork.
• To create my own composition using shape, colour and lines and explain my work to my partner.
The lesson includes brief information about Kandinsky’s life and how he painted using examples of his paintings and a simple explanation of abstract art. There are opportunities for pupils to work in paired tasks to discuss abstract composition and emotional interpretation.
Art task includes: 12 squared-grid (included) for drawing Kandinsky style concentric circles. Pupils are encouraged to collect recycled plastic lids or bottle tops for a group task to make a large collaborative Kandinsky circle picture. There is a short-paired task to reinforce primary and secondary colour mixing and a Primary colours ‘design’ activity (worksheet). There is also an opportunity for the class to use a range of materials (pastels, chalk, paint, crayon) to create their own abstract piece inspired by music (own or teacher’s choice) with an evaluation sheet for their finished masterpiece!
This lesson can be edited and used as suitable for your class and time or space constraints. Can be a stand-alone lesson or linked to topics such as Colour, Famous people/Artists, Abstract Art, Famous paintings, Feelings and Emotions.
Features of seaside towns: Set of 2 KS2/3 power-point Geography lessons.
Each lesson is broken into short focused activities. There are opportunities for pupils to recall prior learning, watch a youtube clip (hyperlink), and identify geographical features. Each set of slides contain images to help pupils ‘get a feel’ for the geography of the seaside. Includes 5 pupil worksheets, paired activities, short written tasks.
Great to link with cross curricular topic such as Maps and Plans, Seaside, Holidays, All about me, Local Study.
Lesson 1
Learning objectives
I can identify and describe physical features in the environment.
I can identify and describe human features in the environment.
I can identify and describe the geographical features of the seaside.
I can use key vocabulary to describe the seaside features for example:
body of water coastline harbour pier landform.
I can apply my knowledge when talking about Scarborough.
Lesson 2
Learning objectives
I can explain how land is used in a seaside town.
I can describe how seaside towns attract tourists.
I can explain the difference between seasonal and non-seasonal jobs at the seaside.
I can use key vocabulary to describe the three types of jobs people have for example:
primary jobs secondary jobs tertiary jobs.
I can use my knowledge of a seaside town to explain some of the problems that are caused by tourism.
KS1 and 2 Bread and grains complete ppt lesson.
Learning Objectives:
To name the grains used to make bread.
To name other foods which are made with grains.
To explain when the growing cycle begins and ends.
To understand what a farmer does to make sure grains get from the earth to our tables.
To sequence the stages of making bread.
The slides include photographs of grains, bread and farming. At specific points there are short paired talk activities and simple activities with worksheets for key point.
There are 2 video links – flour production and making bread plus a research worksheet for different bread descriptions. There is a homework research task to interview family members about their views on bread.
Links with Cross curricular topics of ‘Seasons’, ‘Autumn’, ‘Food’, ‘Farms’, ‘Food production’ and ‘Harvest’.
Volcanoes: Series of 5 KS2 power-point Geography lessons.
Each lesson is broken into short focused activities. There are opportunities for pupils to talk about volcanoes, take notes from a YouTube clip, look up geographical vocabulary in a dictionary, watch short clips of volcanoes in action including recent volcanic eruptions in Iceland and the Roman eruption of Vesuvius, compare composite and shield volcanoes, use maps and atlases to locate decade volcanoes and tectonic plates. The final 2 lessons of the series are a research task to investigate their own volcano. There is an extension activity to write a short True/False quiz which could be used as an assessment activity at the end of the unit. Each set of slides contains images to help pupils ‘get a feel’ for volcanoes and their locations.
Links with cross curricular topics such as ‘Earth’, ‘Disasters’, ‘Weather’, ‘Extreme events’, ‘Our Planet’, ‘Fire’.
Lesson 1
(Pupil worksheet 1: Label cross section of volcano, Worksheet 2: Viscosity experiment, Worksheet 3: Compare composite and shield volcanoes)
Learning Objectives
To recognise the features of volcanoes by their formation and shape.
To explain the differences and similarities between volcanoes.
To locate volcanoes on a map and identify countries where volcanoes are located.
To understand why volcanoes erupt and the effects of a volcanic eruption.
To know the names and locations of well- known volcanoes in the world.
Lesson 2
(Pupil worksheet 4: Order the stages of an eruption)
Learning objectives
To explain how a volcanic eruption happens in my own words.
To use key vocabulary and understand their meaning.
To label a diagram of a volcano correctly.
To know what tectonic plates and fault lines are.
How tectonic movement causes volcanoes.
