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Lismara's Shop

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A Head of English, Examiner my resources span 26 years of teaching.




A Head of English, Examiner my resources span 26 years of teaching.
Eduqas Paper 1 - Jamaica Inn Question paper and resources

Eduqas Paper 1 - Jamaica Inn Question paper and resources

An Eduqas style paper built around an old paper that has been adapted to fit the new spec. The resources included two detailed powerpoints that help students to annotate the text and frame the wording of their answers to address the questions 3 and 4
Narrative writing - openings and generating ideas

Narrative writing - openings and generating ideas

This is a very detailed scheme which should last a few weeks. It includes lots of creative writing ideas and exercises to encourage students with the narrative writing task. Although separate presentations will cover other aspects in more details such as character, plot, structure, this presentation covers creating conflict, ensuring your character grips the reader and exercising restraint with regards to the opening gambit of the plot. I also teach the AFA in Creative Writing and have taught the A level in this subject so have included lots of exercises for the budding writer.
A Level Dracula unit chapters 20 -27  contexts, themes, exemplars, lessons

A Level Dracula unit chapters 20 -27 contexts, themes, exemplars, lessons

This is the last of a set of presentations covering the whole of Dracula for teaching it to A level for the Edexcel spec. It includes questions, exemplars, contexts, themes and builds across a total of 169 slides (see my other 3 in the set. Also, please see my Dorian Gray unit produced in the same way and the comparative essay plans which I have put together as a bundle.
Measure for Measure essay plan on Religion

Measure for Measure essay plan on Religion

This presentation was made for the Edexcel English Literature spec and includes key ideas for an essay on how religion is presented in the play. It includes key quotations and critics and is available both as a pdf or a powerpoint.
Dorian Gray ch 11 & 12 A level analysis

Dorian Gray ch 11 & 12 A level analysis

A series of A Level lessons on Wilde’s ‘Dorian Gray’ including the quotations and analysis from the text, covering such themes as Influence/gothic/Art and Aesthetics/doubles, dopplegangers and splitting/hereditry/flowers, colour and decadence/ context/women and gender. Some of these themes may be in these first two chapters or may be in subsequent chapters (also uploaded) or you may purchase all together as a bundle.
AQA Love Through the Ages, section C, Gatsby and anthology essay skills

AQA Love Through the Ages, section C, Gatsby and anthology essay skills

This is a powerpoint designed to guide the students through the AOs and how to hit them. It is linked to the sample question paper, ‘Compare how the authors of two texts you have studied present ideas about barriers to love.’ It includes exemplar paragraphs, illustrating how the AOs are being tackled.
Dorian Gray Chapters 9 & 10 A Level analysis

Dorian Gray Chapters 9 & 10 A Level analysis

A series of A Level lessons on Wilde’s ‘Dorian Gray’ including the quotations and analysis from the text, covering such themes as Influence/gothic/Art and Aesthetics/doubles, dopplegangers and splitting/hereditry/flowers, colour and decadence/ context/women and gender. Some of these themes may be in these first two chapters or may be in subsequent chapters (also uploaded) or you may purchase all together as a bundle.
Dorian Gray chapters 5 & 6

Dorian Gray chapters 5 & 6

A series of lessons on Wilde’s ‘Dorian Gray’ including the quotations and analysis from the text, covering such themes as Influence/gothic/Art and Aesthetics/doubles, dopplegangers and splitting/hereditry/flowers, colour and decadence/ context/women and gender. Some of these themes may be in these first two chapters or may be in subsequent chapters (also uploaded) or you may purchase all together as a bundle.
An Inspector Calls Revision Flashcards

An Inspector Calls Revision Flashcards

6 Resources
This is a set of 6 revision flashcards on all the central characters of this play. They are organised in a format that provides not just key quotations but paragraph suggestions so that students are learning essay plans as well as quotations. They should cover all you need for these key characters.
AQA essay plans comparing The Great Gatsby to pre 1900 poems

AQA essay plans comparing The Great Gatsby to pre 1900 poems

8 Resources
A detailed collection of essay plans with either a powerpoint or pdf version, covering the comparison of The Great Gatsby and pre 1900 poems from the AQA English Literature specification. This includes context and ideas/close textual analysis for essay preparation on the theme of the following titles: BARRIERS TO LOVE INFIDELITY. DESIRE. IDEALISED LOVE. UNFULFILLED LONGING. POSSESSIVE LOVE HOW SOCIAL CONVENTIONS IMPEDE LOVE. PLUS A BONUS POWERPOINT ON ESSAY SKILLS
Eduqas Poetry anthology: detailed comparative lessons

Eduqas Poetry anthology: detailed comparative lessons

Everything you need for covering the teaching of the Eduqas poetry: this first presentation has lessons on Heaney, Wordsworth (comparing them on childhood) then Valentine and Cozy Apologia (comparing them on relationships - finally adding on Manhunt as a bridge between relationships and the next collection I do will look at the war/conflict poems. The slides cover questions on the poems, detailed analysis of the poems, plus modelled essay structures, plus essay charts and assessment titles. Slides include highlighted annotations and links to relevant videos. 65 slides
Eduqas Poetry anthology lessons on 9 of the anthology poems including context, analysis & assessment

Eduqas Poetry anthology lessons on 9 of the anthology poems including context, analysis & assessment

Everything you need to teach the following poems from the Eduqas poetry anthology for GCSE: Sonnet 43, She Walks in Beauty, London, Living Space, As Imperceptibly as Grief, Afternoons, Hawk Roosting, Ozymandias, To Autumn. This presentation includes 87 slides and covers both the context of each poem and a close anlaysis of each poem. There is also a sample exam question with scaffolded support on power in Living Space and London.
Eduqas GCSE poetry anthology 'War' collection

Eduqas GCSE poetry anthology 'War' collection

Everything you need to teach the ‘war’ poems from the GCSE Eduqas poetry anthology. 77 slides, include lessons on all of the following: Armitage, Sheers, Owen, Brooke, Hardy. Slides include close analysis of each poem, plus context and essays plans and structures to follow. I also have other resources on the other poems in the anthology and a bundle covering a full term’s work (with over 250 slides)
A Streetcar Named Desire - essay plan on the theme of masculinity

A Streetcar Named Desire - essay plan on the theme of masculinity

The slides are arranged with some just containing the quotations for students to ponder and build an argument around and other ‘teacher’ slides padded out with more notes and ideas. Suitable for any A level spec, the essay plan follows the structure of the following key ideas: Aggression and physical dominance - manifested in violence, in order to subjugate the women and preserve his authority. Male pride/ego Sexual desire - manifested in animalistic behaviour, suggesting masculine sexuality is base and primal
Key Stage 2 & 3 Prose study The Land of Neverendings

Key Stage 2 & 3 Prose study The Land of Neverendings

This is a brilliant book covering lots of thoughtful issues around friendship, grief and it is also utterly magical and enchanting. This unit of work contains over 170 slides covering comprehension skills, reading implicit meaning, punctuation, report writing, descriptive writing, speech writing to name a few. It was used for year 8 students but could be used for top primary as well as early secondary. Lots of consolidated work here, fun and enough to keep students busy for at least a term.