Lesson 3
(Pupil worksheet 5: Effects of volcanic eruptions)
Learning Objectives
To explain the positive and negative effects of a volcanic eruption.
To know the definitions of the geographical terms ‘active ‘and ‘dormant’.
To understand how volcanoes are monitored.
To know how prediction and planning are used to keep people safe.
Lesson 4 and Lesson 5
(Pupil worksheet 6: Decade volcanoes mapwork, Worksheet 7: Research worksheet PLUS 18 volcano fact cards, Worksheet 8: Quiz questions template.
Learning objectives:
To research a well- known composite (stratovolcano) and a well- known shield volcano and its eruption.
To use the research template as a guide to make sure your research covers important information.
To use the information found to make an information booklet.
To add facts, data information, images and a quote to your booklet.
Brazil today: Series of 4 KS2 power-point Geography lessons.
Each lesson is broken into short focused activities. There are opportunities for pupils to recall prior learning, participate in a short quiz, take notes from a YouTube clip, scrutinise and compare population graphs and weather charts (included on slides), research native animals and use maps and atlases to locate Brazil’s key cities and geographical features. Each set of slides contain images to help pupils ‘get a feel’ for the geography of Brazil as well as simple cultural information such as greetings in Brazilian (Portuguese) at the beginning and end of lessons.
Great to link with cross curricular topics such as ‘South America’, ‘Rainforests’, ‘Weather’, ‘The Amazon’.
Lesson 1
Learning Objectives
I must find Brazil in my atlas.
I should recognise some of the features of Brazil.
I could describe where Brazil is in the world using geographical words.
Lesson 2
Learning objectives
I must be able to spot the main features of Brazil.
I should find and label the features on my map.
I could write a description about two features.
Lesson 3
Learning Objectives
To identify the different climate zones in Brazil.
To describe and explain the climate found in each zone. Geographical vocabulary (northern hemisphere, southern hemisphere, equator, Tropic Cancer/Capricorn).
To explain the temperature in different locations.
To interpret a climate data and temperature chart.
Lesson 4
Learning objectives:
I must explain the definition of the term ‘population’.
I should interpret the population table and suggest reasons for how the physical features affect where people live in Brazil.
I could compare population information and explain how the population has changed in Brazil over 50 years.
Roald Dahl Famous person fact sheet.
Includes key events and important stages in his life broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos.
I have used this with pupils in Years 1-6 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise.
Useful for topics: Roald Dahl, Roald Dahl Day (13th September), Fiction books, Famous people, Biographies, Topics based around a Roald Dahl book eg ‘The Witches’, ‘The BFG’.
This Autumn bundle has 10 worksheets for KS1 pupils:
Autumn acrostic poem templates. Autumn Acrostic poetry templates. Four blank templates with the headings Autumn, Scarecrow, Leaf and Farmer. Each poem has a corresponding word mat of Autumn words help pupils start a new line of their poem. The shorter poem templates can be used with younger or SEN pupils.
Autumn months sentence work and an Autumn label to decorate.
Fruit and vegetables. Matching to labels and saying where the vegetable grows (ground, tree, bush, hedge, field).
Autumn survey for an autumn walk
Autumn clothes ordering the clothes in the correct boxes (Autumn or Summer).
The journey of bread. Picture sequencing.
Grain foods. Listing food made from wheat, oats and corn (labelled image to help).
Breadmaking ordering the statements.
Hibernating animals. Dictionary definition work and cut and stick animals into categories.
Activity mat. Fun mat with jumbled autumn words, a maze, symmetrical drawing, wordsearch.
Useful to build into a lesson or for early finishers.
Pirate knowledge board game. For 2 players. KS1.
Learning Objective
To practise and remember important words (vocabulary) about Pirates.
To work with my partner to remember facts and information about pirate life.
To test my own knowledge.
Learning objective and rules included.
Pupils need a dice or a spinner and a counter each. This is a traditional style board game where the children work their way around a trail from start to finish answering the pirate general knowledge questions as they go. Correct answer wins 1 square forward, incorrect answer wins 1 square backwards.
The first person to reach the finish square is the Pirate Champion!
I laminated this game for durability and its increased size when I wanted to include up to 4 pupils in the game with an adult to support younger pupils.
Useful as an assessment activity or a fun way of developing knowledge in a Pirates topic.
Visual timetable cards. Set of 36 of the most commonly used classroom tasks and subjects with simple text and images. Includes individual cards for the 7 days of the week and cards for ‘afternoon’ and ‘morning’.
The words on the cards are: Lunch, swimming, wash hands, milk time, circle time, talk and share time, surprise time, Assembly, reading practise, writing practise, handwriting, dance, library, PE and games, outdoor learning, music, playtime, drama, Maths/numeracy, computing, RE, citizenship, learning a language, healthy living, growing things, school visit, topic work, phonics and spelling, baking, design technology, toilet, science, history, art, geography.
Useful to help children of most ages and abilities use a timeline to predict and prepare for the order of the daily activities.
Set of 60 (covering one term) ‘Five a Day’ maths challenges. Aimed at Y1 and some YR these challenges can be used as a simple daily warm up, a quick test, early finishers task or a small group task.
The challenges cover a range of simple number and shape space and measures and become more challenging as the children move through the 60 days. The exercises are presented in a similar way to help children to get used to what is asked of them in recorded format. The exercises include:
Counting in ones, twos and later in 5s and 10s.
More/less than.
Number lines and picture/number sequences.
Simple addition and subtraction to 10 then 20+.
Making sets and pairs.
Ordinal numbers. Positional vocabulary: before, after.
Length in cm
O clock and half past.
2D shapes: circle, square, rectangle.
Half and whole.
Simple tally graphs.
Creativity Bubbles.
Set of 3, one for each Key Stage, modified with statements which enable pupils to recognise when they are being creative in lessons. The statements are categorised under three headings: imagination, originality and evaluation.
Can be used by the teacher to measure pupil progress, peer to peer observation and self-assessment in creative learning.
I have used these in all Key Stages, initially asking children as a class which tasks could be identified as creative eg ‘I think of unusual ways of doing things’ in a PE lesson – pupils were able to give examples of travelling sequences using mats and small apparatus saying specifically how their moves were different or unusual to that of their peers.
Can be useful to use to prompt self and peer assessment in subjects which are not perceived as ‘creative’ by pupils eg Maths, Science, Geography.
KS1 Christmas SATs Maths Practise Booklet
I made this booklet based upon similar Year2 SATs questions but with a Christmas theme. It is targeted at Years 1 & 2 for practise in the areas below. There are 33 questions altogether in the booklet. Each topic has a learning objective for pupils to match against their targets. The questions are set out in a simple format with spaces for pupils to write answers and show workings and calculations. Christmas pictures are included alongside the questions which are practical and fun.
Answer sheet provided at the end of the booklet.
Page 1 Questions 1-3 Learning objective: I can count accurately and use numbers to 100.
Page 2
Questions 4-6 Learning objective: I can name one more or one less from a given number.
Page 3 Questions 7-9 Learning objective: I can order numbers.
Page 4 Questions 10-11 Learning objective: I can add and subtract.
Page 5 Questions 12-13 Learning objective: I can add and subtract.
Page 6 Questions 14-16 Learning objective: I can solve one and two step problems.
Page 7 Questions 17-19 Learning objective: I can add and subtract
Pages 8-10 Questions 19-25 Learning objective: I can use measures.
Page 11 Questions 26-27 Learning objective: I can recognise fractions in shapes.
Pages 12-14 Questions 27-33 Learning objective: I can multiply and divide to solve problems.
KS1 & 2 Ancient Romans. Set of 5 worksheets. Label the armour on the Roman soldier, Label the clothes on the Roman man, Label the armour on the gladiator (3 worksheets). 2 Ancient Roman alphabet (Latin) worksheets .
Total set of 5 worksheets: Three separate worksheets to enable pupils to match the clothing vocabulary to the correct part of the picture (soldier, gladiator and man in toga).
There are ten items of clothing to label on the gladiator and soldier worksheets and six parts to label on the Roman man. The vocabulary list is included on each worksheet for pupil use and there is an image of a soldier, gladiator and Roman man for pupils to colour.
There are 2 simple worksheets for pupils to use to translate common words into the 21 letters of the Latin alphabet. A simple translation grid is included.
Useful activities to assess pupil knowledge of key vocabulary at the end of a mini topic on Ancient Rome, The Roman Empire, Clothes through the ages, Ancient writing.
KS1 or lower ability KS2 powerpoint. Collective nouns interactive lesson of 17 slides. Each slide supports learning through images and practise examples. Pupils have the opportunity to talk, suggest ideas and create their own descriptions for collective nouns. The final image rounds off the lesson with a paired one minute teach it activity.
Pupil Council promise and set of membership cards. KS1 & 2. Ideal for newly elected pupil council members to sign up to their key values. Pupil Council ID card templates ready to cut out for pupils to complete and make into a badge, lanyard or credit card.